Showing posts with label Miniature Cyclamens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miniature Cyclamens. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March's Promise

Yesterday delivered a wet, sloppy snowfall.
The remnants of that icy mix remain on the ground.  

But my heart danced when I noticed 
the first spring-flowering bulbs blooming this morning.
The miniature cyclamens have awoken
from their protected sleep under the Japanese Maple tree.  

Winter in Michigan has not been
very cold or snow-covered this year.
None the less, everyone is anxiously awaiting
some color in the landscape.

 The cheery rose-colored petals of the cyclamens
signal that Spring is indeed on the way!

Until next time, live and love well.

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This forum reveals random thoughts and reflections on topics of interest and events impacting the life of the founder of Doll in the Looking Glass.  Our boutique specializes in custom designed dolls that look like your child. We also design toddler and baby dolls that look real using vinyl doll components manufactured in Midland, Michigan USA by Apple Valley Doll Works.  The goal of Doll in the Looking Glass is to delight our customers with our creations.  We would love to create a special doll for you!
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