While prepping for the arrival of my first grandchild, I have discovered that the world of infants has evolved greatly since my last go around...new parents are now instructed to have their infant sleep on it's back, and no bumpers nor stuffed toys allowed in their crib. The amount of baby equipment available can boggle one's mind. New to me is the Bumbo Seat, the Boppy Pillow and Boppy Lounger, specialized nursing cover-ups, the Noggin Nest Support, pacifiers specific for day or night time, baby monitors which now come with a video screen and three wheel strollers with speaker built in for your I-Pod, WOW.
For parents of little boys you have The Pee-Pee Tee-Pee. If you are a mother of a baby boy, no explanation is needed...new fads my come and go...
however, the one constant in a child's life that will never change is love...whether it be one's parents or grandparents the love you feel for a child or grandchild never wavers, it remains constant, no matter their age...
Little boys don't take baths, they just dust off.~Unknown.