The weather is not cooperating ( heavy rain), my chickens are not cooperating (feather pecking), but nonetheless we are hitting the road. A road trip adventure. DH, me and my parent's are heading South. Son #2 is in charge of Dog Trot Farm.
1,639 miles to DeFuniak Springs, Florida (the panhandle) is our first destination. Yup, it is cold there (long underwear packed) and yes they have experienced snow. But DeFuniak Springs is now the winter home of my brother and sister-in law. We don't travel for the warm weather, but to experience unsung adventures with family. The men folk will head out to aeronautic museums while we ladies take time to scour the area for antiques and who knows what else (there is a miniature donkey and goat farm nearby). We all have a sense of adventure, this time we shall remember the map (right Auntie Jo!)
Destination number two, Grant Alabama, 327 miles from DeFuniak Springs.
Eve (Sunny Side Up) left the cold tundra of upstate New York to relocate to Northern Alabama. I have envisioned sitting on her front porch sipping sweet tea and smelling the lovely fragrance from her many flower gardens.( I do hope the Dogwood trees are in bloom as they are a favorite of mine).Well, we just may be able to do that, however I can almost guarantee that I will be sporting my long underwear and will be sipping hot chocolate instead of sweet tea. Eve has experienced more snow in these last few weeks than we have here in the Northeast. Regardless, I can't wait to see Eve's lovely new home and tour the area she now calls home. A highlight of this leg of the trip is Evie is having a birthday, you see she is one of those pain in the butt leap year babies, but this is one of those "big" birthdays. I love you Evie (remember age is just a number and mine remains unlisted) and I won't give away any one's age, but it certainly has to be "big" if your sweet hubby buys you a big old "hog" to celebrate.
Dog Trot Farm will carry on in my absence. I need to let go and realize that my girl's are after all chickens and yes they can be replaced. Gulp, sigh. The girl's have led a very pampered existence and I hope they can survive two weeks without me. Henny Penny has been a perfect lady while residing inside. I took her out to the coop for a brief visit with her sisters and a proper stretch. I think she is thoroughly enjoying the five star treatment, and is now inquiring what is on the menu for dinner. Till tomorrow, the adventure never ends!
Dog Trot Farm will carry on in my absence. I need to let go and realize that my girl's are after all chickens and yes they can be replaced. Gulp, sigh. The girl's have led a very pampered existence and I hope they can survive two weeks without me. Henny Penny has been a perfect lady while residing inside. I took her out to the coop for a brief visit with her sisters and a proper stretch. I think she is thoroughly enjoying the five star treatment, and is now inquiring what is on the menu for dinner. Till tomorrow, the adventure never ends!