Friday, January 14, 2011


I am going to begin my post by name is Julie and I am an addict....a sugar addict that is. My love for anything sweet is beginning to become a problem.... my love for baking, with mindless and stressed induced eating (thank you Winslow Homer) is not helping this matter. My size ten jeans are becoming rather snug. I do own a pair of size twelve however, they have been relegated to the rear of the closet and I rather not let them see the light of day! This too is not helping....when the weather began turning cold my girlfriend invited me over for a mug of hot cocoa, I happily accepted. I walked in the door and there on the counter was a hot cocoa machine. After just one mug of this frothy cocoa I was hooked. I had never heard of this type of machine, but instantly knew I would be on the hunt for one. The brand was Mr. Coffee. I searched Amazon and they were completely sold out. I searched several stores in my area and discovered there was none to be found. However, on Tuesday I made my weekly trip to Goodwill and low and behold sitting on a shelf in the rear of the store a Back To Basics Cocoa~Latte machine. It was calling my name and just waiting for my little hands to grab her. The price $2.99! I took this baby home, ran the top portion through the dish washer and we were good to go. There is no other was to say hot cocoa from a cocoa machine is simply a divine indulgence.
It certainly is not helping my craving for sweets, but it sure tastes good while enduring a long cold winter's day. I do wish you were all here to share a mug with me, Winslow Homer would certainly enjoy your company. BTW If anyone has a tried and true method to aid in one's addition to sugar I sure would be ever so grateful to hear from you! Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Can you find us? Yes, all is well here at Dog Trot Farm. Winter's white out conditions have forced many to remain at home. Many businesses and schools are closed as the roads have become quite dangerous. I find it to be a perfect day for sitting by the fire.... pulling out a good book, seed catalog or an unfinished project. I have many of those. The girls are all snuggled in their coop and have enjoyed a morning breakfast of warm oatmeal and raisins. Winslow Homer is by the wood stove dreaming of summer days yet to come and Emma Lou remains tucked in her little bed. DH plows our driveway and I snow blow.... there are pros and cons to living so far of the main road and one of which is plowing. We however, would not have it any other way, I can not imagine living in a development. I would have to dress appropriately when visiting my girls first thing in the morning, I mean I have been know to hang laundry in my night gown and DH has been know to run out in his long johns when starting his car in the early morning hours. God forbid If one of us ever locked ourselves out of the house ....well, the snow is accumulating quite swiftly....with the heaviest snow forecast for this afternoon.
Winslow my little man....I think it's time to head in and enjoy a mug of hot cocoa.

Above are the newly painted shutters which are now in our downstairs bathroom. Yesterday while visiting Goodwill I spied this valance for $1.99. This was the perfect accessory to give a little "umph" to the bathroom. Well, those of you who are experiencing this storm please stay safe and to all have a great day.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Saturday found my husband and myself on a find a replacement for a butter dish that he accidentally dropped and which proceeded to smash to smithereens. This was the "backup" butter dish to my Currier and Ives dishes. The main butter dish he "offed" years ago....This is why I collect duplicates of certain items. My husband is what you would call "heavy handed." Now, when I first began collecting these dishes they were down right cheap....I found them for a "song and a dance" a dinner plate was $2.00 and I clearly recall the butter dish was $5.00. To date the dinner plate is now anywhere from $12.50-$22.00 dollars and the butter dish $45.00 dollars and up! By the information on this sign below you would have thought we scoured many countries looking for this allusive dish. Alas.... this famous sign is found in Western Maine. Our search however.... was a bust.... not a butter dish to be found....not on this day anyway. But I did find a great old chicken book.... tomorrow I will share it with you. We did however, see lots of turkeys....I have a fondness for turkeys....I think they are beautiful.... but very indecisive. You can never predict when and if one might end up on your windshield. Early in the Fall a group of turkeys gathered in my backyard. The turkeys slowly made their way over to the chicken coop and just stood by the girls' pen.... each group was eyeing one another. My girls and this flock of birds stopped what they were doing .... stood perfectly if sizing one another up.... then it was over....each went about their girls back to scratching the earth and the turkeys marching off into the woods.

I was given another crafted work of art from my dad.... this time a pine candle box....oh how I like getting these kinds of gifts. I painted the box a shade of mustard.... gave it a good sanding.... scuffed it up and applied a coat of Briwax. Turned out my liking that is. Here is the candle box all trimmed out in it's primitive finest.... a few candles, greens, crow and of course feathers....I can't wait to see what's next on my dad's woodworking project list....I am always a happy recipient of anything he crafts....If it's not perfect all the's Primitive. This pair of shutters I found for .50....
This afternoon I gave them a coat of fresh paint.... once dried
off to the bathroom window they will go. Well, I hope everyone had a great weekend and a productive one....oh by the way....If you happen to find a butter dish please let me know!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


If ever you have the opportunity to visit the coast of Maine, please do....however there are two things you need to be mindful of ....TICKS and POISON IVY. This sign says it all....a perfect way of warning folks traveling from the mainland who happen to visit one of the pristine beaches that Long Island has to offer. Last week I had the opportunity to visit the Island now shrouded in it's winter finest.... one of my favorite things to do when visiting is to walk "Singing Sands" beach. Many happy summer days of my childhood were spent here....the beach acquired the name "Singing Sands" as the sand seems to sing to you as your feet sink in while strolling along. This day was cold and crisp, but the beauty of my surroundings kept me warm. The sky.... a vibrant blue.... streaked with numerous "contrails."
This little fella assumed he had the beach all to himself as no other gulls nor humans were in sight.... that is until my mother and I appeared. Needless to say he went about his business and we ours. Winter storms known to produce high winds and strong currents cause the ocean floor to become "stirred" up.... hence all the seaweed and rocks seen this day. Typically, by summer the beach is clear and the sand shines white once again. Below a sandbar.... at low tide one can walk or wade across to neighboring Marsh Island. It is imperative you remain mindful of the changing tide.... people have been known to become stranded and needless to say incur a lengthy wait for the tide to change.
On "Little Sandy" as this beach is referred to no rocks nor clumps of seaweed to be seen....just my mom day dreaming of summer days to come.
This day was lovely.... before we realize it summer will return once again....the quiet and solitude of this day will be but a memory....
But a lovely memory at that.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


PEACE-that was the other name for HOME. ~Kathleen Norris~ Happy New Year my friends. A current post has long been overdue. We here at Dog Trot Farm enjoyed the holiday as best as anyone can when confronted with the sudden death of a loved one. A shadow was cast on that cold December day, however we are given strength with the memories of loved ones lost....
It seems to me that after two months of hustle and bustle.... meaning November and December.... and the fanfare of January 1st, we succumb to a stand still.... and don't quite know what to do with ourselves. The shopping, the wrapping, the baking which had taken over our lives is complete....done....well, finished for another year anyway.... The Christmas tree which once shined so brightly is now relegated to the backyard being put to good use by our feathered friends. Speaking of feathered friends, my girls are not at all happy with this cold frigid Maine would think I was to blame for this cold morning greeting for me, just a mad dash to their breakfast of warm oatmeal and raisins. Their egg production has dropped of dramatically and feather loss is at a premium....however their heat lamp is burning brightly and a promise to my girls of not posting photos has been kept. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and I offer my Best Wishes for the New Year....until tomorrow....Julie

Friday, December 24, 2010


Merry Christmas. We will be having a white Christmas here at Dog Trot Farm. December is a bittersweet month for me.... it is the month which holds my birthday and sadly the month which claimed both sets of grandparents.... and now my dear mother in-law. In the spirit of Christmas hold your loved ones a little bit tighter..... remind them how much they are loved. Merry Christmas from all of us here at Dog Trot Farm and Blessings for the New Year.

Monday, December 20, 2010


The snow is softly falling....the wood stove working girls are snuggled in their coop....and Winslow Homer has a full belly....all is right with the world. Peace-the other name for HOME.
~Kathleen Norris~

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yesterday I turned another year older....and that is all I'm going to say about that. Amen. In honor of my birthday my husband took me to Strawberry Banke to partake in the Holiday Candlelight Stroll. Strawberry Banke is a historic museum located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The museum consists of 32 buildings on their original sites in the neighborhood of Puddle Dock. Many of the homes were decorated for the holiday season according to a particular era. We first were greeted by St. Nicholas in the Rider-Wood House, an early 19th century home of English immigrant and widow Mary Rider. At the Chase House an 1818's mid winter dinner party was happening with live harpsichord music in the formal parlor. At the 1870 Goodwin Mansion, Governor and Mrs. Goodwin had made a wonderful maze of colored ribbons on the Christmas tree-each leading to special color coded gifts for each individual child. The year was 1943 at the Marden Abbott House /Store where the family was preparing a special dinner to welcome home their soldier son who was on leave for Christmas. At the Shapiro House the year was 1922 and featured the family celebrating the last evening of Hanukkah with special food, games and music. At the Masons Historic Lodge-Pitt Tavern soups and hot drinks were available, a perfect amenity to a cold winter's evening. The Candlelight Stroll is a wonderful event to put one in the holiday mood. You will find musicians in many of the homes, carolers singing as you stroll along the dirt paths illuminated by candlelight. Warm spiced cider and hot chocolate were available and a bonfire to warm your bones.... In my case "old bones." If you have never visited Stawberry Banke place it on your list of places to see.... in my case I refer to this as my "bucket list". In summer the flower and vegetable gardens are amazing here and are especially enhanced with the view of Portsmouth Harbor and the smell of the ocean air. Thank you sweetie for taking your "old lady" out on the town.... it was a wonderful evening.

Friday, December 17, 2010


There is nothing finer to do in December.... when temperatures dip....and also to put one in the holiday spirit.... than attend The Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular.... which was presented at the Wang theatre in Boston. My mom and aunt treated myself, and four cousins to this wonderful Christmas event. We boarded the Downeaster (train) and arrived in Boston two and a half hours later. What a convenient way to travel to the city.... no white knuckle driving.... If you have ever driven in Boston I am sure you understand what I am speaking of. As always the Rockettes did not disappoint. I have attended the Rockettes performance at Radio City Music Hall in New York City....but the Wang Theatre is just as beautiful and the Rockettes simply magnificent. One of the most magical moments for me is "The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers"....A precision military marching routine which has been performed in the holiday show each year since 1933. The most heart moving scene is "The Living Nativity" which upholds a tradition begun by St. Francis Assisi in 1223. This also has been a part of the Christmas Spectacular since 1933. Let me just say there was not a dry eye in the theatre....simply breath taking.

Winslow Homer is patiently waiting for Santa....We have begun to make progress with his diabetes....for two weeks now he has maintained his weight and his blood sugar has dropped from 500 to 298....

The days are passing quickly....every moment is precious....There are Christmas cards to send....presents to wrap.... presents to mail.... baking to accomplish....and loved ones to is a time for family and home. I'd rather be nestled here at Dog Trot Farm than any other place in the world....I am sure most of you feel the same way about your hearth and home. The lights of the Christmas tree are glowing....candles lit....a wood fire burning....and a pot of cloves and cinnamon boiling on the wood stove....tell me is there anything finer?


It isn't just a starry night,
Or snowflakes on the ground.
It isn't just a merry hearth
With good friends gathered 'round.
It isn't just a Christmas tree,
Or gifts that play part;
But peace and love
The season brings
To touch the seeking Heart.
~Roxie Lusk Smith~
Oh yes....Santa....we could do with a little snow....remember I said a little!

Monday, December 6, 2010


As with most of you.... finding the time to blog and do a days work is becoming most difficult.... especially since the Christmas holiday is just around the corner. Now.... I am not sure what proper blogger edict is....I do read my follower's blogs faithfully....and comment regularly....however.... lately it hasn't been everyday....Oh the guilt one feels....I know some of you feel as I do. Please know I truly appreciate each and everyone of you and eventually I will catch up with all of dear sweet blogging friends. This photo is of a canvas painting.... titled "Candy Cane Santa" by Lori Brechlin of Not Forgotten Farm. I entered Lori's giveaway and unbeknown to me I won! A week had gone past since I had last visited Lori's blog and the winner announced ...ME! See....I was playing blog catch up.... Lori's blog is one of the first primitive blogs I discovered and a favorite. I am in awe of her art and creativity and someday hope to visit Not Forgotten Farm and meet Lori in person. So....Lori thank you for my wonderful prize.... it will hold a place of honor in our humble home. Now.... off to begin the Christmas shopping....oh and Winslow Homers weekly date with Dr. Rust....

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Below.... the welcoming committee for the Shakers of New Gloucester Maine. Ten o'clock....friends of the Shakers were in line with tote bags and ready to shop....This is our fourth year attending this holiday fair. First year.... DH and I stood in line THREE hours to purchase the famous Shaker "ROSEMARY BISCUITS." Tender, soft and flaky they were.... however.... not to our taste....the rosemary DOMINATED the flavor of the biscuit. I was very disappointed and you can bet my DH won't be standing in line for three hours for ANYTHING again. Second year.... FRUITCAKE. There happened to be an article in our local newspaper regarding the DREADED Christmas fruitcake....the paper guaranteed that any fruitcake "nay sayer" would fall for the fruitcake offered by the Shakers. No long line for this baby....Now I am not a huge fan of fruitcake however.... I was willing to spend the fifteen dollars....yes you read that correctly.... for this loaf cake. I had to find out for myself if this cake was everything the newspaper made it out to be... It was good....more cake than fruit....and the fruit was large one and only complaint....too did get eaten. The Shaker fair also offers quality hand-made goods, herbs and spices, yarn, books, paintings, ornaments, etc. I just realized I can't show you my goodies as I am sending them to friends and family for Christmas. You'll just have to wait till after the holiday for a peek. Next up....on to Lizzie's Rags. A sweet little primitive shop also located in the New Gloucester area.
This is the door prize I won.... a very sweet little woven pillow. I also had a nice chat with the shop owner....who is a very sweet lady herself. You have one more week to visit Lizzie's Rags before the shop closes for the winter....otherwise you will have to wait till spring. Hope everyone had a great weekend....the days are flying by....

Saturday, December 4, 2010


As my feet touched the cool morning floor.... something caught my eye with the new dawning light....tis snow....
an early morning surprise....winter has arrived in is December after all.... the perfect accent to a Saturday morning drive to attend the Shaker Village annual Christmas craft fair....Oh, yes and off to Lizzie's Rags where I won a door prize....I can not recall what the door prize is, but am sure it will be primitively perfect. Will share my winning prize with you later this evening....Blessings to all.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Align Center"November comes and November goes,
with the last red berries and the first
white snows.
With night coming early,
and dawn coming late,
and ice in the bucket, and frost on
the gate.
The fires burn and the kettle sing,
and earth sinks to rest until next spring."

~Elizabeth Coatsworth~

My little squirrel friend Skippy left the shelter of his pine tree this morning to pay us a
visit.... and also indulge in breakfast. I enjoy watching Skippy's morning antics as does Winslow.
Unbeknown to Skippy he has become an intricate part of Winslow Homer's healthily living program. Monday we had our weekly visit at the veterinarians office. I am afraid I had placed my expectations to high. Winslow once again had lost weight.... two ounces.... his blood sugar level at 500. Needless to say I had hoped for better news. Yet again I was reassured that this scenario might be the routine for awhile.... his insulin was adjusted. Now.... there are some days when Winslow Homer is rather quite.... which is highly unusual for my feisty little dog. Enter Skippy the squirrel. If I mutter the word "squirrel".... spell the word "s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l" or now say the name "Skippy" Winslow's ears perk up and he is off on the run....out the door just as fast as his little legs will take him. Skippy of course always reaches the safety of his pine tree and Winslow Homer quietly sits below now on "squirrel duty". This is a good thing.... this is the Winslow Homer we know and love. So this evening I just want to offer a big THANK YOU to Skippy the squirrel.... I will make sure Santa leaves a special treat for you....peanuts....suet....anything your little heart desires.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Do you recall when I had an unfortunate incident with my oven?

Well allow me to refresh your memory. Last week I inadvertently left the last batch of sugar cookies in the oven (cookies from a Martha Stewart recipe that I had toiled over, rolled and cut into perfect little turkeys) when I pressed the "clean" button. When I realized what I had actually done it was to late.... the oven door was locked and locked good. Now, while my cookies were going up in smoke the UPS man left a package on my doorstep. The UPS man and I are on a first name basis.... I seem to be taking cookies out of the oven on his weekly arrivals. I always offer "John" a cookie or two for the road. No cookies for him on this day. Now.... back to the package....During all the commotion I completely forgot about the package till my husband walked through the door and said "honey this is for you." Me?.... I hadn't ordered anything. Well....Low and behold It was a gift from a sweet blogging friend.... Amy of Verde Farm. Verde Farm is home to the most wonderful menagerie of animals, also home to a "haunted" barn where a "spirit" likes to play pranks and rearrange their donkeys. Amy had gifted me a Verde Farm tee shirt,Verde Farm mug, and two of the sweetest bars of homemade soaps. Notice the couple embracing on the red bar. It was so very thoughtful and kind of Amy....It put a great big smile on my face. Two things I have taken from this incident.... don't try and multi-task when you are enduring a migraine and secondly.... blogging friends are simply the best. You can rest assured someday I am going to find my way to Verde Farm and meet Amy and her wonderful menagerie of animals. Thank you again Amy, someday "MAINE LICENSE PLATES" will be traveling up your driveway! Oh, thirdly....parchment doesn't burn, who knew?