not much to say!! arghhh..finally got time to update but no story in my head!!
to many things happen us (me and my housemate) a critical time like dis.. there is always sumthing wrong sumway~~haih.. redha je la kn..
2 or 3 test in a week~~ really ridiculous!!! who can stand so much pressure in a single time~~
but we manage to get through all da co0baan~~alhmdulillah
really scared with wat my math result will turn out~~ not doing fine while jawab da question..really worried~~ (T.T)
recently my house have a kenduri doa selamat~~my parent going to haj dis 18..
hope they stay healthy there n blessed by Allah~~
i love u very strong~~hee
tomorrow we going to bkt cerakah~~ berbasikal bsama gadis2~~yeah!! hee
really looking forward to release all da tension in my head!!
chayok!chayok! hope really having fun tomorrow..
jz wait n see how it goes~~ (>.<)v
plan to take a lot of pic there~~ will upload some of it here..
:) ... wait for da post yah~~
mood: super excited!! hahaha
to all da girls~~ fully charge urself now~~ got a really go0d rest..
coz tomorrow, u will suffer to after cycling around da bukit2 k..haha
till then~~
dodotomei w