About Me

- Carolyn
- St. Louis, MO, United States
- What the name sez, Christian, conservative, 2nd amendment supporter. Physician, wife, daughter and loving mother.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Will The Real Barack Obama Please Stand Up?
Then the POTUS took the podium, and in his inimitable suave style, delivered a speech that served absolution to American Catholics who turned their backs on the sanctity of life when they voted for candidate Obama. Then he gave a shameless plug for his own book.
But contrast this speech with Candidate Obama who, less than one year ago, glibly and arrogantly proclaimed his support for the Pro-abortion cause in a speech to Planned Parenthood.
This is the same man who "doesn't want his daughters punished with a baby." This is the same man who during the campaign gave his "Just Words" speech in which he plagiarized Deval Patrick, but regardless of whose "words" they were, they underscored the use of words, the power of mere words, and ultimately we know that talk can be cheap.
So which "words" reflect the real position of Barack Obama?? He can talk the talk, but will he/ can he walk the walk? I am reminded of a Department Chairman in years past whose business style was to engage everyone in giving input about subjects, but then he did what he wanted to do. The only thing he gained was cover for him to hide behind when people challenged him on why he did things that no one wanted.
Can you name ONE thing that President Obama has done in the name of reducing abortion in this nation???
Answer: He took some incendiary language regarding abortion off of his website.
So, while we heard flowery prose on Sunday afternoon, actions speak louder than words and Mr. Obama's actions seem to relegate those "words" to just that...."just words".
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Thank you.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Point Counterpoint in Florida
Back in the day of Roe v. Wade, neither of these babies would have survived even with the best of medical care. Today, one woman's abortion is another's beloved child. If we can make it possible for babies of 21 to 23 weeks of gestation to survive, how is it that we can also condone the abortion/murder of fetuses at these same gestational ages?
As non-medical a source as Wikipedia contains the following information about the lower limit of fetal viability:
President Obama has said that one of his Presidential goals will be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which will effectively take away the restrictions to abortion in this country. Since he also was against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, scenes such as those involving Sycloria Williams' baby will be allowed to play out again and again without apparent repercussions. He has surrounded himself with advisors of like mind and his judicial nominees stand in lock step with him in this area.The lower limit of viability is approximately five months gestational age, and usually later.[35] According to The Developing Human:
Viability is defined as the ability of fetuses to survive in the extrauterine environment... There is no sharp limit of development, age, or weight at which a fetus automatically becomes viable or beyond which survival is assured, but experience has shown that it is rare for a baby to survive whose weight is less than 500 gm or whose fertilization age is less than 22 weeks. Even fetuses born between 26 and 28 weeks have difficulty surviving, mainly because the respiratory system and the central nervous system are not completely differentiated... If given expert postnatal care, some fetuses weighing less than 500 gm may survive; they are referred to as extremely low birth weight or immature infants.... Prematurity is one of the most common causes of morbidity and prenatal death.[36]
During the past several decades, neonatal care has improved with advances in medical science, and therefore the limit of viability has have moved earlier.[37] As of 2006, the two youngest children to survive premature birth are thought to be James Elgin Gill (born on 20 May 1987 in Ottawa, Canada, at 21 weeks and 5 days gestational age),[38][39] and Amillia Taylor (born on 24 October 2006 in Miami, Florida, at 21 weeks and 6 days gestational age).[40][41] Both children were born just under 20 weeks from fertilization, or a few days past the midpoint of an average full-term pregnancy. Despite their premature births, both developed into healthy children.
We have given away the moral compass of our country in slow sequential concessions and baby steps so that now we are standing on the precipice and have no where else to go except to jump off to our own certain destruction....and we did it all by ourselves.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Getting Down to the Real Business of Being President
The Mexico City Policy forbids any non-governmental agency operating overseas that performs or promotes abortions from receiving any US foreign aid.
So one of his first official acts in the first 100 days is to be sure that your tax dollars go to promote global abortions--I wonder if any of his Kenyan relatives will be recipients???