Showing posts with label Sorry Stocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorry Stocks. Show all posts

Monday, 10 November 2014

Sorry Stocks

Good morning today’s card is Sorry stocks

He is feeling very sorry for himself he is left hanging there in his court jester outfit!
This is a fabulous image for those forgotten birthdays or as I have used it for a speedy recovery and many more occasions.

You will find him along with lots of other fabulous image HERE more details on this card can be found over on myblog

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Sorry Socks

Poor ole Sorry Socks from Dr. Dig's House of Stamps is a great example of the power of a wife! This is what happens when you don't listen to your better half and neglect your chores! 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Sorry Stocks

Another fantastic image from Dr. Digi's House of Stamps.   Poor old Sorry stocks and he does look remorseful. This is a great card for those forgotten birthday’s or as I have used it a get well and many more subject.

You will find him along with lots of other fabulous image HERE more details on this card can be found over on myblog

Friday, 1 August 2014

Sorry Stocks now in Stock!!

Oh dearie me, what's to do! This image will come in very handy as I am a bit rubbish at remembering people's birthdays! He does look very sorry with those big pleading eyes and that quivering lip, those hands clenched in supplication, begging for your forgiveness and I'm saying nothing about it being a man dressed up as the court jester!!! Nothing whatsoever!

You can find Sorry Stocks HERE and check out the rest of this fortnight's new digis HERE

Have a good weekend
Ruth x