Showing posts with label Syabil Karthigesu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syabil Karthigesu. Show all posts

January 28, 2010

Shooting film in SMI.

here in ipoh, my school St. Michael Institution was chosen as shooting spot for the next movie of the well known director; Bernard Chauly who directed Goodbye Boys, Gol & Gincu and the latest, Pisau Cukur. all of them were good. i liked it. oh, if you realized, Goodbye Boys were also taken in SMI. it was about the 02 Kinta Scout from St. Michael. it was a pride to all Michaelians. This year, another movie shot in smi made Michaelians felt awesome !

for 5 days they stayed in SMI for shooting. this movie is about Syabil Karthigesu, a nurse who was detained by the japanese during the Japan Occupation. it is an interesting story on how she was kept and tortured by them. she was a famous person back in time. well, i dont know much about this but it sounds wonderful.

said them, it's 58% done by now. so soon, it'll be released for theaters ! make sure you dont miss it. well, i peeked from above in my class, i was excited that i can actually see what's goin on there. i saw she was dragged out of car with bruises and bloods on her face. cool :) i wanna stay there during recess before, but i was chased away by the prefects and teachers. grrr can't i at least experience shooting moments? lol :P this would be the first time im seeing a shooting live :D whee~ hm, but it's a bit sad that Syabil Karthigesu wasn't known much among the people here and elsewhere in malaysia.. maybe with this way, it'll work. hopefully.

credits to Cikgu Azhar, Cikgu Sidik & Mr. Khiew for the pictures & infos.

proud to be Michaelian :)
till next post.