I can ASSURE you most kids aren't cool enough to wear Dungarees in a D&D Advert LoL!
Just people sitting around having fun!
Gary Gygax even got his gorgeous daughter Heidi in on the act!
And if that didn't get teenage boys interested - nothing would! Likewise with this next Advert -
Cries of dismay from Boys all over the world that walking around with their newly purchased Monster Manual under their arms didn't attract girls - especially ones that look as good as that!
The next series of Adverts look like they were drawn by Jeff Dee (of Villains and Vigilantes Fame) I recently did a short piece about Jeff on my Pulp City Planet Blog.
I think you will agree that those Adverts are exciting and evocative of D&D - though I must admit, the frame where one of the characters is holding up D&D Manuals "irks" me a little, and still strikes me as odd to this day!
To most people such Advertisements are cheesy and corny - but I hope I am not the only one who finds the interesting - they fill me with warmth and nostalgia personally.