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Showing posts with label award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The Adorable Blog Award

i got the second award from the Nailz-in-Aus
she have talent with nail art...
so creative..
tq so much dear..
So here are the rulez of the Blog award

–Include the logo in your blog or post
–Nominate as many blogs which you like
–Be sure to link your nominees within your post
–Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
–Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received this award
soo... i choose who people that i love to give award...
kak D

kak nerry

Friday, June 26, 2009


The rules:
1. Write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.
2. Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.
3. Pick your ten (10) most deserving recipients and describe them.
4. Leave a comment on the recipients' blog to tell them they've been tagged.
5. Paste the award badge in your side bar.

Who give this award ::
she is nice person even xlama kitorg kenal...ade balas2 email....hihi...she study at UK...belajar disana sambil membuat bisnes yg bagus...thats a good idea for get more money....blk malaysia end of july..( kan..kan..? )...die dan bf die chinese look...hihi..very cute!!.....hope u guys happy and get married after this...jemput i ok...
about me ::
love all about make-up..
love to teach about make-up...
make a more tutorial for eyes make-up...
love to learn about make-up...
love to talk about make-up...
love to try any make-up product when i know its good product..
love to make over people...
love to make a many style of make-up..
love to make people happy when they see the result...
love to read magazine that show many make-up style...
seeee...!!!! all about make-up....hihi...
About the the recipients of the award ::
she gonna married...
happy to read her preparation...
gud luck to her...
and wish u happy with ur life...
she's too gonna get married....
preparation and segalanya membantu saya membuat persediaan juge untuk kawin..
her blog can be a rujukan for bride to be..
sgt2 la membantu...
love to read this blog..
she is a mommy..
happy to read the journey as mommy..
sblm ade blog lg dah start baca blog die sampai skrg...
baca mesti ketawa guling2...
6. CPM
she is a vouge mommy...
love to read her blog...
my senior at school..
she is a mommy..
love her blog with new layout...so cutee...
she is profesional nail art
even i'm not painting my nail..
but i love to see her art...
very nice...
she is make-up artist
i love to read her tips for make-up...
and love to see her touch..
she is a mommy...
happy to read her diary...