Showing posts with label Tomart's Disneyana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomart's Disneyana. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

A few years ago I wrote a series of articles for the magazine Tomart's Disneyana Update which discussed the history of Disney magazines all around the world before 1947, including those from Italy, France, Spain, the UK, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Sweden and even Palestine.

I realized yesterday, when I discovered the above photo, that I had overlooked one of them, the Polish magazine Gazetka Miki, which released 22 issues in 1939.

I would love to understand much more about its history. Do we have any Polish readers here? Could you help me extract the relevant information from the article which can be found at this link?

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

A while ago I had the pleasure of writting an article about the Italian plush dolls produced by the company Lars in the '50s for Tomart's Disneyana Update. Three of the dolls above are definitely from Lars: Bill and the Walrus from Alice in Womderland, as well as Ellsworth. Timothy might also be, also I am much less certain about this. They are all extremely rare and were sold last week on ebay.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

I picked up two great Spanish Disney items last week, one of which is this figurine of Pablo, the Cold Blooded Penguin made in the '70s in Spain. I had no idea that this type of Disney figurines had ever been produced in Spain and I immediatly tried to find a way to write an article about them. I was lucky enough to soon identify a collector who could help (in Germany, of all places) and thanks to him was able to find a bit more about the company that created this version of Pablo.

"The company Palés S.L. was established in the early '30s in a small city close to Valencia called Manises by a man called Eduardo Palés. The factory was built at Calle Valencia, 29. It originally produced sanitary materials but in the late '60s the market for those types of products collapsed and the company started focusing on producing cermaic figurines. Around 1969 it acquired a Disney license and from that year until 1984 produced Disney figurines in ceramics meant to be exported to Venezuela, Puerto Rico, UK, Canada, Japan and the U.S. The company closed in the late '80s."

The article I am currently writting based on this information will be released in a future issue of the magazine Tomart's Disneyana and will contain dozens of illustrations.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I am still working on an article about Rosenthal figurines for an upcoming article in Tomart's Disneyana and have received plenty of help from Carsten Laqua.

Carsten is offering for sale at the moment on Galerie Laqua an outstanding selection of Rosenthal items, most of them extremely rare, like this very small Mickey.

Friday, April 02, 2010

I have been working during the last few days on an in-depth article about the pre-WWII Disney ceramics items created by the German company Rosenthal, thanks to the help of Hake's and Galerie Laqua (Carsten Laqua has a few of the rarest Rosenthal items for sale at the moment). The article will be released in Tomart's Disneyana Update number 76.

I released my very first article in Tomart's Disneyana Update in 1995. Here is the complete list of the articles I wrote or edited for Tomart's, including three that are yet to be released.

7: Vintage European Disneyana – An Introduction by Didier Ghez
11: Faïencerie d’Onnaing by Didier Ghez
14: Pre-War German Ceramics by Didier Ghez
16: Pre-War European Postcards by Didier Ghez
19: Jouets Vera (France) by Didier Ghez
22: Zaccagnini Ceramics (Italy) by Alberto Becattini
24: Lenci Ceramics (Italy) by Federico Fiecconi
27: W. Hagelberg A.G. (Germany) by Didier Ghez
29: European Magazine Covers by Didier Ghez
39: Ensign Magic Lanterns by Didier Ghez and Douglas R. Hausknecht
40: Les Jouets Création by Didier Ghez
41: Jouets Vera: A Sequel (France) by Didier Ghez
42: A History of International Disney Magazines Before World War II Part I by Didier Ghez
43: A History of International Disney Magazines Before World War II Part II by Didier Ghez
44: A History of International Disney Magazines Before World War II Part III by Didier Ghez
45: A History of International Disney Magazines Before World War II Part IV by Didier Ghez
46: A History of International Disney Magazines Before World War II Part V by Didier Ghez
47: Vintage Disneyana in Eastern Europe Part 1 by Didier Ghez
48: Vintage Disneyana in Eastern Europe Part 2 by Didier Ghez
49: Editorial Tor (Argentina) by Didier Ghez
50: Disney Comics in Brazil in the 1930s & 1940s by Roberto Elísio dos Santos
51: Brazil’s Editora Melhoramentos in the 1940s
53: Vintage Disneyana in Eastern Europe Part 3 by Didier Ghez
54: Disney Publications in Finland before 1950 by Didier Ghez
55: Disneyana in Argentina before 1950 by Didier Ghez
56: Disney Publications in Argentina before 1945 by Didier Ghez
57: Ceramics of Cuernavaca (Mexico) by Didier Ghez
58: Editorial Saturnino Callejas by Didier Ghez
59: The French Merry-Go-Rounds of Henri De Vos by Didier Ghez
60: Editorial Molino (Spain) by Didier Ghez
61: Hachette Part 1 (France) by Didier Ghez
62: Hachette Part 2 (France) by Didier Ghez
63: Lello & Irmão (Portugal) by Didier Ghez
64: Pre-War Disney Comics in Turkey Part 1 by Kaya Özkaracalar
65: Pre-War Disney Comics in Turkey Part 2 by Kaya Özkaracalar
66: Pre-War Disney Comics in Turkey Part 3 by Kaya Özkaracalar
67: Nel Regno di Topolino (Italy) by Alberto Becattini and Didier Ghez
68: Pre-War Disney Books in Turkey by Kaya Özkaracalar
70: Chad Valley (UK) by Didier Ghez
72: Mickey Mouse Annual: Wilfred Haughton in the British Goleen Age Part I by David Gerstein
73: Mickey Mouse Annual: Wilfred Haughton in the British Goleen Age Part II by David Gerstein
74: Mickey Mouse Annual: Wilfred Haughton in the British Goleen Age Part III by David Gerstein
75: Lars of Italy by Didier Ghez
76: Rosenthal (Germany) by Didier Ghez
77: Ediciones Modernas (Mexico) by Didier Ghez

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tomart's Disneyana Update number 74 has just been released. It contains the third part of David Gerstein's outstanding series about the English Mickey Mouse Annuals, including a lot of new information about Wilfred Haughton. A "must-read".

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A few years ago I wrote an article for the magazine Tomart's Disneyana about the Disney magic lanterns from the English company Ensign Ltd.

I just discovered on ebay the display sign above (11 1/8" x 6 1/8") which I did not know existed and that I thought some of you might enjoy.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A while back I wrote an article for the magazine Tomart's Disneyana Update about pre-1945 Disney books in Argentina.

My favorite Argentine book series has always been the one released by Editorial Tor. In the article I was able to show all the books from that series save two. Two years ago I located one of the "missing" two that I featured on the blog. Yesterday I managed to buy the other one, which you can see here.

Monday, August 04, 2008

One Disneyana mystery I have been trying to solve for the last few years relates to the company Lars of Italy that produced the plush dolls that you see pictured above and quite a few others. Thanks to Mel Birnkrant I have finally managed to track down some information about them. Those findings will be revealed in an upcoming article - which I completed this weekend - to be published in the magazine Tomart's Disneyana.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I have just sent Tomart's Disneyana the latest installment of Kaya Özkaracalar's article about Disney in Turkey before WWII. This part 4 of the series will appear in Tomart's Disneyana Update number 68. It includes information about two little known Mickey storybooks created by Turkish artists: Mickey Mouse in the Land of Midgets (above) and Mickey Mouse in the Land of Cannibals.
To say that I love this type of discoveries would be a gross understatment.