
Showing posts with the label Fasting

Ramadhan Fasting-The perfect time for cleansing & healing

As Ramadhan is approaching, I think it's fair enough that I write an article on fasting as it is the month Muslims have been waiting for. Every year, Muslims fasts for the whole month of Ramadhan, depends,it can either be 29 days or 30 days, exception is permitted for those who falls under several circumstances. Fasting means to abstain one self [1] from all kinds of temptations and to be patient dealing with it through out the month of Ramadhan, every day from the break of dawn until sunset, in between sunset and the next dawn, these prohibitions are not applicable, for Allah S.W.T, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful surely knows that we humans can't restrain ourselves for a much longer duration . The temptations I mentioned includes drinking, eating, smoking, intercourse, emotions(anger, etc..) and whatever that may pollute the state of fast, as when we are fasting, we are meant to be calm and sensible. Fasting is a shield [2] .The month is Ramadhan serves a purpose, it is to...

Tib An Nabawi (part 4); Fasting

For us Muslim, we do fast in the whole month of ramadhan, not 24/7. Starts after dawn until dusk, then we are entitled for a break. There are also other types of fasting, such as water-fast, fruit-fast and juice-fast. But the most beneficial fasting is the one which is the one where you hold yourself from ant drinks and food between dawn and dusk. When fasting  it is more than just holding yourself from food, you are holding back on anger, desire, lust and envy. For if you are merely just starving yourself and lose your temper, your hunger is a waste. Nothing is gained. So, it is a very lovely for the terms of fasting, to hold back all bad feelings and eating. It's a cleanse for the body and the soul. Scientifically proven that fasting is the best way of healing the body. Fasting gives our body the rest we need from digestion processes and heals us, let's look deeper into the benefits of fasting;- Shields oneself from illnesses of the heart, body and soul. Preserve health ...