Words by Greg
Photos by Greg and Trina
As we pass the celestial moment that defines the beginning of spring, it seems we should interrupt our Baja reports and throw in a few photos from the last gasps of our rather mild winter. Astronomically and calendar-wise, this is the earliest equinox since 1896 -- or so I read on the interwebs. But no one in our valley needs the interwebs to note that it's warmer this year. Ice in deep shadows is melting quickly. Garden flowers and fruit trees are blooming -- foolishly, of course, as it froze again last night, and we're probably not done with that.
Add in the suddenly longer evening light -- courtesy of an hour of daylight stolen from the mornings -- and there are more and more reasons to be outside playing. A few photos. Icy river float on a sunny day. Afternoon rides in summer attire. Zeek is back to fishing for goldfish. (While riding a bike! Is it any wonder we think our dogs are pretty much the most amazing dogs in the world?) Apricot blossoms. A night ride with friends.
If you need us, we'll probably be outside.

What a great series! Mike