Showing posts with label Increase Traffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Increase Traffic. Show all posts

"The Ultimate Four"-Tips about Driving Traffic
In this post I hope you guys can understand and realize the methods of drivig traffic within 5 minutes. Below are the four key points to drive and build traffic. I call it -"The Ultimate Four" 

1. Search Engine Placement

SEO is a technique that every webmaster should know and understand. One surefire way to drive traffic is to get indexed in various search engines, and then trying to get a higher ranking for your site. I, for the sake of our visitors, write a post that specifically talk about SEO technique, and hope you can make a reference to that later on. Firstly, ensure your site is "search-engine friendly" and that the search engines can index your site. Check that your META tags are in order and correct. Put together a list of keywords that you would like to key in on and make sure those words/phrases are incorporated into your site. Also try to keep your keywords as specific as possible. It is extremely hard to rank high for broad keywords. Make sure the content you have on your site is quality content and grammatically correct. If writing content is not your strong point, hire a copywriter or web developer to help.

2. Web Directories

Web directories are sites that list sites by categories. Nowadays, there are so many web directories on the internet that provides free services for you to get listed. Get your site listed in as many web directories as possible. blogblogs_468x60_green Try to find some directories that specialize in your industry. For example, if your site is about real estate then try to get your site into as many real estate directories as possible. Also, you need to be very careful when submitting your site to the web directories that are new to you. Beware those "Black Web Directories", "Black Web Directories" are the ones that have been penalized by Google (probably Yahoo! too). Getting listed in these sites would not increase your PR and on the other hand, have negative imapct on your PR. You better choose those web directories that are well-known and have a good reputation. Getting into these directories can also help with search engine ranking. If you are not sure whether a particular kind of web directory is good or not, leave a comment to me.

3.Writing Articles and Newsletters

I think you should be familiar with this, if you have already read my previous post on newsletter. In order to bring people back your site, you need to have good attraction. Providing a newsletter or articles on your site that people would be interested in reading may be a nice idea. Once you write these articles you can post them on some article directories to get some traffic to your site. Newsletter are getting much populat and attentions, maybe it is the time for you to have one too!

4. Cost Per Click (CPC) Advertising
It is the most costy method to drive traffic. You may not require to join these programs, if you do not have strong fiscal support. CPC advertising has been the money maker for companies like Google, MSN, and Yahoo. Whenever you do a search on Google, you see that box of paid listings on the right. You need to pay whenever a person click on your ads.firefox-google-logo One thing that worth your attention is that Google can somehow see how interested the user is in your site and then charge you more for that click. That might sound retarded, but its great when you pay less for the clicks that only visit your front page and then leave. I highly recommend Google Adwords to all of my clients as a cost effective way to get traffic to your web site.

While there are many other ways to get more traffic to your web site, this should be a good starting point. The key to getting more traffic is getting your site's name out there. Post it everywhere you can and with every thing you do. It's a long process, but well worth the effort.

Help_support_55 I hope the solution provided above will help you fix the problem, if you know another way to solve this trouble or other problem related to this please share it through comments.


Links in Wikipedia - Helpful to increase Page Rank?

As you may know, Wikipedia has a PageRank of 8 which is really high. Many people is hoping to get a link from a high PR site, as it has positive effect on a site's PR for getting such link. Since Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that allows every one to edit it, many webmasters have a habit or eager to try to post their links in the relevant topics in wikipedia.

However, is it really useful, no matter in terms of getting a higher PR, or getting a better crawling by search engines' spieders, to post links in Wikipedia?

The answer is NO. Pretty bad, right? It is because all the external links in Wikipedia has "No Follow" attribute. That mean Google's spider will not follow the link and enter the site of yours. Apart from that, the editors from Wikiepdia will also delete the links you posted, due to self-promotion reason.

As a result, don't waste your time to paste your link in the Wikipedia now, since it is pointless to do so. Spend your time properly on the web directories (Some directories can also have a high PR as well.)

I hope the solution provided above will help you fix the problem, if you know another way to solve this trouble please share it through comments.



HitTail: Increase Search Engine Traffic

HitTail is a great tool for those of your who want to increase your search engine intake. The program will help you build up your less popular keywords which have much potential in terms of gaining search engine traffic. Once HitTail finds your less popular keywords, you can start plugging them into your posts, post-titles, meta-tags, etc.

  • In Plain Terms: HitTail is a keyword suggestion tool.
  • HitTail functions very differently from Google Analytics.

Start using HitTail (a free service)


WhoLinked Backlinks

Show your visitors which sites have recently linked to your web site. Works with all major blog platforms.




Display Alexa Ranking

Place interactive always-updated Alexa widgets on your site. These handy little widgets require virtually no programming skills. Just copy the html and put it on your site. As you can see, this site's alexa ranking is displayed above and you can now see how popular our site is. Whether that be good or bad... That's for you to decide.

Get this Widget

You can display Google Page Rank Button in your site.
What is Google Page Rank?





Display Google Page Rank

Show off your Google Page Rank with this handy little widget.
There are three different styles to choose from.

Get this Widget

What is Google Page Rank? Your pagerank is down? Increase pagr rank.It is not too tough,first you have to know 10 Quick Tips for Smart Blogger.Then Attract Traffic with Attractive Content. I think this tips will help you.Then you can Analyze Site Traffic with Google Analytics



Technorati Link Count

Display the number of links your website has from one of the biggest blog authorities - Technorati.

Get this Widget

This wil also increase your traffic…………..




Free SEO stats display box

To create your own, simply visit this page on, input your website details and choose the stats you wish to display. You will then be given the Javascript code to place in an HTML/Javascript widget in your blog, as well as a preview of the widget.

This widget help you to know  your page rank as well as the no. of user online.

I hope this will help you.



Increase Google PageRank


Google Page Rank is a number between 1 to 10 given to a web page which shows the importance of that page. It is also calculated for the whole site. Thus your blog is given a Page Rank and each page within your blog is also given a Rank.It depends on the number and quality of other pages linking to your page.

It is calculated by a complex equation which is beyond the scope of this blog. To see the pagerank download the Google Toolbar. You can also download a Firefox extension which shows the page rank in the bottom frame of the browser. Apply-google-adsense


1. Increase your content and get it indexed and crawled by Google. The more original content and pages your site has, the higher will be the pagerank of your site. Update site as frequently as possible with quality content.

2 Put text navigation links to all your pages on the home page. This can be done in the New Blogger with the Archive widget using the Hierarchy module which provides titles of all your pages. In your blog Settings------>Archives------>Enable Post Pages----->Set to Yes and ------>Save Settings. This will give each post on your blog it's own page. Every time you create a post you will create a new page. Do not have page URLs with numbers and question marks (dynamically loaded pages).

3. Link to your home page from every page in your blog. This is done by making your blog header clickable to the home page.

4. Link to other pages in your blog from every other page. Put links to other pages with reference to context in your articles. Since each page does not exist in isolation from the rest of the blog. Any new visitor to your blog page may not have visited your previous pages to understand the full story. Provide links to them so that anyone can quickly visit them to understand more details of what you are talking about.

5. Put outgoing links on another page with a low page rank and not on your home page which has a higher rank. Putting them on your home page will bleed the higher page rank to other sites. For example on Blogger you can put your Blogroll on the post pages using Conditional tags.

6. If you want to put links on the home page yet prevent them from leaching your page rank you can put them in a link list widget and add the rel='nofollow' tag to the code. This will prevent Google spiders from following the links but your visitors can still click on them and visit the other sites. To do this login to Dashboard and click on Layout. Then click on Edit Html subtab of Template tab. First backup your template. Then put a check in Expand Widgets Template box at  the top and scroll down to following code in your Link List widget :

<li><a expr:href='' target='_blank'><></a></li>


<li><a expr:href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><></a></li>

Save Template.

7. Get linked from high Page Rank sites/pages. If someone promises you a link make sure he/she is not using the above tricks and putting your link on an inside low page rank page. Also the page with your link should not be a link farm with plenty of links. One way links are better than reciprocal link exchanges. Links from sites with the same subject as your site are better than links from irrelevant sites.

8. Submit your sitemap to Google. Register your site at Google Webmaster Tools.

9. Free Tools/Graphics/Templates when distributed with a link to your site will give your site a higher Page Rank due to all those inbound links. A prime example is whose Page rank is 10 (highest) because of those links from counters installed in millions of blogs. Distributors of free Wordpress templates also have a high page rank. Submitting articles to article directories also has a similar effect.

10. Last but not the least : Let your money do the talking - Pay for inclusion in high page rank directories or purchase links on high page rank pages.



Attract Traffic with Attractive Content

Here are my tips on how best to present or dress up your blog content :

1. Talk to your Niche : There are millions of sites/blogs out there and it doesn't make sense to compete with all of them. There is enough traffic in all the segments so create your own niche and talk to it. Instead of having a Technology Blog write about Wireless Technology instead and you will rise to the top of your pile.

2. Be an expert in your niche and provide expert advice. You can do this by starting a blog about your profession in which you are already an expert. Then you can provide authoritative advice on the subject. If you want to start blogging about something else research extensively into the subject before you start blogging so that your content is detailed and convincingly complete.

3. Your language should be simple and with no grammatical or spelling errors. As for the content Follow the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid!) Rule. Spellcheck your posts before publishing.

4. Use strong headlines in post titles and blog titles. Use Keywords in your headlines. For more information on keywords see Keywords Tips and Tricks for Bloggers. Use Headlines like "Top 10 Tips for.....". Such headlines are encouraged by Digg. See Download Planet for example.

5. Create short posts consisting of short paragraphs. Each paragraph should be made up of 2 to 3 lines only. Use bulleted or numbered lists. Viewers don't like reading long content on their monitors.

6. Create uptodate content. You can see the latest topics on Technorati and write about them. You can also see trends on Google to see what is hot and what is not. Post frequently. You should post at least once or twice a week if not per day. Search engines like new content.

7. Appeal to their emotions. For all his rationality man is still an emotional animal. If you can touch and tap the emotional vein running through humanity it will yield high dividends in terms of traffic. More people will be induced to comment on your blog if emotionally aroused.

8. Update your content. After posting the latest you have to keep it current as time flies. If you have a blog reporting entertainment news then you have to post the latest news on your blog and renew old content. You cannot have your site reporting that a celebrity couple is married when they have actually separated. Your will lose your readers.

9. Offer links to other sites with resources in your niche. If you have a site on painting you have to have a sidebar column with links pointing to other sites supplying painting material.

10. You can write in any language but offer language translation facilities for your viewers who may be from different regions. You can add language translation widgets to your blog with only two clicks from the top of the right column of this blog. No coding experience required. Just click the Install button below the +Add to Blogger graphics.

11. Podcast your posts. Record your podcast and include them in your posts. You can also submit them to podcast directories.

12. Invite bloggers in your niche to post in your blog. They will get a link back to their blog in return. You will get varied content which will serve to attract traffic.

13. Take part in Blog Carnivals. This is a type of magazine dedicated to a certain topic in which many bloggers submit articles in their blogs. Each edition of a blog carnival is in the form of a blog article that contains permalinks to other blog articles on the particular topic. The carnival travels appearing on a different blog each time.

14. Write on controversial topics depending on your audience. Sometimes this may have a backlash effect turning visitors away.

15. Attach a survey to a post. This invites interaction from the readers and you get to know the pulse of your reader. The results of these surveys gives you and your reader invaluable feedback.

16. Review other blogs/posts/consumer items/software. You can review for links or cash. Payperpost and others pay you to post reviews in your blogs. Review other blogs to get backlinks from them.

17. Increase traffic with the Z-List. This is a list of blogs at the bottom of the rankings which you publish in a post. These links are reflected in the standings of those blogs on Technorati and you can get valuable attention at the start of your blogging career.

18. Post a Trackback. Install Trackbacks in your blog. Now when you write about another post in your blog an excerpt will be added below that post automatically and that blog owner will read your post and if sufficiently interested will come over to your blog. This applies to his readers as well, thus increasing traffic to your blog.

19. Only keep relevant pictures on your blog as search engines ignore them except for their alt tags. If they are in BMP format they may increase page loading time.

20. Adapt Viral Strategies and give away Freebies. Give away free articles with your content and blog link below them. One useful strategy is to provide linkware which when put on the other blog will provide a link back to your blog. You can do this by supplying free templates/hacks/graphics/widgets/gadgets.

In the next few days I will be outlining how to attract traffic using other methods.



Analyze Site Traffic with Google Analytics

To analyze web site traffic with Google Analytics you will.....

first have to add the Analytics code to your blog template. To do this go to Google Analytics and register with your Google account. It is free and has no limitations. On the Analytics Settings page click on '+ Add Website Profile' link in the top frame of the Website Profiles box. This takes you to the ' Create New Website Profile' page.

Paste the URL of your blog/site in the text box under ' Add a Profile for a new domain '. Select the timezone of your country and click on Finish. A new page opens where you are presented with the code to be pasted in your template. Right click in the text box and Select All and then left click in the shaded section and select Copy. Go to Edit Html under Template tab in your blog after logging in to Dashboard and clicking on your blog name. Scroll down in Edit Template text box and paste the code copied from Google Analytics at the very end of the template just before the </body> tag. Save Template Changes. Republish.

Go back to Google Analytics main Settings page and you will find your site/blog listed. Click on the confirm link to confirm that you have added the code to your blog and Google Analytics will start receiving data.

To see the reports go to Google Analytics Settings page click the down arrow in the text box 'Click to select Website Profile' next to 'View Reports' in the orange bar running across the top of the page. Select the blog url for which you want to view reports. The default 'Executive Overview' page of Reports of your site opens. The page is divided into two main parts : A sidebar and a main column titled.

Executive Overview. Click the image alongside for a bigger view. The sidebar contains the Dashboards where youcan select the views you want to see, the All Reports section showing optimization for Marketing and for Content and lastlya Date Range section where you can select a date range for which to view reports.

The main column of Executive Overview is divided into four parts. The top left rectangle show Visits and Pageviews for the last week. The top right rectangle show how many visits were by New and how many by Returning visitors as a percentage of the total visits that week. The bottom left recangle shows a Geo Map Overlay showing the international distribution of your visitors that week. The bottom right shows the Visits by Source that week showing the sites your visitors came from.

Some other useful site counters can be found at :


Increase Traffic With Technorati Favorites

Technorati now bars you from adding more than 200 Favorites :

Sorry, at the moment we do not support more than 200 favorites per user. This feature is coming soon. If you wish to add this url please delete another favorite and try again or check back later.

Those who wish me to add their blog as favorite will have to wait as I do not wish to delete anyone. Hope Technorati is not going to introduce a premium service. ;-)

One of the ways to increase traffic to your blog is by getting a higher Page Rank. An increased Page Rank ensures that your blog will appear in the first few pages of search results returned by the search engines. Your Page Rank increases with the number of backlinks to your blog. If there are more blogs with your blog-link and more blogs favoriting your blog at Technorati then it helps. Dosh Dosh recently introduced this Technorati Favorites Exchange Experiment which is is open to anyone who owns a blog. As long as your blog is not full of spam you’re free to participate.........

Here are the steps you can take to get started :

1. Participate by Exchanging Favorites :

This is fastest way to join the exchange program. Favorite my blog by clicking here and then please leave your Technorati username as well as a similar link to your blog in a comment below this post. Click the Post a Comment link at the bottom of this post.

To make things easy, I suggest using a Technorati favorite link or button. You can get the buttons and links easily at this Technorati page. Please leave a link to one blog only.

I will favorite all the links as soon as possible. I won’t be leaving any comments to confirm this because I’ll just be repeating myself constantly over the comment section.

2. Make a post on Technorati Favorites and link to this post :

If you are interested in holding Technorati exchanges on your blog then these are the steps you need to take:

A. Create a post on your blog announcing that you are exchanging Technorati favorites. Prominently include a link to this post to indicate that there is a similar exchange going on at Dosh Dosh and at BetaBlogger for Dummies.

Make a new post on this topic instead of putting the link in a old post that is already deep in your archives.

B. Get a Link Back. Once I’ve noticed the link via backlinks or Technorati, I’ll include a link to your post on Technorati favorites in this post itself so readers here can visit your blog to participate if they want to.

Blogs Offering Technorati Favorites Exchanges

Fast Lane Transport
Minas Musings
Magical Rose Garden