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Showing posts with label SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAL. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


8/17/09 - week 2 8/17/09 -close up
Progress - Week 1 Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted any photos on my blog, so I thought I would share a few updated photos of my "Sail Away" SAL. I am having alot of fun with this one. I haven't stitched with one stand of floss for quite some time. I really like working with the silks and I love the feel of the thread in my hands, they are so soft. My family and I are going camping this weekend so I will be able to get round three done and hopefully get back to the one over one I have been working on. (not) I have been so occupied with the Sail Away project and getting things ready for school that I haven't had any time to work on my other WIP's.
The weather here has cooled off quite a bit and I can feel hints of autumn on wing. I love fall, it's my very favorite time of the year, but I think this summer has gone by so fast I'm not sure where it went. Last week on Friday I started a new diet. Good Bye ice cream!!! It is definitely a challenge, but I am strong willed, so I will just keep myself busy stitching so I won't think about food. Wish me luck, I know there is a skinnier version of me inside just dying to come out!!! Oh, don't forget to post a comment on my "Jane Austen" giveaway if you would like a shot at winning the dvd set. Until next time.....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shepherd's Bush Sail Away SAL

Today, August 5, 2009 marks the first day of a new start for my first SAL. It also marks Terri's 5oth Birthday, which is why I am so excited!!! I love birthdays and celebrations, as long as it's not mine (LOL)! I have posted a picture of the kit for "Sail Away" above so you can see what I will be stitching over the course of the next seven weeks along with some new stitching friends, aka "sailors". Please check out the SAIL AWAY SAL blog to follow our progess. This should prove to be great fun. Grab you sunglasses and sunscreen and come "Sail Away" with us on our new venture. Aye, Aye Matyi!!!