8/17/09 - week 2
8/17/09 -close up
Progress - Week 1
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted any photos on my blog, so I thought I would share a few updated photos of my "Sail Away" SAL. I am having alot of fun with this one. I haven't stitched with one stand of floss for quite some time. I really like working with the silks and I love the feel of the thread in my hands, they are so soft. My family and I are going camping this weekend so I will be able to get round three done and hopefully get back to the one over one I have been working on. (not) I have been so occupied with the Sail Away project and getting things ready for school that I haven't had any time to work on my other WIP's.
The weather here has cooled off quite a bit and I can feel hints of autumn on wing. I love fall, it's my very favorite time of the year, but I think this summer has gone by so fast I'm not sure where it went. Last week on Friday I started a new diet. Good Bye ice cream!!! It is definitely a challenge, but I am strong willed, so I will just keep myself busy stitching so I won't think about food. Wish me luck, I know there is a skinnier version of me inside just dying to come out!!! Oh, don't forget to post a comment on my "Jane Austen" giveaway if you would like a shot at winning the dvd set. Until next time.....