Good Evening fellow stitchers, I hope you all had a refreshing weekend. My husband and I went fishing at Butterfly Lake in the high Uintahs in Wyoming/Utah. On the way up it started to rain on us, but luckily by the time we neared our fishing spot the rain let up. Mike fished while I explored the area and took photos and stitched a little. He was excited he caught and released 3 trout, so there was no fish dinner for us here. We left after it was dark outside and we didn't make it home until early Monday morning. Not much sleep for this girl, I had to keep my eyes open for deer so we wouldn't hit one on accident. (Been there, done that before, don't want to do it again). This a picture of how beautiful the area is.
My Mikey fishing in his own little world. (Can't believe he wasn't shelling peanuts and feeding the chipmunks, I guess men aren't good at multi-tasking, what am I thinking?)
On the way up I had Mike stop constantly for some awesome photo opps. This crazy little wild pig was someone's mailbox and I couldn't resist sharing his happy go lucky expression with you. Check out the little Tazmanian Devil with his pitchfork raised high sitting atop the pig. I can just hear him screaming "ride'em cowboy"! Gotta love him, what a character!
Look what I received in the mail from Yuko...a nice exchange sent all the way from Japan. I absolutely LOVE these scissors!!! It was so generous of Yuko to help me locate a pair of these beauties. She also included two pieces of fabric, some fabric covered buttons,a package of pretty beads and some neat baby rose candles that float. I feel special and I love receiving presents in the mail, thanks again Yuko, you're the greatest.
Okay, this is a little overdue, but here is a quick little peak that I started a couple weeks back. The linen is actually a deep yellow color but it's hard to tell in this picture. I can't give you any more info, but stay tuned for the rest of this story. Please accept my heartfelt thanks to all of you who read my blog and take the time to share your thoughts with me. It truly brightens my day and I look forward to reading each and every one of them. Catch ya later!