Showing posts with label teen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teen. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2009

School Thanksgiving Feast and other updates

Today was the kiddos Thanksgiving feast at school. For some reason some strange force pulled me to leave the house early and get Buggy to school for lunch early. Boy do I thank the God's that that invisible forced told me to move it. Buggy and I waited in line for about 20 minutes to get Turkey and dressing and then when girly arrived lunch was running 40 minutes behind. They only get 30 minutes for lunch every day. It was crazy. I am thankful (so fitting) that so many parents arrived to dine with their children this year. I think the school had the biggest turnout ever. Part of me wonders if it is a sign of the times. With the economy slowing down so much it seems people are getting back to the heart of family. Maybe I am seeing more into than there really is, but a girl can hope right?

On a side note me almost teen (GASP) is getting a new percussion partner today in band. I cannot wait for him to get home and tell me how he likes his new partner and I am really hoping that together they will be the dynamic duo and help propel the percussion section to greater heights. Teen has been really pushing his older section mates this year and has sat first chair almost every week since the year started. He is challenging them but this new partner might actually help to challenge him some. I hope she doesn't steal any of his snare parts because that will make him sad since he loves the snare.

The kids missed out on reading two days this week because of a new "listen the first time" rule that I have put in place. We are going through our week of trial putting this new rule in place and the punishment has been going to bed early. They have been extremely disappointed that they are losing precious reading time... can you believe it! I am winning the war with the TV and computer! It feels so great that they would rather lay in bed listening to me read than watch TV!

ok so that is where we are at. Not all that interesting but I am not feeling very interesting this week anyhow.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Never a dull moment... bus safety

My eldest, well he provides me with hours of entertainment and not always the kind a mom can appreciate. It all started last Friday... darn kid got in trouble for rescuing a friends phone from sure destruction. But he forgot to return it to school in a timely manner and they wanted to give him D-hall for it. Well it didn't make any sense to me so I had to have a 'talk' with the people running the place. Once they finally understood that as his parents that Scott and I are ultimately the ones responsible for his grades, behavior and ability (or inability) to emerge from this time in life called childhood as a responsible adult they agreed that d-hall was not the best course of action.
So after going to bat for my son earlier this week, he proceeds to embarrass me by "being disrespectful" to a guest speaker that was visiting his 8th period class. Now oldest swears he was only talking and that everyone was doing it. HA like THAT is an excuse that is going to fly... if Joe Blow jumped off the Empire State Building...
Well, oldest jumped so now he is dead. 2 days of in-school suspension! Oh and did I mention that he had also earned himself 2 days of lunch d-hall for sharing his school ID with his best friend who conveniently forgot his? Now he has to serve that next week because of the ISS.
So today on this last day of the week... Friday the 13th, you would hope that I could be lucky and the day would go by without a hitch, well no of course not. He has served his last day of ISS today and on the bus ride home from school he was sitting on his bag. The bus driver actually pulls the bus over and comes to check him out wondering why he suddenly seemed a foot taller than he was the day before. Of course it is possible that he hit his preteen growth spurt but not very probable.
She asked him if he knew what could happen if she had to slam on the breaks... his reply...wait for it...

His reply was...


Are you kidding me? After everything else this week I couldn't help but laugh and I am very very thankful that he told me about this himself instead of someone else calling my home to tell me of his misdeeds. And as I type this out he is stroking my hair asking me if I am ok...
I guess we'll see how OK I am when he is 18.
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