Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015


photo, food and styling : dietlind wolf
in print : happinez issue 1/ 2015

its a very special issue , the nr. 1 "peace of mind" issue,
including an interview .

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

the perfect wreath

styling + photography : dietlind wolf
in print : salon no.1
so proud being part in the first issue 
of the brandnew magazine
old values new ideas,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

diy presents and its wrapping

concept , ideas, realization, styling + photography : dietlind wolf
in print : extra magazine in brigitte issue 24/2014

so proud to present you my first whole magazine,
thank you !
maren for beautiful shiboris 
birgit for her amazing graphic work and her yarn
and stephanie for her diamondbox + handbag
(  missing pics are coming soon!! )

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

food presents

 concept/recipes/styling + photography : dietlind wolf
in print : happy food happinez netherlands

this is what i did produce int the autumn kitchen… food presents all vegan 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

snow kitchen

concept prop styling + photography : dietlind wolf
i was so lucky when finely at the end of our wintertime in late february we had a few days of intense snowing,
i occupied our whole garden , and played with food colors and  water-soluble chalkspray .
wish you snow to play...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

tree time

concept prop styling + photography : dietlind wolf

* i wish you a wonderful christmas time and peaceful moments with your beloved under the tree*

Monday, December 23, 2013

xmas houses

concept , prop styling + photography : dietlind wolf

i fell instantly in love with the edible waffle houses the first time i saw it in  the coeditors book which wrote  carl crackhart in 1907 , 
i got so inspired that i started  to rebuild the little church after his explanations, 
and continued with own ideas as the dollhouse and my first aachener printen farmhouse ever..

Sunday, December 22, 2013

under the dome

concept , prop styling  + photography : dietlind wolf
in print : frisch gekocht december 2013

the awesome app of the full magazine is still available !

Friday, December 6, 2013

wax candles + votives

concept , prop styling + photography : dietlind wolf

holiday issue 2013 nr. 15 page 98 

the smell of beeswax is so utterly touching and calming , 
i would suggest one of the deepest connected frangancy memory in our body.
enjoy the time of candles and smells ..

Thursday, November 21, 2013

nuts and chestnuts

colorconcept + styling : dietlind wolf
recepies + foodstyling : hermann rottmann
photos : walter cimbal

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