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Tampilkan postingan dengan label SEO. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kode Rahasia Handphone Nokia


Sebenarnya ini trik lama sih, dan sudah banyak yang tahu, cuma daripada susah nyari kalau diperlukan lagi, jadi lebih gampang kalau di arsipkan saja disini.
1.buat melihat serial number
2.Bulan, tahun pembuatan
3.Purchasing date.
4.Last time Repair
5.Transfer user data.
gunanya untuk melihat IMEI nokia kamu.
gunanya kalo mo liat nokia programming system
ato mo ngetes seberapa kuat signal yg di dapat nokia kamu.
biasanya ini berguna buat pemasukan NAM pada nokia cdma yg mau di inject.
kalo mo lihat firmware revision number and date.
Mengaktif kan EFR (enhanced full rate codec)
suara akan menjadi lebih baik, tapi battery berkurang dayanya sekitar 5%
me non aktif kan EFR
mengaktif kan half rate codec. menurun kan kualitas suara, tetapi menambah talk time sekitar 30%
menonaktifkan half rate codec.
melihat firmware, jika *#0000# tak berkerja.
provider lock status
network lock status
Country lock status
simcard lock status
ini berguna untuk mengecek nomor2 yg kita telah divert
menampilkan security code yg sedang running.
reset waktu pemakaian telp dan game timer.
untuk melihat manufacture code
untuk restore ke default seting.
mengaktifkan divert semua panggilan masuk ke nomor yg akan di masukan.
mengaktifkan divert saat “No Reply” ke nomor yg akan dimasukan.
mengaktivkan divert saat “On Busy” ke nomor yg akan dimasukan.
melihat semua private number.
klo setelah tekanpagar ga ada respon, berarti hrs tekan Call ato ok …!!!
dari berbagai sumber

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Tricks and Tips for SEO


So, you want a trick. Lets define trick:
First one here: a cunning or deceitful action or device; “he played a trick on me”; “he pulled a fast one and got away with it”
So, a cunning or deceitful action or device. Well that sure does not sound good now does it. But  yet that is what comes to mind many times. It reminds me of the junior highschool days when I probably spent more time thinking about a work around then just studying. Why was the workaround so more appealing? I really did end up burning some time coming up with different schemes. Like the time I wrote the answers down on a small piece of paper and put it in a small curve, taped it to my gut and then un-buttoned the top button of my school uniform shirt. Worked a few times.  I then got brave and just used the same ‘cupping’ method in the top pocket. Got busted . Honor Council.
I was an idiot. I learned nothing.
Well its the same here. In the time you spend reading up on a trick you can just as easily get a tip
So here is a tip: tip off: give insider information or advise to; “He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot”
So, we want a tip regardin SEO, or how can we implement something that will actually WORK and bring more visitors to our site that will in turn, produce the results we are looking for.
So, why the fuss over the use of a word? Big reason. If you stay down the trick path it has a dead end. Stick with searching for tips and you’ll find your path continues to lead to greener pastures. Yep, the trick road has some cool signs on the way that eventually end up in more dead end roads or worse off, accidents with large 18 wheelers (Penalties).
Want a tip for today? Spend most of tomorrow imagining yourself the head of the Web Spam team at Google and what kinds of things you’d try and do to prevent people from manipulating your search index so you could keep your job. Write down the top 5 or 10 things you’d do. Now, after you are done see how shocked you are to find out that you are violating most of the rules you wold implement.
Then, come up with 10 things you’d suggest people to do to improve their rankings naturally and that would still help you keep your job. Now just do those things.
Bottom line is the search engines are trying to get better and better at acting like a human and to detect moral behavior on the internet. To them its all about morals when it comes to their index and they wrote this moral index by the way. They can do that you know, they own the index.Get paid To Promote at any Location

Chrome SEO: Make Your SEO Tasks Easier


f you have been blogging for a quite a while you must have been using several SEO tools (Alexa, Pagerank, Compete Raking and list goes on and on) either for checking your sites or sneaking up on performance of your competitor's sites on regular basis. Most of them are easily implemented via Firefox but this time around, I would like to introduce Chrome SEO, a plugin used specifically in Chrome.

I really like this extension because it loads pretty fast and doesn't consume much memory as I expect. The extension appears on the top left side of the address bar. So when you try to pull out data (SEO stats) from a URL, just simply visit the website and hit the extension icon. A list of data as follow will popup.

From there, we can click on any result to see for relevant information. The extension features Keyword Highlight NoFollow links, Research Tool (Alpha Version), backlinks number, pages indexed number, social bookmark count, current traffic, rankings and Domain Details (like Whois, Server Location, DNS etc).
Chrome SEO is being used by hundred of thousands Chrome users, making it one of the most popular extensions. Webmasters, make sure to keep it in your sleeves.  

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How to find dofollow blog and boost up your PageRank for FREE


The idea of getting a great list of dofollow blogs came into my mind when I saw few people in digitalpoint forums managed to get good return by selling list of high pagerank, dofollow blogs. There must be some kind of tricks or automated software that can do the job. My quest on this trick/software didn't give any credible lead until I stumbled upon Fast Blog Finder. Before I proceed I would like to show you something interesting.
. I bet some of you must be a little bit skeptical on the notion that high pagerank backlink can have significant impact in boosting up our pagerank. But let see this site (http://www.mobiletech-info.com). It has a valid PR6 after only 4 months of existence.

Judging from Alexa ranking and number of backlinks, it's not really in a good shape to even reach PR5. The definitive answer can be found only after the backlinks were put under scrutiny.

You can check the first top backlink yourself. It doesn't have any nofollow tag at all! Wouldn't this prove that backlink from high pagerank sites carry heavy weight in Pagerank calculation?
Now we are back to our main topic. Basically Fast Blog Finder will find dofollow blog posts for you. Before I go on further, let's get this thing straight. The idea is not to spam them but finding blogs which belong to the same niche as yours and comment intelligently. Give something insightful and constructive rather than leaving comment like "Good post" et al. It doesn't add any value at all. Ok, I don't want to dwell on this issue any longer, it would be better to get down to this lovely program.
First you need to download the program file at Fast Blog Finder. Install it and once done you will be asked to fill up a form so that they can email you the activation key. After that you can start do the searching.

When you are done with the searching you will be presented with posts that carry dofollow and nofollow tag. To further fine tune your search you can use "your keywords" + "commentluv". That way, dofollow tag will be applied to your homepage link and your last post as well.
This program is FREE but the search result is limited to 50 blogs for each keyword. You may upgrade this program for $49 if you want to have unlimited number of blogs for every search. 50 blogs are actually more than enough because we are not playing with numbers but quality. Remember we are not going to spam them; rather we want to add something useful on those posts and at the same time reaps the rewards.

Download Fast Blog Finder
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8 FREE Online SEO Tools to Check Complete Site Statistics


Pagerank & Alexa ranking are not the the only factors that people will look at when analyzing the strength of a website. There are many elements come into play including but are not limited to basic on-page optimizations, domain age, inbound links, number of indexed pages in search engines, backlinks from social mediasphere (i.e. Digg, StumbleUpon et al) and xhtml, css validation.
Advertisers of these days are more concerned on how a website evolves; whether they are artificially boosted (blackhat) or naturally developed. I came across a few useful FREE SEO websites that provide thorough analysis as I hang out a lot in DP forum. Some of the websites are now buried deep in DP archives and I couldn't find a way to dig them out as most of them resided in threads totally unrelated to SEO things. So I decided to collect and list them (SEO tools that I still remember vividly) in this post.
Here is a list of FREE SEO tools.

1. Website Grader - This website provides a score that incorporates things like website traffic, SEO, social popularity and other technical factors. It also provides some basic advice on how the website can be improved from a marketing perspective.

2. Xinu Returns - Find out how well your site is doing in popular search engines, social bookmarking and other site statistics.
Note: I've seen websites with similar framework and template so I presume Xinu run on a similar script.

3. URL Trends - Features Pagerank, Alexa, number of baclinks from Yahoo & Google and many more. Fast at delivering result.

4. IwebTool - Provide pagerank prediction, in-depth analysis on backlink information, multi rank checker, website speed test and few more analysis.
Note: Pagerank prediction doesn't work most of the time.

5. SEO Book Tool - Features Search Analytics Tools, Keyword Research Tools, Competitive Research Tools, Link Analysis Tools & Search Engine Ranking Checkers.

6. SEO Digger - SEO Digger is a decent keyword gathering and research tool but what it really helps me with is determining a given site's overall theme and keyword focus. Apart from a list of search queries, wordtracker and overture results are also determined (keyword popularity calculated by Wordtracker.com). Data is also CSV-exportable.

7. QuarkBase - Provide overall stats related to social media popularity, traffic details and technical information.

8. Check Page Rank of Internal Pages - This is one of my favorite SEO tools and particularly useful after every pagerank update. The only downside is, it only registers 100 entry before it comes to a stop.
Note: Sometimes it's not responding but that is the only working Internal Pagerank checker I found so far.
There are many great FREE SEO tools out there but not listed here. If you find them to be useful and would like to share with our readers, please don't hesitate to add up your favorite SEO tool by commenting this post.Get paid To Promote at any Location


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