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one more quick thing- jen bekman's new 20x200 project is a wonderful resource for affordable prints. i'm loving this "ny.07.#20" print by jennifer sanchez. you can choose from three sizes of prints ranging from $20 to $200 to $2,000. such a fun idea. click here to browse the full 20x200 selection.



arien valizadeh

i love this piece by los angeles based artist, arien valizadeh. [via fecalface]




artist jinnie lee from lilac moon studio sent over a link to her etsy shop. she sells these beautiful "poladoodle" prints for $20 each- i love the little drawings on top of the photos. they'd make a great affordable gift.



these beautiful heat transfer prints from sf artist theresa fong at otsutree are absolutely beautiful. each one is printed on a maple wood panel and available right here for $150. [thanks, theresa!]



alyson fox + weekly wrap up

austin based artist alyson fox just added a beautiful new series of fashion illustrations to her website. you can contact her at the site if you're interested in purchasing any of the illustrations. i think the sock puppet drawings would be so sweet in a little girl's room. click here for more information. what follows below is a summary of this week's highlights. see you monday!



christine kesler

oliver at the present group sent over a link to artist christine kesler yesterday. she recently debuted a collection of drawings titled "i began drawing on a piece of land" that were made as she moved from brooklyn to san francisco. i love her way with line and little spots of bright color. you can find more information on christine and her work right here. [thanks, oliver!]



dear ada

sometimes i feel birdie at dear ada can read my mind. every time i read her site (which has become a daily ritual for me now) i hear myself saying "it's like she knows exactly what i've been looking for"! every single day there's something i'm absolutely crazy about, but of course, never could have found on my own. her posts on fine artists are consistenly my favorite on the web and there hasn't been a week yet where she's posted something i didn't want to immediately save up for. this week she posted works by jennifer mercede, richard colman and mark grotjahn that are just superb. each piece is full of color (they all have pink, which i'm loving right now) and edited expertly. i love seeing sites that have such a specific eye for detail and curation. click here for more fantastic artwork at dear ada.



tim forcum

beautiful artwork by tim forcum, via dear ada.



the tenderhearted

i'm a big fan of lisa congdon so i'm jealous of anyone who's in the SF area for her new solo show- the tenderhearted. the show will take place at the candystore (16th street between valencia and guerrero) in san francisco and there will be a (fantastic) opening party tomorrow, september 6 from 6-9 pm. i hope anyone in the area will stop by- it looks like a fantastic show. click here for more on lisa and here for a preview of the pieces for sale.

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marie bossée

good lord these are gorgeous- jan found these beautiful wire pieces from artist marie bossée in cote sud magazine this week. so, so lovely.


mister charlesworth

hearing from students has got to be one of my favorite things in the world. there's something about the world of art and design school that i find endlessly inspiring and creative. so naturally i was thrilled to hear from british artist emily morris who just graduated from design school in the uk this summer. emily graduated with a degree in printed textile and surface design and recently debuted her first collection- a collection of laser cut paper panels called mister charlesworth- at the new designers exhibition. mister charlesworth is a stunning series of panels featuring insect imagery that has been transformed into intricate lace-like cut paper designs. the panels were on display at chiltern st. studio in london (seen above and below) and are really more beautiful than words. emily doesn't currently have a website but if you're interested in commissioning her work or just contacting her you can email her right here. [thanks, emily!]

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clare grill

for the last year or so i've been looking to invest in artwork (mainly paintings), but haven't quite found the perfect fit yet. there are many artists i love but i still seem to be on the search for the perfect combination of texture and color. but thanks to d*s reader emily i may have found my perfect match. brooklyn based artist clare grill creates these stunning paintings using gauche and oils; her use of color is really spot on for me. i love the vivid splashes of hot pink, yellow and purple. clare's mission statement says that she "juxtapose[s] structural and gestural marks, bold and neutral color, and varying surfaces to contain and protect painted areas [she] thinks look real in their unmediated directnessuses. [her] current work uses forms found both intuitively through my painting process, and from ephemeral and permanent structures found in nature, specifically camping tents and geological cross-sections, that reference this act of protection and containment." i love the geological references and her extensive series of tent paintings. clare is currently showing at real art ways in new haven hartford, ct but you can click here to see more of her work and contact her online. [thanks, emily!]



natsuko seki

after categorizing 600 old posts last night i realized that the majority were artwork and graphic design. if you'd asked me what i post about the most these days i would have said accessories but i was dead wrong. so in honor of the artwork-centric posts of the last few months i thought i'd post some great new artists today. first is natsuko seki, who i found through kate forrester's site. i'm absolutely crazy about her collage-style illustrations that combine bright colors with beautiful patterns. click here to see natsko's full collection of illustrations, animation and package design.


hoot hoot (part two)

i love metallic inks- this bronze owl print from oh my cavalier is handprinted in metallic bronze ink on a gocco printer. the 7 x 3.25 inch print is available right here for $8. and if one owl isn't enough, there's also a beautiful orange gocco owl card from elfrida right here for $3.


mary o'malley

i am blown away by the artwork of somerville artist, mary o'malley. inspired by nature, mary's illustrations, paintings and mixed-media works pay such incredible attention to detail and use stunning splashes of color. her illustrations are my favorite but the entire collection is definitely worth checking out. click here to contact mary or find her current and upcoming shows. [thanks, mary!]



tgif + weekly roundup

it's been a busy week here at d*s- i'm finally getting close to relaunching the site (yay!) so i've been resizing photos and categorizing all of my old 4,103 posts (eek!). in the meantime i'm gathering some more sneak peeks for next week and working on some new guides. i'll also be announcing some biz lady dates next monday so stay tuned for that. i'm off to finish up painting our dining room- i'm planning on the first post of the new d*s being a tour of our house so i'm trying to get everything ready. until then, here's a roundup of this week's highlights and some other links around the web. have a great weekend!


charm foundry

amy ruppel sent over a fantastic link to her friend kate phillips' new etsy shop. originally from scotland, kate now lives and and works in the bay area where she produces beautiful encaustic paintings, prints and drawings. you can browse her full collection and shop online right here. (some of amy's new work is below, too) [thanks, amy!]


billy renkl

beautiful artwork by billy renkl, via dear ada.



anna hepler

beautiful illustrations and installation work from maine artist anna hepler (via ferdinand).


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License.