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Showing posts with label lamp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lamp. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Not to Re-cover a lampshade

Steps to learning how not to recover a lamp shade:

1.  Do not read, or follow any of the thousands of lamp recovering DIY tutorials (my personal faves are this one, this one, and this one).

2.  Do make sure you overlap your fabric too much on the underside.

3.  Also, make sure that you use so much hot glue that it's impossible to rip the fabric off without ruining the base shade.

OH, and don't take 18 million photos of the bad process.  It's just in bad taste.

Got it?  Are we all versed now in how not to re-cover a lampshade?  Good, lets get started with my version!

I did everything wrong, but what can I say- it was my very first lampshade recover-y project.  You can't always win (like I demonstrated in this recent storage box failure I had)

First, my lamp shade was tiny, but I measured out an inordinately large amount of fabric.  (Fabric that I loved, and had left over from this no-sew table runner.)  Because, as in the steps above, I did not follow #1.  Instead of rolling the lampshade on the fabric to get the right measurement, I instead sat it on top, and measured around the base. And the cut out the largest circle of fabric ever.


Second, I tried wrapping the fabric around, thinking I was being clever and coming up with a new technique!  no.  I cut a hole in the center of the fabric, and wrapped around the top first.  Just a whole bunch of excess fabric, and a lamp shade that only shines through the top half.  I creatively wrapped the loads of excess fabric in 3 pleats.




Third, I used so much hot glue during this first attempt to make a lamp shade cover that I can't pry it off, without fear of breaking through the already brittle plastic.  Remember, if I haven't already told you, this lamp also came from the thrift store originally.  But, it was $7.50, and a great style and size. (there I go, justifying again.)




Finished Shade:

So anyway.  This project is the disgrace of the new office.  Don't get me wrong.  I actually like it when the lamp isn't on.  But, whats a lamp that never gets used?  (sounds like the opening to a joke, but I don't have the punchline)  It's in there, with it's gloriously re-vamped satin black base (yes, I got rid of that brass!), but with a shade that looks like, well, crap with a capital C.  I'm conflicted.  Z said he liked the shade!  Was he saying that to be nice, or am I too picky?

You be the judge.  Here it is in action, in it's current state:



Lay it on me... give it to me straight... tell me the truth.  I think I've already made up my mind, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.  :)  Oh, and I'm hoping my second lampshade covering project turns out better.  So far, 50% of the way done, it is.  More on that later.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday.  You guys rock.  Like seriously, all of you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

That Magic Red Lamp

ok, Ok, OK.  I finally got up the courage to finish my Milk Jug Lamp.  Yes, yes, I posted about him weeks back.

What do you think?

This baby took a while, because through the process: 1. I changed my mind (shocker), 2. dealt with rain and bad weather (CA has seen some bad storms lately) and 3. I had to re-sand him down after the first coats due to paint drips.  What can I say, I was over zealous with the spray paint in a few areas.  :)

Another thing I learned?  Red is hard to paint with.  To get full coverage, no streaks, and no white spots (on the first try) takes talent I sure don't have.  I understand the art of painting a car now.  Plus I was once told that red is the most difficult color to match.

Anyway, I digress.

I started with this lamp, and these two main inspiration photos (one from Pottery Barn, and the other from Shades of Light)

 My $10 thrift store find
Pottery Barn, $189

Shades of Light, price unknown, but over $200...

What, you say?  My lamp looks nothing like either of those?  Refer to point #1 above.  After getting the primer on the lamp, and choosing an off white called "Ivory" (Rustoleum Heirloom white would have been 1000 times better) the lamp base started to look more like the original version from the store!  Totally not what I was going for.  In fact, very far off, from what I was going for.  Sigh.



Z suggested some color (love him!) and so, I took out my colonial red spray paint, and proceeded to cover the horrible ivory.

Now, as I mentioned in point 3 above, I had drips all over!  I guess I wasn't patient enough to do many light coats this time, which could have helped on that front.  It seemed like after the third light coat though that it wasn't covering so I kept it on some areas longer than spray paint should be.  And got drips.  Sigh.

So, I sanded it down last weekend in the areas where I could really address the drips, and started fresh.

And here, today, with the lamp shade I purchased at Target:

...not the greatest photo of the color, because it nearly looks the same color as my new orange drapes.

I'm done.  Finished.  Finito!  I'm putting this lamp somewhere.  I swear. Yep.  All finished, and no home.  Maybe that's because he started hissing when I plugged him back in tonight.  Notice I'm referring to the lamp as a him?  That's because it was an annoying project, and sometimes men are annoying projects.  Teehee.  Just kidding.

All in all, I really do like the color, and the shape, and the drum shade I found ($10 at Target and it's linen).  Just have to find a home.  And a cure for the light buzz he has.  Any idea on how to get rid of that annoying noise?  I don't think it's a lightbulb issue because it has an CFL in it.

For now, that's all.  Laters!

PS: do you think it looks unfinished?  Like it needs a fleur-de-lis stencil, or a number (say our anniversary date) on it?  I was contemplating roughing it up a bit and using paint glaze for the first time.  Thoughts?  Like it the way it is?  Horribly ugly?  Tell me!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Milk Jug Musings

If you've been reading over the last few days (thank you to ALL MY FOLLOWERS!), you'll recall a lamp I posted about.  I believe, now, that the shape is that of an antique milk jug or a tea canister.  The difference is mine is ceramic, not tin/metal, and has a stoneware and floral pattern on it (plus a hideous pleated shade, that was so gross I couldn't even bring it in the garage, and just want to toss it...)

But, I paid $10 for it, it works, and it has potential.

While I still haven't found the exact project again that I had found prior, I have gotten some inspiration online over the last few days with lamp bases that look like mine, and what I could do to re-vamp the lamp.  (again, a note to self: bookmark your favorite project links!)

Let's get real.  Mine currently looks like this




But, there's hope!
Here's what I initially thought I would do:

Pottery Barn, $189, doesn't seem to be available online anymore.  Anyone know the name of this one?

But I found all these inspirations and got confused:

I just love this blue distressed vintage and lettering... plus, aren't those birds charming?  :)

I LOVE the shade on this one.  I think I have some fabric I could use to cover a drum shade when I find one.
(the above 2 from Shades of Light, but I can't seem to find their prices...)

I like the painted versions, and stenciled ones too!

So, this is where you come in!  Give me a heads up- what works, what doesn't?  Any of you painted a lamp before?  Share your projects!  Give me some advice!  I think this will go in our new office...

(via DecorPad I could do without the oval in the middle of the pattern)

Not quite a milk jug, but hey, it's my blog and it caught my eye :)

Here's a real milk jug project, again, from the girls over at Shanty 2 Chic!  :)

From Shades of Light, this one is $345!  I actually don't like this one, but it's the right shape, and it was still available online, for a price reference!

 (again, I don't like this one, but the shape is right, and it's good to look at different options)

Here's another REAL antique Milk Jug!  Rust and All! (from the Chattanooga Auction House)

Oh, and Don't forget about our new feature TOMORROW, and every Friday:

Victory Of The Week

Link up with that project you finally tackled, or an inspiring story, or anything you feel victorious over.  See you then!

So, what'll it be?!

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