Showing posts with label Onion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Onion. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Still life with Oranges, Plums and Garlics

Still life with Oranges, Plums and Garlic, Oil on Canvas, 18" X 24" 
This canvas is slightly larger than those that I can handle comfortably. Henceforth I am planning to paint larger regularly so I dont have to feel intimidated by the occassional commissions I receive :).
I am not exactly happy with the blank forground. NExt time I will try to create a more balanced composition.
Thank you so much for visiting. Comments and critiques please .....

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Still Life with Onion, Garlic and Grapes

Still Life with Onion, Garlic and Grapes, Oil on Canvas, 14" X 18"
I have painted this still life after a long time. I think it is a very good subject when trying to fine tune basics of values, edges etc. One doesn't have to hire a model and yet one can reap all the benefits of painting from life. Besides there is no need to feel embarrassed if the painting gets screwed up :) Perhaps thats why Still Life is one of my favourite genres.
Thanks for stopping by. Please do leave your valuable comments and critiques.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Lemons and Garlics

"Lemons and Garlics", Oil on Canvas, (14" X 18") 

I did this painting on Sunday. Took me about 7 hours. I find it very difficult to get ellipses right. So the mouth of the pickle pot was quite a challenge. :)

Thank you so much for visiting. Comments and critiques are most welcome.