Lots of people will roll their eyes at me... I know I am! But I feel the need to
give an update for the last year and a half of our lives that I didn't blog. I just need it written down so my kids can see it when they're older. My kids were tiny a year and a half ago!
October 2012
This is one of my all time favorite pictures. I just laugh every time I see it. She wanted to ring the doorbell!
November 2012
Here's what Owen looked like back then! He stole a sucker from his brother's Halloween candy.
Around Thanksgiving we had a little reunion with Derrick's family and stayed in a church that was remodeled to fit a whole family for reunions. It was really fun! We have since added a new sister-in-law and sent Aunt Megan off on a mission.
December 2012
Halle had her first dance recital, which was adorable! Look how little she is, and her chubby cheeks!
I don't have the video from the actual recital, but here is the video I got at her dress recital. She's the back row, far left of the screen. It was fun to watch and see how much she has improved since then. I was nervous that at her recital she would be really nervous and maybe refuse to go, because it would be the first time she had been on stage ever. There were so many people! It was held in a high school auditorium (the normal kind, not the small town kind Derrick was used to. :) ) But she did great!
Hayden lost his first tooth.
And we celebrated Christmas.