Showing posts with label quick meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quick meals. Show all posts

Monday, January 02, 2012

New Food Resolutions

It's that time again! Time to renounce all things on the not-so-healthy food list and vow to eat only dark greens, lean proteins, and drink gallons of water a day. All kidding aside, I hope that you are making a least a small goal to eat a little healthier. I also hope that you aren't trying any crazy fad diets or going on a hunger strike.

Here are a few of my Food Resolutions for this year:

1. Juice more. I've been letting work and all the business of life make me "too busy to juice". Really? Too busy to juice? it takes a total of 20 minutes from start to clean up. No more excuses. Juicing more means more vitamins and veggies in my diet and less wasted fruits and veggies in my fridge.

2. Cook more veggies. I'm great at eating salad, but when it comes to cooking up an extra serving of veggies I've really been slacking.

3. Get more creative with whole grains. I have about a dozen standard recipes and I have been really bad at spicing things up lately.

Those are my 3 Food Resolutions. What are yours?

For a little more food-inspiration here are a few great tips I found on my new favorite website pintrest
First a little truth in humor.
I LOVE this one!
Such simple advice.
If you buy good food, you will eat good food. If you buy junk, you'll eat junk. Simple enough.
Happy Healthy New Year!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Forgotten Favorites: Baked Potatoes

Sometimes I spend so much time trying to come up with creative meals that I forget about some classic (& quick) meals. Recently I rediscovered Baked Potatoes, how did I forget about these delicious spuds?
Another great thing about baked potatoes is they are quick!

The Deets
2 Baked Potatoes
4 Strips cooked Bacon Crumbled
1/2 Cup Shredded Cheese
Sour Cream

The How To
Pierce Potatoes and rub with Butter
Microwave for 6-7 minutes (most microwaves have a potato button that works perfectly)
Potatoes will be hot hot hot - cut with care
Top with your favorite toppings
Whether you like a little or a lot of toppings is up to you
Add a nice Salad and Dinner is served!

Plate, Pray & Enjoy!