Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

STUPID or just plain NAIVE?

There is just a thin line between naivety and stupidity and it is always an unclear line that separates both words. Although one of them sounded less intense when used on others, but is it really good to be either?

I have a friend that is so highly sensitive to the word "stupid" and for a time, i was infected too by the word itself. My friend use to say something like never let anyone call you stupid... or something like that... (Sorry, forgotten about it... xD) But is saying that word really does hurt others? Yes, if u meant it.

As for naive... i believe calling anyone other than a child naive is just another way to say that he is stupid. By the age well past childhood, no one is naive, just plain stupid if being labelled naive.

So, what is wrong being called either? Well nothing wrong if you don't mind at all. Either word is to label that you are mentally inferior to the one who called you so. So, which is good to be? Heres wheres i will give my opinion on.

I would like to think that, if we are all created by the creator, everyone is being created fair. Where one is lacking in an aspect, there will be a gain in another aspect. Its fair. If someone has a fairly low IQ, he will be blessed with love and care from other more capable being. Likewise, if you are smart, you may be the one who needs to play a role in taking care of those inferior to you. This is what i think, or at least what i hope as true. :)

Sometimes, i hope i am more St**** and be loved instead. Well i'm not sure how St**** i am, but i think i'm somewhere there...close maybe.... haha. I rather not think too much and be loved. :)

But if you know someone is mentally inferior to you and you take advantage of it, CURSE YOU. You are so lowly a life form. Knowing that someone is incapable of pitting his wits again you and yet you take advantage of it, you are so despicable. You have no rights to do so! Instead you should be protecting them as you are gifted with superiority in this aspect!

So the whole point of my rambling is, whether what category you fall in, it's Ok as long as you are happy with it. And remember, what you have is a gift and it is your responsibility to excise it responsibly. Well, so much for an early morning rambling, its so unorganized but i think you get what i'm trying to mean... :)