Showing posts with label Obama Administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama Administration. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Credit where credit's due. Obama and the Dems faced the Republicans down, got a big win, made them look like chumps, and demonstrated a bit of stones for a change.

Heck, look at this:
Reid and Sen. Chuck Schumer reached out to the White House early in the standoff to convey their view: They can win without giving an inch. The White House agreed, giving way to a no-compromise strategy championed internally by senior adviser David Plouffe, who, like the president, was in a fighting mood, according to multiple sources.

Their thinking, according to White House and congressional aides: Obama and Senate Democrats already negotiated through McConnell. They made concessions. Eighty-nine senators, in a rare moment of overwhelming bipartisanship, approved the deal. And the public, according to polls, was on their side. Case closed.

“We were resolved to hold the line on this from the moment the speaker’s office indicated they were going to cave to the pressures from the fringe element of their caucus,” said a Senate Democratic aide. “We felt we had such a resounding vote in the Senate that they were going to be trapped. It was going to be impossible for the Senate Republicans to walk away from it. They were doomed to be divided because of that.”
I don't even think that the Senate unanimity had much to do with it. The Republicans have been more than successful without it in the past. The simple truth here is that fighting for legislation that is publicly popular works. Yes, you need to be smart and canny about how you do it, and I was impressed by the full-court press the White House executed to get this thing passed. The lesson's still clear. With any luck at all, they'll remember that going forward into 2012.

This is a bit bittersweet, though. You can't help but wonder about how different the world would be if the White House had been willing to do this from the beginning.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gibbs Presser

It couldn't be any more obvious that the Obama Administration hasn't the faintest idea how to approach this. They're preaching "peace" and how "the Egyptian people need to resolve this themselves", but you're already getting angry Egyptians talking about how the gas canisters the police are shooting at them are labeled "made in the USA".

America cannot remain neutral, but it's almost certain that they really, really want to keep a reliable ally in Egypt. Democratic governments are rarely "reliable" in that sense. Especially considering America's track record in the region is, ah, somewhat weak. But they don't want to be on the wrong side of a future government, and don't want the heat from being seen as anti-Democratic.

(And, honestly, I suspect many in the Administration aren't big fans of dictatorial governments in the first place. Barry et al have their issues, but these aren't Republicans we're talking about.)