Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2016

BAD BLOOD Signed ARC Giveaway and book bundle!

For October I'm giving away a signed ARC of BAD BLOOD!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also included are two arcs from Delacorte authors. And GOING GEEK is signed!

Going Geek                    My Unscripted Life

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In the Home Stretch(ish)

I’m now on part three of the three part book two. It feels really amazing to have book two almost completed. I know (just like with In the After) they’ll be edits, line edits, copy edits, galley pages, and a million other things I have to do before it’s ready, but right now it feels really good to have a story on paper (or more accurately, on monitor).

Where is everyone at with their WIPs?

I’m still over at @TheClassof2K13 on twitter today, so come check us out.

Back Friday!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Class of 2K13!



I was lucky enough to join this group of  twenty YA and MG writers with books debuting in 2013. Our site launch is on October 10th and there will be an awesome giveaway, so I wanted to let everyone know so they can mark their calendars and visit our site:

Until then, check out our books on goodreads follow us on our brand new facebook fan page, and on twitter @TheClassOf2K13 for updates and giveaway news. I’ll be tweeting for the group tomorrow and Wednesday, so stop by and say hi.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

To Tweet or Not to Tweet (Part 2)

I need some twitter advice.
I was thinking about starting another twitter account for my book, In the After. I think you have to set up an entirely different account though, and log in and out each time you want to tweet. What do people think? Does anyone have more than one twitter account? Has it been effective? Does it drive you crazy?

Monday, May 7, 2012

To Tweet or Not To Tweet

Hi everyone! As of one hour ago, I’ve signed up for Twitter.


and my sassy Twitter pic looks like this:

Although I might change the pic because I look kind of mean  J

How many of you use Twitter and what do you tweet about? Since I’m new, I’m looking for advice and people to follow. Leave a comment with your Twitter username and I’ll start following you!