Okay, so in actual fact it's not World Statistics Day, apparently it's far too boring of a holiday to have every year so they decided that celebrating it once every five years would be more than enough. The next one is due in 2015. Damn you, statistics! You're still making a fool of me!
But in recognition of the second anniversary of the last World Statistics Day (Shut up! I can celebrate it if I want to! You're not the boss of me!) I've decided to regale you all with some fun statistical facts. And of course by facts, I mean complete fabrications.
- A ten gallon hat can only hold three quarts.
- There's a 50% chance that your lost remote is behind the couch cushion, but only 4% chance it's in the fridge.
- A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
- 2% of American adults think that Mitt Romney's real first name is "Mittens".
- The furthest you can see with the naked eye is 2.4 million light years.
- People who have accidents on Friday the 13th are 53% more likely to end up in hospital.
- There are, on average, thirteen vending machine related deaths each year.
- You can burn 1,560 calories by kissing for an hour.
- Every year 8,800 people suffer toothpick related injuries.
- Two in five people marry their first love.
- Only 30% of people can flare their nostrilsThere you go! A few statistics in honour of the day. Of course, I give no guarantee that these are true in any way, shape or form ... but hell, that's never stopped anyone from believing weird things before.
So what's the weirdest statistic you've ever heard?