

bogus basin

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.  ~John Muir

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.  ~George Washington Carver

there are two environments where i feel closer to God than anywhere else.

one, the mountains.
two, the beach.

i don't think it's coincidence that when Christ fasted for 40 days, he first retreated to the wilderness.

honestly, i used to feel a little guilty that the temple isn't top of my list.  as a good lds woman, shouldn't that be my top spiritual place? while i love the temple and the breathtaking spirit and beauty that is there,  it's out in nature that i feel the purest connection to my maker.  the place i hear His piercing voice the clearest.

i think He made me this way. it's there, among the pine and quakies (or waves and endless horizon) i find true perspective.

i'm happiest when i have a little dirt between my toes.

sunday, we were all thirsting for a little reconnection so we packed up the car after church and headed up the canyon to bogus basin.

as soon as i stepped out of the car i felt like bursting into song like rapunzel,

Just smell the grass, the dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be!
Just feel that summer breeze - the way it's calling me
For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!
I could go running
And racing
And dancing
And chasing
And leaping
And bounding
Hair flying
Heart pounding
And splashing
And reeling
And finally feeling
Now's when my life begins!

(are your two year old girls as in love with this movie and 'new-gene' as mine is? geesh)

needless to say. i was so happy to be there.

first, the iphone photos via instagram:

and then the rest:

poor cal. every picture of him he has socks on his hands so he won't scratch his face, and a big bib covering his front since he still spits up at least a couple times after each feeding.  

reese is such a nut. check out this face...

i wonder where she gets it from?

"i wanna get out."

i love the color of the moss that covers all of the pine here.
it was just what we needed. the perfect prelude to summer adventures ahead.


Marilyn said...

I love it! We have that same kid carrier and it's the bomb. Love hiking and the beauty all around. Thanks for sharing!

mama nels said...

Oh Jen these pictures are so incredible! The expressions are so great. I love them and I love all of you!! (Love being in the mountains too (: !

Andi said...

Awesome! I sooo miss the mountains...

Aliseea said...

Honestly I think most of the Harbertsons feel that way about either the mountains or the beach. I know I sure do.

mama nels said...
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Katie and Greg said...

Ahhh . . . gimme some of that in Boise. I'm with you Jen. I always need the mountains or water if I feel like I need some perspective. Holy cow, I'm so stinkin' excited to see you fam.