

dear snow,

you came, you blew, you conquered.


in 7 beautiful inches of fluffy white stuff.

in giddy celebration reese and i devoted our entire day to you.{please forgive cal, he was otherwise occupied with a hot date named 'nap'.}

we made snow man cookies.

we frolicked in you.

we built a snow man, endearlingly named 'snowman the frosty' by reese.  {and if you must know, he's an avid golfer.}

come again real soon?


jen & reese


mama nels said...

Jen! I love all the posts and summaries! It's so fun to get a glimpse into your head and heart through your wonderful posts and pictures. Love them! And the people in the pics!

Erin Webster said...


Katie and Greg said...

What a beautiful afternoon! I'm so glad you could have a snow date and I love your snowmans hobbies and name!