started rolling from front to back the day before he turned 6 weeksholding "conversations" of goo and gee with mommy and daddy
getting pretty darn close to sleeping through the night. last night feeding is between 9pm-10pm and he usually sleeps til around 5am-5:30am and then back to bed til 8am or 9am after he eats. {although last night he slept clear til 6am!! please don't be a fluke!!}
mommy's notes
oh my little cal, you are such an absolute delight right now. nothin' but sweet smiles and cuddles. i think you would be content to snuggle on my shoulder all day long. i think i would be content to let you snuggle on my shoulder all day long {darn laundry}. if you're ever upset all i have to do is touch my face to yours and you calm right down. you're my little buddy. the second best thing to mommy's face though is a soft blanket right out of the dryer. when you're not snuggled up on mommy or daddy's shoulder you're usually trying to fend for you life while reese is around. she loves to plug your binky in and pull it out over and over. you're not quite sure what to think of her. you are a busy, busy little body. if i lay you on the floor it's none stop moving. i don't think i've ever seen you sit still when you aren't being snuggled. you hold a pretty serious expression most of the time, but as soon as mommy or daddy looks your way, you're nothing but smiles. how i love my sweet little calamazoo.
{color version: can't decide which i like best}
loves his binky
loves his daddy