

cal - 2 months

started rolling from front to back the day before he turned 6 weeks
holding "conversations" of goo and gee with mommy and daddy
getting pretty darn close to sleeping through the night. last night feeding is between 9pm-10pm and he usually sleeps til around 5am-5:30am and then back to bed til 8am or 9am after he eats.  {although last night he slept clear til 6am!! please don't be a fluke!!}

mommy's notes
oh my little cal, you are such an absolute delight right now. nothin' but sweet smiles and cuddles.  i think you would be content to snuggle on my shoulder all day long.  i think i would be content to let you snuggle on my shoulder all day long {darn laundry}. if you're ever upset all i have to do is touch my face to yours and you calm right down. you're my little buddy. the second best thing to mommy's face though is a soft blanket right out of the dryer.  when you're not snuggled up on mommy or daddy's shoulder you're usually trying to fend for you life while reese is around.  she loves to plug your binky in and pull it out over and over. you're not quite sure what to think of her. you are a busy, busy little body. if i lay you on the floor it's none stop moving. i don't think i've ever seen you sit still when you aren't being snuggled. you hold a pretty serious expression most of the time, but as soon as mommy or daddy looks your way, you're nothing but smiles. how i love my sweet little calamazoo.

{color version: can't decide which i like best}

loves his binky

loves his daddy


somebody's smilin' up a storm

love this kid so much.

nothing like my little guy's smile to melt my heart.


dear snow,

you came, you blew, you conquered.


in 7 beautiful inches of fluffy white stuff.

in giddy celebration reese and i devoted our entire day to you.{please forgive cal, he was otherwise occupied with a hot date named 'nap'.}

we made snow man cookies.

we frolicked in you.

we built a snow man, endearlingly named 'snowman the frosty' by reese.  {and if you must know, he's an avid golfer.}

come again real soon?


jen & reese


weekly cleaning rotation

i whipped this up tonight to keep me inspired to stick with it.  nothing like a little happy color to make even the most redundant jobs a little bit brighter. i may tweak the fonts a little bit, but for now i'm diggin' it.

inspired cleaning ahead! gooooooooooooo twenty twelve. break.



favorite moments:

reese randomly running up to deek and i, grabbing one of each of our legs, and exclaiming the most genuine "i love you!!!" i've ever heard.

i may have actually baked something. rosemary garlic artisan bread no less.

getting the last of the christmas decorations out of the house. ahhh.... clean and clutter free!

least favorite moment: 

cal spitting up roughly 500 million gallons of spit up right down my shirt. as in 2 inches of pooled goop puddling in my bra. lovely. and on a shower day no less.

i sure love my little stinkers though, spit up and all.

cal - 1 month

note to reader: it seems i no longer have time to a) take pictures of my kids, or b) edit pictures of my kids. thus the sparse pics of my little man. note to self: TAKE MORE PICTURES SELF. and the editing? that may be asking a little much.

interactive smiling starting christmas day
held head up by himself for 1 minute during tummy time
has figured out how to hold his bladder a little better during diaper changes :)
getting chunky
super-baby strength. seriously. the kids' got some muscles

to be held and snuggled and loved all day long {if only i could}
his forehead stroked
looking at lights
the binkie. most of the time, when it doesn't make him gag.
letting us know {loudly} when he'd like some attention
sticking his tongue out

i couldn't find reese one afternoon. this is where i found her.. (sidenote: her daddy has been in charge of dressing her this month :) )

loving our cal-imazoo.


waking up friday morning to find santa had stopped by a couple days early
reese crying when she saw that santa had come
reese only had eyes for her camera. and dress up shoes.
gift of all gifts: the truck SOLD!
reese's potty break on the road: sitting the little potty on the front seat of the truck. awesomeness.
extended family christmas parties on the drive down
old family photos at the l* extended party. dad was channeling his inner indiana jones.
relaxed christmas eve and a winner of a dinner.
andi, aaron, and baby will!
aunties teaching reese to do kissy faces
reindeer milk and droppings
fancy christmas breakfast at the table
reese singing 'silent night' quietly in the background while papa was reading his story
reese's purple dress and curly hair
the sock tree
watching mom and dad h give each other their gifts
reese playing the piano with papa
n musical talent show {especially loved seeing paul play his cello!}
the best toffee ever created
christmas is paintin' the town with jen's fam complete with air guitars and singing
grandma n' playing her air guitar
the mass pandemonium that was gift opening
gifts, gifts, and more gifts.
heck yes, that's deek wearing a snuggy {awesome matt!}
that raging beast. aka reese's morning hair snarls
the boys going fishing and pheasant hunting
actually eating the pheasant
hand typing the ENTIRE lease for our new renters
sleep? who needs it?
happy birthday aliseea! celebration at oakridge
reese and braxt sitting next to each other at dinner
reese's massive emotional breakdown. crying, crying, more crying, wailing... and finally sleep.
getting mom to 'just dance'
captain america in greg and katie's newly refurbished digs
make up lessons with the sister in preparation for {second} first impressions
dad's work fiasco
super 8. what the?
gorgeous 57 degree weather
walking barefoot outside, comfortably on january 1st
baby will's blessing
the furnace dying at our rental
reese figuring out how to crawl out of the packn' play in the playroom
all around, a fantastic 10 day getaway

a sparse picture sampling of the holiday{anyone have any more pictures they want to send me?}


let's be honest....

i'll probably never get these darn cards printed and mailed, so a digital copy will have to do.
cheers to a new year from our family to yours!