


they're my favorite.

every other morning of the week we have stuff. places to be, things to do.  my pregnant self is having a hard time with that.  my non-pregnant self would be so in shock over this fact. what?? you haven't exercised and showered by 7:30am???

anyway.  wednesday means being lazy.

it means letting reese climb into my bed for some snuggles before handing over my coveted iphone for some quality disney jr time.
it means sleeping in until 8:30 or 9:00 with my little blondie's feet tucked next to mine.
it means parties in the crib when cal wakes up complete with squeals and giggles and wrestling and fun.
it means mosying downstairs by 9:30 or 10:00 to finally start breakfast.
it means scrambled eggs and waffles with chocolate chips.
it means two little munchkins dropped to the floor in their best pushup form while 'chicken fat' blares from the ihome. {while the pregnant mom watches comfortably from her chair :) }
it means jammies until noon.


i love wednesdays.


i just wanted to leave you with this

it gets better every time i look at it.

*picture dump coming to a screen near you {in the near future}.


surprise! it's me! again!

oh hey blog. it's me.

ignoring you again.

i think my problem is that i get overwhelmed thinking about all of the catch up, "event" posts. things like hiking table rock, g&k fam coming to visit, father's day, etc.. etc..

you know, all the posts that require a detailed description of the doings and goings.  who, what, when, where, why. the "scrapbook" posts. i hate writing those kind of posts.  which makes sense because i hate scrapbooking. i get lost thinking about all the nitty, gritty details.  we did this, we did that, blah, blah, blah.  boring, boring, boring. i drown in details.

really, i just want to write about the little day to day stuff. the feeling stuff. the just being posts. in the long run, i think that's what i'll treasure the most.  glimpses into the every day.

and so today, i'm liberating myself. self, forget about the event posts. just be. just write. just do whatever you darn well please. and leave the boring event stuff for the photo books.

in other news, this little munchkin is stealing my heart every other second.

love me some callaway.


bogus basin

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.  ~John Muir

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.  ~George Washington Carver

there are two environments where i feel closer to God than anywhere else.

one, the mountains.
two, the beach.

i don't think it's coincidence that when Christ fasted for 40 days, he first retreated to the wilderness.

honestly, i used to feel a little guilty that the temple isn't top of my list.  as a good lds woman, shouldn't that be my top spiritual place? while i love the temple and the breathtaking spirit and beauty that is there,  it's out in nature that i feel the purest connection to my maker.  the place i hear His piercing voice the clearest.

i think He made me this way. it's there, among the pine and quakies (or waves and endless horizon) i find true perspective.

i'm happiest when i have a little dirt between my toes.

sunday, we were all thirsting for a little reconnection so we packed up the car after church and headed up the canyon to bogus basin.

as soon as i stepped out of the car i felt like bursting into song like rapunzel,

Just smell the grass, the dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be!
Just feel that summer breeze - the way it's calling me
For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!
I could go running
And racing
And dancing
And chasing
And leaping
And bounding
Hair flying
Heart pounding
And splashing
And reeling
And finally feeling
Now's when my life begins!

(are your two year old girls as in love with this movie and 'new-gene' as mine is? geesh)

needless to say. i was so happy to be there.

first, the iphone photos via instagram:

and then the rest:

poor cal. every picture of him he has socks on his hands so he won't scratch his face, and a big bib covering his front since he still spits up at least a couple times after each feeding.  

reese is such a nut. check out this face...

i wonder where she gets it from?

"i wanna get out."

i love the color of the moss that covers all of the pine here.
it was just what we needed. the perfect prelude to summer adventures ahead.


the many faces of reese

she's our little goof mcgoofster. and doesn't she look so old with her hair straightened?

sun ovens and other food experiments

we've been in sweets overload around these parts lately as i've been trying all sorts of food experiments.

translation: my pants have never been tighter post-partum as i've been overindulging in all sorts of carbohydrate goodness.

maybe i should actually start exercising seeing as swimsuit season is a measly 2 weeks away. meh.

anyway, among the many experiments i've tried my own version of strawberry trifle:

just layered angel food cake, strawberry danish dessert, strawberries, and a mixture of fresh whipped cream and instant vanilla pudding.  i added about 1 1/2 teaspoons of orange zest and about 1/2 cup sour cream to the cream/pudding mixture.

wow, heaven in a bowl. i think next time i'll add bananas and raspberries too.

next up, classic oatmeal bread. i forgot how much i love this stuff. and slathered in homemade cinnamon honey butter? ummmm, yes. just pack on the love handles and we'll call it good.

this last week i tried a new cinnamon roll recipe.  the surprise ingredient was 1 cup of mashed potatoes. they were seriously to die for.  maybe even my best cinnamon rolls yet.

see? carb overload. and these are just the ones i've taken photos of. but wait, there's more.

several years ago, deek's generous grandpa gifted each of his children a sun oven. what, you ask is a sun oven?

it's an oven that bakes your food by harnessing the power of the sun.  oh my heck, you guys, first natural birth and now sun ovens?? what is becoming of me??

basically, there's big metallic reflectors that some how heat up an inner chamber, or oven.  no electricity needed.

we finally were able to bring it out of storage and test it out on monday. ironically, this first thing i baked was amish bread. (i love when life throws in little ironies like that.  i still chuckle to myself over this one. also, would anyone in boise love an amish bread starter? they're sitting in my freezer. just give me a shout out.)

so, step one. place oven in the sun to preheat while preparing your food. at 2:15pm mine took about 20 minutes to preheat to 325 F. it was a 90F day with full sun. they say the outdoor air temperature doesn't matter - it's the brightness of the sun and the lowness of the humidity levels that provide the best environment for sun cooking. supposedly they've successfully used these in mt everest base camps.

here are my loafs, prior to baking:

(excuse the chalk background)

the oven has this nifty thermometer gauge that displays the exact temperature:

step 2: place your food in the oven and sip pina coladas. or chase down your 2 year old who has removed the cinnamon rolls, homemade ice cream, and popsicles from the freezer which are now melting all over your wood floor.

see that glass door on top? that and the inside chamber where the bread is baking are the only parts of the entire contraption that are hot to the touch. the reflectors and outer wood box aren't hot at all.

there's a hanging shelf in the chamber to set your food on.  this provides a way for hot air to fully surround your food. and for your food to stay level if the oven is on a slope (like mine was).  here's a slightly better view:

my amish bread recipe said to bake at 325F for 1 hour in a conventional oven.   i placed my bread in at 2:45pm and it was done by 4:15pm, so it took about 30 minutes longer than normal. however, i had to open the glass door twice during baking to wipe out condensation that had formed (which they say can add 10-15 minutes of baking time per opening) and to sprinkle a sugar mixture on top that i had completely forgotten about.  also, some clouds covered the sun for about 15 minutes of the bake time.

so overall? not too shabby on the bake time. and it prevented my kitchen from heating up like a sauna which was my whole point in trying it out.

here is the bread right after i pulled it out:

i know. definitely not pretty. like i said before, i forgot to sprinkle on the sugar before placing it in the oven and since i didn't get the bread exactly in the middle of the hanging shelf it slanted forward quite a bit.

and also, because i'm such a talented baker and all, i didn't grease my pans well enough so when i dumped the bread out it looked like this:

but still, it tasted just fine. fantastic, in fact. and the entire time i was eating it i kept thinking, "the SUN baked this. guys, the SUN." and it didn't take an ounce of electricity or add any heat to my home.

it was amazing and i definitely recommend it.

so, let's break it down.

the pros: simple. easy to use. bakes food solely by the power of the sun. it's fun. did i mention it bakes food solely by the power of the sun? the SUN you guys. doesn't heat up my house.

the cons: totally unusable on cloudy days. can't use aluminum bakeware since it decreases the efficiency of the reflectors (my favorite bread pans are aluminum. bummer). it obviously will take some practice leveling food on the swinging shelf thing while simultaneously trying not to get burned. takes a little longer than normal to bake.

overall i would totally recommend it.  can't wait to try it again soon. in fact, my plan is to use this as my primary way of cooking dinner this summer to save on our air conditioner bill and to save energy in general. i wish i was more concerned about the well being of our planet, but really it just boils down to the fact that i'm a cheapo, and any way i can save money, i'm a fan.

i'll let you know how run 2 goes.


tuckered out

today was a day.

a rough nap day, that is.

prior to 4:00pm i think cal had slept a total of 1 1/2 hours and reese was a walking tantrum thanks to the recent 6:30am wake up calls she's been practicing. {playing with mommy's iphone in bed for an hour in the mornings, anyone?}

while catching up with one of my closest friends {sar, howabout you guys just move to boise, ok?}, i popped in a movie for reese and set cal next to her to play with a toy.

20 minutes later they looked like this:

despite it being 4:30pm, they looked way too cute to wake up.*

love cal's hand on his chest. love reese's face smashed in her blankie. love that 5 minutes later reese had straightened her leg and cal was resting his foot on her.

sigh. love me those munchkins.

*to compensate for late naps we literally make reese run laps around the main floor after dinner. like 50 laps and she has to count them as she runs.  wears her out and provides entertainment for the rest of us. win-win.