Sunday, August 1, 2010

July 2010

July was a busy month for us! Duane's nephews came to visit for a couple of weeks, family came for the fourth, Miranda had a birthday and we squeezed in a family vacation. Since this was Austin and Skiler's first visit to the east coast we tried to fit in as much touring as we could. They had never been to the ocean, so a trip to the beach was definitely a must. Over the fourth of July weekend some of my family came to town and we all headed to the beach for the day. It was my parents' 34th wedding anniversary that day and they spent it with all of us at the beach. It think they had a good time even if they weren't able to get much alone time. We had a great fourth with lots of food and fun with family!

The next weekend we headed up to visit my sister and go to Washington D.C. and Gettysburg. It's always great to go back and visit PA, which I still call home even though my parents moved to FL. I often wish they still lived there, but at least my sister is in the area and we go always go visit. We had a great weekend!

The biggest thing that happened in July is that Miranda turned 11!!! I can't believe how old she is! I guess that does mean I am older too. I remember clearly how surprised I was to find out that they were going to induce me a month early and how very little (4lbs 5oz) she was. She is all grown up! I can't believe my little girl is 11 and is about to start middle school in a few weeks! Miranda has a very big heart, enjoys helping others and can often be found in her room reading. She is a very special girl and I am proud to be her mother.

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