Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another Season Has Begun

Our Little Soccer Player
 So, the season has started and my life runs nonstop getting the kids from one activity to the next.  I often think my day starts at 2:30pm when I pick Olivia up from school and finally ends after 9pm when the kids are finally down for the night and the house is put back together again.  It's not that I don't do anything between 8am and 2:30pm, but the day really gets crazy once Olivia gets home.  It's only six more weeks of craziness before our schedule slows down, but until then each day ends in exhaustion.  With three kids in sports this year we have practice Monday through Friday with games on Saturday.  Since Duane's new job is taking him out of town off and on, I'm left to shuttle each child from place to place.  One may ask why I do it, and my answer is because my kids love it and I enjoy watching them.  In the mean time, Evan and I spend most of our afternoons and evenings in the van driving from one place to another.
     After years of watching her siblings participate in activities, Olivia was finally old enough to play soccer.  She has so much energy and runs circles around the other players on the field and never seems to get tired.  Miranda is cheering again this season and hopes to try out for the middle school squad next year.  She loves it and lucky for me she cheers for her brother's team, which saves us from going to an extra game each Saturday.  Ryan is playing tackle football again this year.  He's moved up to the 9 & 10-year-old squad, which means he is no longer one of the largest on the team.  Last year he played right tackle and did not enjoy playing on the offensive line.  This year he is playing defensive end and loves playing defense, chasing after the ball.  It's great to see him play and how much he enjoys it.  Even after two hours of practice, he is still going fully speed.  Seeing how much they all are enjoying what they're doing makes the sacrifice worth it!

Miranda's 5th Cheer Seson
Olivia insisted on getting in on the action

Ryan plays defensive end.

Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day of School

The school year has started, which means no more sleeping in or staying in my pajamas until noon.  We're up at 5:45am in order to get Miranda ready to catch the bus a 6:45am.  She must be prepping for early morning seminary in a few years because 6:45am is pretty early to catch the bus.  She started 6th grade this year and is now in the middle school.  How did this happen?!  I don't feel old enough to have an 11-year-old who is in middle school.  Wasn't it just yesterday that I took her screaming to kindergarten?  I know it is inevitable that they grow up, but it happens so fast.  Before you know it she will be graduating from high school, but if I think about that too much then I'll really be in trouble.  I'll just take a little more time to enjoy the time that I do have left with her because I can see how quickly it is going by.

Ryan started fourth grade this year and I'm hoping he'll like it better than he did 3rd grade.  He too is growing up and looking older everyday.  Olivia is still in preschool (she misses the kindergarten cut-off by a month), but is in the More at Four program at a local daycare.  She is gone all day from 8:30am-2:30pm and it has been nice just having Evan at home, but I do miss her.  Next year will be kindergarten and she can't wait to go. 

Of course with the school year beginning, so have the after school activities.  Football and cheerleading have begun, soccer will begin soon and piano, ballet and gymnastics are in full swing.  This is in addition to scouts and activity days.  So, when the kids get home, I turn into their chauffeur running them from one place to the other.  They enjoy their activities and that is why I do it, even if it makes for a crazy life!:)

First day of preschool 2010
First day of 6th grade
First day of 4th grade
It is now finished!  I finally got finials to add to the corners.  I've already started my next project, Ryan's bed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Projects

We've been busy this past spring and summer with some projects and it's about time we shared them with you!  Our yard is a great size and we really wanted the kids to be able to utilize it, so we decided they needed a play set.  We went to Toys R Us ready to purchase one, despite the nightmare stories we heard about putting one together, and came back empty handed.  They are so small and with an 11 and 9-year-old we knew they would get no use out of it.  The neighbor across the street had starting building one from scratch and Duane had this fantastic idea to build one too, you know since he's so handy.  Ok, so he's never built anything!  I don't even think he had wood shop in school.  He did most of it on his own with a little help from some friends and me.  It was definitely a learning experience and it is sturdy enough for Duane to play on, which I think was the point from the beginning.  The kids love it and we love that they love it!  I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to come and play on this giant set!  Our next step is to box the area in and mulch it.   I Duane did a fantastic job, despite how skeptical I was when he first told me his plan!  His next project is to lay a patio and build a pergola.

So, the original plan was to enclose one of the platforms, when I came across some plans for a playhouse on knock-off wood.  I first was introduced to this blog by a friend and was so impressed with what she had built, I decided that maybe I could do it too.  If you have seen this site, then I have to warn you that you, like me, may become addicted and find yourself on it at least once a day and with an ever increasing list of projects.  So, you have been warned, but I do encourage you to visit the site and become inspired to build.

Duane was the skeptical one this time, raising his eyebrow when I mentioned that I wanted to build a playhouse to put on top of the platform.  Well, I proved that I could do it and did it all by myself, except for getting it on the platform.  I needed Duane's help for that.  I can now say that I've built a house, even if it is only a playhouse.  It was very satisfying and I had a great time doing it.

After building a house, I figured I could build anything, so I informed Duane that I was going to build each of the kids a bed.  When we moved back from Japan, the kids had nothing, so we bought them mattresses, box springs, metal frames and dressers.  We just couldn't see spending the money to buy them headboards and I'm glad we didn't.  Miranda is the first to get a bed, since she's the oldest and she picked this plan off the knock-off wood website.  It is the Lydia bed and I can't tell you how impressed I am with myself!  I really did make this bed and couldn't wait until the morning when there is better lighting to share it.  The building didn't take very long, but the finishing took me longer than I expected, but it was worth the time and effort.  I still need to put finials on the corners, but other than that it is finished.  Once I finished putting it together and made her bed I was wary about sitting on it   I sat on it and it was very sturdy!  I am so happy with it and Miranda loves it!  Ryan is happy too because this means I get to start on his bed, which I just purchased the wood for.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend in the NC Mountains

In the fours years that we lived in NC before moving to Japan, we never got to the western side of the state. We decided to venture out to the mountains this past weekend and are so glad we did. We had a fantastic time seeing the mountains, the beautiful views and the very pleasant weather. Duane booked a cabin for the weekend and it was on the top of the mountain and the view was breathtaking. It's too bad I didn't snap a picture the first day we were there because the following mornings were too foggy to see anything. If you are in NC and haven't been to the western part of the state, you must. It felt like we were in a different state and even in a different season, considering the fall temperatures. I have to say the scenery and temps were a bit nicer than they are here in the Fayetteville area. We were excited to get some hiking in, but also nervous since the kids had never really been. To our amazement they really enjoyed it and we didn't hear one complaint. Ryan acted as our trailblazer, leading the pack and letting us know what was ahead. He was also quick to offer his hand to his sisters when they need a help up. It was a great time! We are definitely thinking about when we'll be able to plan a repeat trip!

Linville Caverns

Linville Falls

Evan after a long day of hiking at Grandfather Mountain

Swinging Bridge a mile hile-Grandfather Mountain

Bears at Grandfather Mountain

VA Vacation

This year for her birthday Miranda wanted to go to Busch Gardens. Since they are offering free tickets to the military, we decided to go and to also visit the other sites in the area. Ten years ago we were in the same area and Miranda spent her first birthday at Water Country USA. We had a great time going to Jamestown, Williamsburg, Water Country, Busch Gardens and Yorktown. The kids really enjoyed learning about the history of the places we visited. It was also great that my sister drove down with her family to spend a couple of days with us. We enjoyed Williamsburg so much that we upgraded to a year pass so that we can go a few more times over the next year. This time I will ensure that the battery for the camera is charged since I went to take pictures that day and I had a dead camera and no pictures. We spent six days in the area and then drove down the coast stopping at Kitty Hawk on the way. The plan was to stay a few days in the Outer Banks on the beach, but since we didn't plan this vacation months in advance, it was difficult to find lodging. We stayed a night at Atlantic Beach by Morehead City, so that Duane could have a chance to go diving with the sharks off the coast. Well, even though the weather was beautiful, the sea condition was not and Duane's dive was canceled and we decided to head home. The kids were very excited to get home and said that they were tired of staying in a hotel. I have to admit, even though we had a great time, it was nice to be back home and have more space between all of us.

Miranda and my nephew Atticus meeting Elmo and Abby on her 11th Birthday

Olivia and my niece Beladora

Jamestown, VA

Jamestown, VA-So, I squeezed into the kid size armor even though Duane said I looked ridiculous. And I am not pregnant even though this picture makes it look like I am. Maybe it is time to get a tummy tuck.

Jamestown, VA

July 2010

July was a busy month for us! Duane's nephews came to visit for a couple of weeks, family came for the fourth, Miranda had a birthday and we squeezed in a family vacation. Since this was Austin and Skiler's first visit to the east coast we tried to fit in as much touring as we could. They had never been to the ocean, so a trip to the beach was definitely a must. Over the fourth of July weekend some of my family came to town and we all headed to the beach for the day. It was my parents' 34th wedding anniversary that day and they spent it with all of us at the beach. It think they had a good time even if they weren't able to get much alone time. We had a great fourth with lots of food and fun with family!

The next weekend we headed up to visit my sister and go to Washington D.C. and Gettysburg. It's always great to go back and visit PA, which I still call home even though my parents moved to FL. I often wish they still lived there, but at least my sister is in the area and we go always go visit. We had a great weekend!

The biggest thing that happened in July is that Miranda turned 11!!! I can't believe how old she is! I guess that does mean I am older too. I remember clearly how surprised I was to find out that they were going to induce me a month early and how very little (4lbs 5oz) she was. She is all grown up! I can't believe my little girl is 11 and is about to start middle school in a few weeks! Miranda has a very big heart, enjoys helping others and can often be found in her room reading. She is a very special girl and I am proud to be her mother.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trip to Puerto Rico

My Valentine's Day present from Duane was a trip to Puerto Rico. He called my parents and asked them if they would watch the kids while we went over Memorial Day weekend, purchased the plane tickets and planned our trip. After driving down to FL, taking a four hour nap, then driving to Orlando and catching a plane, we arrived in San Juan about 8:30am. We were then picked up by some friends that we know and drove around San Juan until our first excursion. Our first adventure was to Ecoquest, an adventure park, with kayaking and ziplines. It was a blast!!! I thought I would be a little apprehensive with the ziplines, but no! It was so much fun!

Duane hoisting himself up the side of the hill

View from the top

Zipline #2
Me ready for the last zipline!

A big reason to head down to Puerto Rico was to go diving. As some of you might know, right before I moved stateside I got scuba certified. I was a little apprehensive about diving because it had been so long, but I was ready to do it. Unfortunately, I suffer from motion sickness and we couldn't find any vials of ginger, which saved me in Japan, at the pharmacy. We settled on ginger pills. I wasn't on the boat 10 minutes, when I knew I was in trouble. The seas were a little rough, the boat was a little small and slow, which meant for a bumpy ride. It wasn't long after I knew I was in trouble that I had to lean over the edge and lose my breakfast. So much for the ginger pills!! Once we were at the dive site, I tried to get the gear on before I had to lean over the boat again and was almost successful. I actually made it into the water, but got stuck on the rope and couldn't get down, ended up swallowing a lot of sea water because the top of my snorkel kept getting into the water and when I did finally get under the water my mask kept slipping down. Needless to say by this time I was done. I climbed back into the boat and for the next few hours leaned over the boat another 20 times, curled up in the fetal position praying that the torture would end. At least I wasn't the only one who got sick... I felt bad about not being able to dive with Duane, but I guess I didn't miss anything because he was disappointed that there was nothing to see.

This was taken before I got sick on the boat on our way out of the marina.
After I recovered from our boat ride from you know where, we took a taxi over to Old San Juan. The Castillos we saw were beautiful and the ocean view was stunning, even though it rained off and on. We were amazed at how much Puerto Rico reminded us of Okinawa, similar climate and scenery. We had a fabulous time with friends who were kind enough to show us around and grateful to my parents for watching the kids!

View from Castillo San Cristóbal in Old San Juan

Old San Juan...Castillo de San Felipe del Morro

I loved some of the color combinations, not that I would paint my house this way, but it fit the area.