Showing posts with label Bookmarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookmarks. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2013

Heart Bookmark and Mail Art Swap

Exams! Its a hectic time! Anu's, my daughter's, exams are on and the schedule has tightened up... It will go on until 10 March. I am posting this after giving a model paper for her to write :) Do you also get worked up? I always like to do everything organized.... plan and be ready for it but my daughter is somewhat different and she has taken after her dad who thinks "I will handle it whatever comes my way as I move along..." So moving along....:)

I love reading and many a times I end up making bookmarks whenever I see left over charts or card stocks or materials suitable for it thinking I would use it. But then after making them instead of using it, I collect and preserve it in my 'bookmark box'. Here's one I made for Anu for this Valentines. She had gone to school demanding something special for her by the time she came back home. I practically made this in 10 minutes...the melted crayon sheet was prepared beforehand. So this is pretty easy to make!

To make this, I used a hair dryer to melt the crayons - red, blue and yellow. After it cooled and settled to form a pattern of its own I incorporated it in the bookmarks by cutting hearts out of it. Add a bit of glitz by using sequins, beads or anything of your choice. I have made use of tiny shiny hearts *L.O.V.E*

Postcards that I sent during the first week of February has started reaching its destination. I received news from two of my fellow Mail Art participants. I received two out of three postcards as well. I had displayed it in my previous post here.

As for my postcards, they are these....made with love and care :) Do leave your ever valuable comments; I do read and cherish them! Sorry, am unable to answer back each and every one as I sit before the laptop with a specific time schedule! Earlier when I wasn't this busy I used to, but now-a-days everything seems to be speeding off like a super fast mono train (that's in Japan, right?)!!!!

 Journey - Gond style (Featuring Magazine)

Life Within Life - Madhubani style (Featuring Magazine)

Neon Flowers (Elsia Choi)

 Friends (Mandy Michehl)

Blu Bird (Manuela Giffels)

 Birds - Chikan kari Style (Hrissi Haldezos...she's not part of Postcard Swap...this was sent as a gift with the art that she bought from me)

 Postcards waiting to be mailed...

Seeing all the excitement and buzz, Anu also wanted to do a postcard for Mail Art and she came up with this...and I think it's pretty Stunning for her age with a folk art. I also think the title is apt for what happened behind it's making :) The first two of my postcards along with this went to the Featuring Magazine office; as per their call for Mail Art.

Following Suit.... Gond Art by Anoushka, the Lil Artist! (Featuring Magazine)

Anyone interested to see more of her art can visit her space here....Anoushka's Kaleidoscope.

A big thanks to Artists in Blogland for this wonderful opportunity to connect with various like minded artists.

Linking it to Paint Party Friday, to see more of amazing art please do pay a visit :D

Please do not use/reproduce the content (words as well as images) without the written consent of the author.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Acrylics, Glass, Magnets & Keychains...

Any guess at what these are???
Yes, They are decor magnets and keychains.
I found out this method of making decorative magnets some 7 years back. They are sheets on which I painted with glass, covered it with card stock and glued a magnet. I will include a tutorial very soon for all my friends here.  It's a very simple tutorial too.

Same method I apply for making bookmarks as well (without magnets glued:)).
These are Eygptian & classic bookmarks.

A closer view....

I am totally on top of the world this week coz I displayed my artworks at ARTE Souq last Friday and four of my paintings sold along with few bookmarks. I am ecstatic!!! I had a really superb neighbour, Sonal Bharjatya from Studio Saubhagya. She's a fabulous fabric jewellery designer passed out from the prestigious NIFT. Her designs are amazing. You can check out the link to see her wonderful creations.

My sold artworks...
(Can you see my tag in the collage above? That goes with all my artworks)

Mayilpeeli (peacock feather)- acrylic painting

Ammayum njanum (Mom & I) - acrylic painting

Foliage -glass painting

Amaryllis - glass painting

I was also lucky as two journalists recorded my profile along with few others to upload it in their website that describes Dubai to tourists. They said they'll send the link once that is done.
Lil A was all elated running around and marketing for her mom in a really modest way:)

It has been a pretty exciting week:)))
Hope your weekend went well...
I am linking it up to Colours Decor Weekend Wrap up 35

Sunday, May 8, 2011

For Moms!

Bookmarks made with cardstock and painted in acrylics

A mother laughs
Our laughter,
Sheds our tears,
Returns our love,
Fears our fears
She lives our joys,
Cares our cares,
And all our hopes
and dreams she shares.
-Julia Summers

This quote is from a flyer that Lil A's school, Rajagiri International, gave to all the parents who attended the Mother's Day celebration today. It was a wondeful event with a Fashion Show (I didn't participate:)) for the moms. There was a compatibility test of the child with the mom in their respective classes. Kids had a blast of a time; and even we-the mothers! Lil A and I won the compatibility test of their class and she even crowned me with a cardstock crown with a glittering golden star in the middle while the children of the class applauded. It was a ecstatic! 

I am very much reminded of my mom...LOVE her!


Naadanpennu published in Smaranika 2010, annual magazine of Palakkad Association,U.A.E (PAU).
In the inset is my photo. I was enthralled to see my work in a magazine. Thanks to PAU for selecting my artwork.