Showing posts with label turtle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turtle. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Hate Hackers!!!


Friday eve I received an email from one of the beading stores I purchase my beads from. The email said that their system had been hacked and the hacker could have stolen credit card information and email information from 220 people. Well, I happen to be one of them. On Aug. 3rd I was in the bank trying to get my money from purchases that were charged to my account that were not mine. On that day they told me that I would get my money back. So, thinking that was over I went on with my life. The day before I received that email, my email was hacked! So anyone that received an email from me PLEASE delete it right away. That night I checked my bank account and two of the purchases that the bank said they were removing and I was getting my money back-they let them go through on Aug. 8th. Saturday morning I went to the bank, to find out that the lobby isn't open on Saturdays, went through the drive through, they couldn't help me and I had to drive to the next town that had a lobby open. So, off I went...this time I was told I had to file a police report before they could do anything. THIS WAS NEVER SAID TO ME THE FIRST TIME, I was HOT! to say the least. So, back to my town to file a police report. By this time all banks are closed, so there was no more I could do. Monday (today) I was there before they opened the lobby, again they assured me that I would get my money back, but it would take up to 3 days!!!

New Pattern

Net Ornament Cover, with seed beads and 6mm round beads, using netting or net beading. All patterns can be found at ZaneyMay's or The Bead Coop.


A few changes to my studio... I now have the pictures of from the ILCS retreat that was in New Jersey and Tennessee. Two of my favorite retreats.

My birthday gift from Bob

Monday my new bead rack arrived, put it together that day and hung up my beads, the only problem is I didn't order enough hooks. I need at least 150 more hooks. I think this will work out much better then the one I bought last year. It started leaning and even through I reinforced it twice it still fall over, right before I bought the new one. Oh the black chair is a new addition from the last update.

Here is a picture of the old one.


Was the perfect temp day. Kayden and I had such a good time together.

We even let Myrtle out for most of the day.

Well, that was my week. Hope your week was much better.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Love July

I Love July!

Things start slowing down a bit with the pools and spas and I can do more beading and stitching and more important I can enjoy SUMMER!

New Bracelet Patterns...

Pretty Pearls made with pearls and seed beads, using right angle weave and netting. Just added this pattern today.

Lushes Pearl Drops made with bugle beads and seed beads, using ladder stitch and netting.

Cluster of Bugle Beads made with bugle beads and seed beads, using ladder stitch and netting.

New Necklace Pattern...

Triangle Dangles made with bugle beads and seed beads, using ladder stitch and netting.

Ordered Christmas bulbs so I could start working on new patterns for this Christmas.

New Ornament Patterns...

Pearl Ornament Cover made with pearls and seed beads, using net beading.
Pearl Drop, made with bugle beads, pearls and seed beads, using ladder stitch and netting.
I'll be entering this one in the Marshall Country Fair this year. Wish me luck!

All patterns can be purchased at ZaneyMay's or The Bead Coop.

Enjoying my summer...

I will be seeing more of Kayden now, that things are slowing down. He came over twice last week and one night he spent the night and then spent all the next day with me. The best thing in life are those unexpected "I Love You Nana" and kisses for no reason.

Picture of Kayden.

Myrtle out and enjoying his summer too.

Well, that was my week hope you all had a good one.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Grip, Grip, Grip!

Finished a quilt block for Betty W.
The pet store by us brought over a turtle and asked me if I wanted it. They know that I have 3 painted turtles. Well, first I said "no" because I wasn't sure what kind of turtle it was, but after I did a little research and found out that the turtle is a Common Map Turtle formally known as a Northern Map Turtle and that they do well with painted turtles.
The next day I asked them if they still had the turtle and they did. I brought him home. Yes, it is a he, that is another thing I found out when I did the research. Now I need a female so he won't be lonely. He doesn't have an official name yet. Kayden says his name is "Two".
"Two" is on the left. He can really stretch his neck out. On the right is Maggie.
And this is Moore. He/she (still to young to tell) has grown a little, but not much.

Beaded Ornament
Finally finished Dara's beaded ornament that I started at the beginning of the year. Finished it at work and put it in my basket on my bike to bring it home. I thought I had it snuggled in tight, but I hit a big bump and out it came, smash on the road. The ornament was shattered but the beaded all stayed in place. I couldn't believe it. Too bad it fits around the ornament, so I couldn't just slip in on a new ornament. Had to take all the beading apart and start over.
My Week
Here is where all the "Gripping" comes in...Last Friday our bank was closing early because they are changing the name of the bank and they would be closed (no on-line banking either) until Monday. We tried to get to the bank before it closed, but I sent Dara with a deposit and she just read the sign that they were closing and didn't go up to the building. So, the deposit didn't go in, I tried to get on line to transfer some money, but it was already down.
Monday came and I called the bank because I when I got on line to check the accounts the only accounts I could see were our personal account and the kids. I couldn't get to the business account.
It just so happens that the Bank Manager is a girl that I went to high school with. We knew each other, but I wouldn't say that we were "friends" or anything. I was (and still am) good friends with her younger step sister. Anyway we talked on the phone all week trying to get it all straighten out. I knew that the business account was going down and I needed to get some money in there, before we got charged, etc.
Friday came and I got into the business account, but it would only show me the business and our personal account and not the kids account. I transferred money into the business account and saw that there were $388.00 of charges.
Saturday I called her again, she called me back and removed all the charges and is still working on getting all of our accounts to show up together.
So, besides smashing the ornament, dealing with the bank all week and having my house a mess 24-7 because I am not home to clean it. I bet your week is looking better now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Parking Wars


Another finish "Wash Your Hands" by Calico Crossroads. I have completed all 4! I plan to frame them and hang them in the main bathroom. I think they will be cute with Dara, Dylan and Kayden's 6 month old tub pictures that are already hanging in there.
I also stitched on EarthDancer and I almost have the beads done!!! Sorry no picture yet.

ILCS Retreat
June 24-27 is the ILCS retreat, in St. Charles MO. Karin will be giving a class on Specialty Stitches for a needle roll. Picture below is what I have chosen for the class. What do you think? I still have time to change colors.

Water Wonders-Parking Wars
As I had said before we share the building with 3 other companies. Parking in front of the building is parallel (2 hour parking) so there is not a lot of parking right in front of the store. We also have problem when we get our deliveries. We do not have a dock so, everything has to be broken down on the street and brought through the front door.
Okay now to the point that I am getting too...One of the other shop owners always parks there car in front of the building and a lot of the time they have two cars. Sometimes the other shop owner parks in front too. Shop 1 with the two cars never parks right in front of there door or mine, but if two cars are parked out front there is only 3 parking spaces left, if shop 2 is parked in front too that leaves 2 parking spaces.
When we got our deliver last week the truck driver had to park in the road, we started unloading and someone needed to move their car. As the truck was moving and customer was getting out of the parking spot, I thought I would ask shop 1 to move their van so the truck could be closer to the door and cars could get around him. She did move the van. Finished unloading the truck and started marking everything that had come in and putting it away. Then I decided to step outside for a minute and take a little brake and what do I see... she has moved her van back!
Later in the week I had a customer that purchased 3 bags of sand (they weigh 50 lbs each) and two cases of shock. He could not find a close parking space. So after he had paid he moved his car in the road and I helped him get everything out. He mention that it looked like the other store owners were taking up parking spaces (one of the cars has there shop sign on it).
Later the same day I see one of the shop owners that has had two cars parked out front all day and I asked him, if they "could park somewhere else. I had a customer that bought sand and he had to park in the middle of the road." He just kind-of blows me off and says "oh that was my son." I re-explained the situation and went back to my store. An hour or so later the same guy comes back, because he need one more bag of sand. He was able to get the parking space right in front of our shop, but he mention to me that the other cars where still there! Needless to say that turned my good day into a bad attitude day!!!
We did go to the town board a month ago and asked for a 15 minute parking space right by our door. They did okay our suggestion, but they still haven't put the sign up.
Other Happenings This Week
Schools out for summer!!! Thursday was there last day. Everyone is in a better mood. :)
Went to Julie's open house Friday night. And her Mom told me about the video she put on youtube. It is above this post, be sure to check it out, it is funny. We have another open house today after work.
Kayden is saying his name now!!! I haven't been able to get it on video yet.
Early spring I was watching the turtles and Myrtle was taking his hands (nails) out and then back in by Maggie's face. I found out that this is part of their courting. That is why the male turtles have longer nails. I didn't get that on tape, but I did get them kissing on tape this week.
Maggie & Myrtle. Kissing Turtles.
Thanks everyone that stops by and leaves a comment. Hope ya all had a wonderful and fantastic weekend.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Back to Life, Back to Reality

The last 3 post have been about fun things that are going on it my life. So I thought I would use this post for the rest of the happenings in my life the last 4 weeks.


After leaving a customers home we came across this Snapper Turtle. No I did not take him home. LOL! The picture doesn't really show how big his is. TURTLES & WORK

We have been keeping pretty busy this last 4 weeks. At one of the liner replacements we were doing in Plymouth, Bob saved this little Painted Turtle and I of course had to bring it home. We haven't name the turtle yet, because it has to grow before we can tell if it's a boy or girl turtle.

The day we brought it home I showed it to Kayden and he said "Moooore" and pointed at the turtle tank. Now every time Kayden sees the new turtle he said "Moooore".

The new turtle is just a little bit small than what Myrtle was when I brought him home, April 2008. Below it Myrtle 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Maggie and Myrtle 2009. Maggie and the new turtle 2010

Myrtle and the new turtle.

Myrtle and Maggie 2010

Picture of me working. Restoration of a pool and washed all the retaining walls, pavers and deck.
Bob made these limestone mantle supports with a hammer and chisel. Sometimes he even amazes me! He had to make 4 of them the same.

The Fireplace is finished!!!

The mantel and hearth are limestone. The hearth weighed over 500 pounds.

We opened the retail shop Saturday May 1st. There is alot of things that still need to be done and I'll try to get some updated pictures up next week.
We had to go to the town meeting to try to get a dumpster for the business. There is no place to put it where the shop is at, we proposed a location that is in the towns parking area, out of the way from the main stream. Before the meeting we talked to a friend that works for the city and he said he didn't think they would give us the dumpster. We also were requesting a 15 min parking right in front of our shop, due to the heavy items that customers or I would be carrying out the door. When we arrived at the meeting we (Bob and I) were both surprised to see one of our customers on the board. They accepted both of our proposals. With the exception of the dumpster has to have fencing around it. This is a new law the old dumpsters were Grandfathered in so they don't have to have a fence.


I finished "All My Hearts" by Trail Creek Farm, just need to get the charms and frame. And I put a few more stitches in "What Happens At Grandmas" by Waxing Moon Designs. Last update I just had the words stitched.


Update picture of my booth spaces in Indianapolis at Serena's Gifts.

Several have asked how it is doing, well not to good yet. But the owner has had some personal things going on and has had to have the shop closed. But now she has someone at the shop until she can return. So, hope things will pick up there soon.


The Loud and Wacky Street Team at Etsy are doing April Showers Giveaway. Be sure to check it out. That is where I am giving away my flower poncho that I showed a few weeks ago.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Signs of Summer Ending

Progress picture-Chrystal Tree-All the x's are in and I started on the back stitching, but ran out of thread, Thursday night.

Friday night I started a new piece. Eek a freebie from San-Man Originals 2003.I was going to take the turtles out to their outside pen, when I found them like this...aren't they cute.
Meggie & MyrtleMade a new cookie this week it is called Chocolate Cherry Surprise Cookies.
Have you came across a recipe that you thought would be really good, then try them and they weren't what you thought they would be? The Chocolate Cherry Surprise Cookies were like that, they were good, but not good enough to make again.

Then I made the Peanut Butter Fingers. Yummy!!!

Peanut Butter Fingers-1 C flour, 1 C oats, 1/2 C sugar, 1/2 C brown sugar, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 C butter (softened), 1/3 C peanut butter, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1 egg. Mix all ingredients, until moisture forms a soft dough. Grease a 12x8 baking dish. Press mixture in bottom of greased pan. Bake at 350 for 15-20 mins. Let cool completely. Melt 1 C of chocolate chips in microwave spread over bars. For glaze mix 1/3 C powder sugar, 2 TBS peanut butter, 3-5 teaspoons milk. Add enough milk to make the glaze drizzle. Drizzle over chocolate frosting. Cut into bars.

Kayden just after he ate a peanut butter finger. Doesn't he make them look good. So good he had chocolate on his eyelid.

The neighbors are moving and had a yard sale, I saw that they had a few toys out so I thought I would go over and see if I could find something for Kayden. I bought Kayden an Elmo toy. It is the one that was for sale a few years ago and everyone went crazy for. Elmo laughs and then rolls over on his back and belly. I thought Kayden would get a kick out of it so I brought it home. OH MY WAS I WRONG!!! It scares him. As soon as Elmo goes to his back, Kayden starts crying. The only thing we can think of is that he thinks Elmo is in pain. Kayden has started watching Sesame Street. It is the only show that he watches.
My other find was for me, a little chopper. It works great. I had the chop slappy, Brandon used it a lot, the first time I used it I broke it. LOL! So, this was a good find for only $2.00.

Kayden, if you say "thumbs up" to him, this is what he does. But he forgets to put his thumbs up.

The signs of summer starting, pool closings and labor day weekend.
Two out of three.
School started a week ago Wednesday. Dara (17-senior) went to the tan the day before school started and they must of changed the bulbs, because she was burnt and sore the next day. She is in the program at school where you work, then go to school. Her choice was the hospital, she will get to job shadow. The first week they learned CPR and other things like that. Dylan (15-sophomore) said this year was going to be his best year.
One day last week a girl walked home with Dylan, I had made some fruit salad and offered her some, she was still here when I started supper so, I invited her to stay and eat with us. She liked everything and told me I was very creative. She normally just eats things that come out of boxes, like Hamburger Help. Good to have someone that is welling to eat what I make. Most of the time the kids will not eat what I make and make there own food (out of boxes or cans).
We closed our first pool for the season. This always put a little sadness in my heart.

Well, supper is in the over and dessert is made.

Delicious Devil's Food Cake.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A few new toys

Crystal Tree progress..So close to having all the x's in. I still need to collect some of the charms.
Waiting for Dara & Brandon to come home with Kayden, almost killed us. Picture of Bob and Cooper. Bob moved the glider so he could see them coming. LOL! We were calling them every 1/2 an hour to 15 mins after they reached Indianapolis.
Kayden is home!!! Doesn't he look happy!Kayden loves setting on my lap and I love it too. He fells asleep on a regular basis now, just setting with me.Kayden playing bubbles.
My new turtle...Maggie. Dara brought her home for me.
I found out how to tell if the turtles are boys or girls. Myrtle is a boy and Meggie is a girl. Millie was a girl also. Maggie & Myrtle

My new toys are...the Shark steamer, Tri-Fitness Plus HealthStation and a new find Callus Eliminator.

The Shark steamer was in Saturday's mail. Guess what I did Saturday? You got it, I cleaned all the 1st level floors in the house. I love it! Then on Sunday I clean the upstairs floors. Here is my review... The kitchen floor (that is where I started) I went over it four times. I could not believe the stuff it kept picking up. When I through the pad in the washer I was looking it over and I even saw a flea on it and we use frontline on our pets. I then went to the office/craft room, living room and dinning room I removed the area rug and cleaned under them. Then I used the carpet glider and sanitized the rugs. The office, living & dinner rooms are all old hardwood floors and it did good job, also used it on the mop boards. Off to the bathroom, where I found that it didn't want to pick up the cat hair. I don't know why but the cats hang out in this room a lot. Then I did the kitchen floor one more time and it was still getting stuff off the floor. I think the flooring in kitchen is very old. I know it is very ugly. The upstairs is all hardwood too and it did a good job getting the dust bunnies out Dylan's room. My kids are suppose to be cleaning their rooms regularly, but Dylan isn't doing it.

The Tri-Fitness Plus HealthStation measures body weight, body fat, body water and muscle mass. This is what I got for using my points from my bank. I came in Friday's mail, so Saturday morning I stepped on the scales...weight 107.6 (Oh my I haven't lost the 8 pounds I gained last winter!!!). Body fat 23.9 (for women age 40-49 22-30 is optimal). I really thought that one would be a lot better, because of the work I do, the walks I take with Kayden (sometimes 4 a day a mile or more). Body water 55.5 puts me in the optimal range. Basal Metabolic Rate 1178. BMR is the energy (measured in calories) expended by the body, at rest, to maintain normal body functions. Muscle mass 33.6 (normal muscle mass for women is greater then 34%). Again I though my should have read better then it did. Must start working out on the total gym again!!! Then I set it up for Dylan. He is just too skinny. It would only read his weight. Then it would read err, which means his body fat is lower then 5%. Also did Dara's and she had good readings. Bob hasn't tried it yet.

I try once a week I give myself a pedicure (sometimes schedule doesn't let me). My feet have a lot of callus, have as long as I can remember. I use to go get a pedicure, but I didn't feel like they did a good job and that I could do a better job at home. A few weeks ago I found "Callus Eliminator" at Sally's and I love it and am going to see if they sell it in a larger bottle next time I go. I am always amazed at how much comes off.