Showing posts with label Loving Father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loving Father. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father Of The Year Award goes to....

If I asked you to picture a loving father, are you one of the lucky people who think of your own?

My husband and I were teaching a lesson on The Sacred Role of Fathers as part of our Family Relations class for our church. As we were prayerfully preparing to teach this principle, an example came to my mind of an experience that could help me convey the very real impact a father can have in a child's life. I have not shared this story until today, Father's Day. 

My father was the very best father he knew how to be. I loved and admired him very much but although he was a great example in many, many ways, he was not emotionally equipped to be warm and nurturing. As the oldest child, born during a period of poor health and an unsure future for him, I think he loved me beyond measure, but I was not able to recognize the ways he showed me until I was much older. 

At one point in my life, I wanted to understand the gospel principles more fully and began praying to really KNOW my Heavenly Father. I had been taught that He was very kind, loving and welcoming, and I believed that He was, but I could not imagine what that would be like. My friends had loving fathers, and my maternal grandfather was very much a comfort, but I could not visualize a father opening his arms to me in unconditional love. 

Jack Lake 1936-2010
While I was in this humble, “sincerely seeking answers” stage we attended a family funeral in another state. We greeted brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins, many people we had not seen for quite some time. As I approached the church, a very dear sister-in-law's tall, grey-haired father stood there on the sidewalk, waiting for me with open arms. He gathered me up in a big, warm hug and told me that he loved me. He kissed the top of my head and tears flowed as the spirit whispered to me, “This.... this is what it's like.” 

Because this incredible man listened to and followed the promptings of the spirit, I was able to confidently bear testimony of a loving Heavenly Father. I encouraged all the young fathers in the class to remember that as they parent their children, their example will form their children's view of our Heavenly Father and influence their desire to go to Him in times of distress and need. A child's image of a loving Heavenly Father will be tangible if we sincerely seek to respond to our children with the same kind of love and compassion that our Heavenly Father has for us. 

My kids got really, really lucky in the Dad Department. 
He'd be the first one to say how imperfect he is but really, it would be hard to find a better Dad if you looked the world over.  

From the moment he became a dad he has taken his responsibility very seriously.
He has always challenged them to reach their potential.
He loves to expose them to the wonders of the earth.
He helps them however he can.
He makes playtime fun for them.
He's a great teacher when they will listen. ;)
"Always keep the covenants you have made."
"Always read your scriptures!"

"Always eat your vegetables!"
One of the best things he has done for his children is to Love Their Mother!

Love Her Mother Video

(Side note: think carefully about what you pray for. 
All the experiences I have had in answers to “sincerely seeking” prayers are not this sweet... which is another post for another day)