Showing posts with label guice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guice. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2008

Are you fully using your Static Typing ?

Back in 2005 in an LtU discussion on Dynamic vs. Static Typing, Anton van Straaten had this post ..

Here's a nice bit of Java code I came across (here):

if ((value != null) && !returnedClass().isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Received value is not a [" +
       returnedClass().getName() + "] but [" + value.getClass() + "]");

This is from a piece of code that's trying very, very hard to avoid the need for the definition of boilerplate classes when persisting classes representing enumeration types to a SQL database.

This code is actually doing a kind of dynamic typechecking, illustrating the following generalization of Greenspun's 10th Law: "any sufficiently complicated program in a statically-typechecked language contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of a dynamically-checked language." ;)

Today's good Java frameworks use reflection quite sparingly and responsibly. Using Java generics, these frameworks allow compile time type checking for cases which would earlier have to be implemented using a slow and bug ridden simulation of runtime type checking. Guice and EasyMock stand out as two frameworks I have been using that have used the power of generics to implement extraordinary typesafety.

I really like the way small interface-heavy APIs of Guice enforce compile time type-safety.

Have a look at this piece of code, which binds an implementation SpecialServiceImpl to the interface Service using Guice Binder.

public class MyModule implements Module {
    public void configure(Binder binder) {

Given the fact that DI frameworks are in the business of injecting implementations to objects dynamically, it may seem that the "implements" relationship between Service and SpecialServiceImpl is done during runtime. Thanks to Java generics, every bit of type checking is done during compile time.

A peek at the source code of Guice reveals that BinderImpl.bind() returns BindingBuilderImpl<T> ..

public <T> BindingBuilderImpl<T> bind(Class<T> clazz) {
    return bind(Key.get(clazz));

and BindingBuilderImpl<T>.to() takes as input Class<? extends T> - the bound on the wild card enforces the above "implements" relationship as part of compile time type checking of the arguments ..

public ScopedBindingBuilder to(Class<? extends T> implementation) {
    return to(TypeLiteral.get(implementation));

In comparison to Guice, Spring makes much heavier use of reflection, which, I think, is, kind of expected, from a pre-generics framework. Spring's implementation has lots of code similar to

// Check if required type matches the type of the actual bean instance.
if (requiredType != null && bean != null &&
      !requiredType.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())) {
    throw new BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException(name, requiredType, bean.getClass());

that does quite a bit of juggling with dynamic type checking at runtime.

Coming back to the above post by Anton, yes, the kind of runtime type checking exists in lots of popular Java frameworks, even today. And this is where frameworks like Guice and EasyMock really shine with their strongly typed API sets that make you feel more secure within the confines of your IDE and refactoring abilities.

The Morale

When you are programming in a statically typed language, use appropriate language features to make most of your type checking at compile time. This way, before you hit the run button, you can be assured that your code is well-formed within the bounds of the type system. And you have the power of easier refactoring and cleaner evolution of your codebase.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Competition is healthy! Prototype Spring Bean Creation: Faster than ever before ..

In my last post I had mentioned about some performance benchmarks of Guice and Spring. In one of the applications which I had ported from Spring to Guice, I had an instance of a lookup-method injection, where a singleton service bean contained a prototype bean that needed to be looked up from the context. Here is the sample configuration XML :

<bean id="trade"

<bean id="abstractTradingService"
  <lookup-method name="getTrade" bean="trade"/>

I ran a performance benchmark suite to exercise 10,000 gets of the prototype bean :

BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(
    new ClassPathResource("trade_context.xml"));

ITradingService ts = (ITradingService) factory.getBean(
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();

for (int x = 0; x < 10000; x++) {
  ITrade trade = ts.getTrade();
  trade.calculateValue(null, null);

System.out.println("10000 gets took " +
    stopWatch.getTotalTimeMillis() + " ms");

Spring 2.0.2 reported a timing of 359 milliseconds for the 10,000 gets. I performed the same exercise in Guice with a similar configuration :

public class TradeModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {

and the corresponding test harness :

Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new TradeModule());

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i=0; i < 10000; ++i) {
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("10000 gets took " + (stop - start) + " ms");

For this exercise of 10,000 gets, Guice reported a timing of staggering 31 milliseconds.

Then a couple of days back Juergen Hoeller posted in the release news for Spring 2.0.4, that repeated creation of prototype bean instances has improved up to 12 times faster in this release. I decided to run the benchmark once again after a drop-in replacement of 2.0.2 jars by 2.0.4 ones. And voila ! Indeed there is a significant improvement in the figures. The same test harness now takes 109 milliseconds on the 2.0.4 jars. Looking at the changelog, you will notice several lineitems that have been addressed as part of improving bean instantiation timings.

This is what competition does even for the best .. Keep it up Spring guys ! Spring rocks !

Updated: Have a look at the comments by Bob and the followups for some more staggering benchmark results.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Guiced! Experience Porting a Spring Application to Guice

Yes, I got one of my Spring-Hibernate-JPA applications ported to use Guice for Dependency Injection. The application is a medium sized one and did not contain many of the corner features which have been discussed aggressively amongst the blogebrities. But now that I have the satisfaction of porting one complete application to Guice, I must say there are truly *lots of* goodies that this crazy bob creation has in it. Some of them I had mentioned in my earlier rants on Guice, many of them were hiccups, which came up primarily because I had only been a newbie with Guice - many of my questions and confusions were clarified by the experts, in my blog comments as well as in the Guice developer's mailing list. Guice is definitely an offering to look out for in the space of IoC containers. I liked what I saw in it .. in this post I will share some of my experiences.

Disclaimer : I will only focus on issues that I faced and solved in course of my porting of the application. The application did not have many blocker features for Guice - hence I do not claim that *all* applications can be ported completely using Guice 1.0.

Really Guicy!

Before I go into the details, here are some of the guicy attributes of Guice as a Java framework ..

The Java 5 usage - I always believe that backward compatibility is not a do-all end-all in a framework evolution. At some stage u need to educate the users as well, to migrate to newer versions and use the advanced features of your framework, which will make their applications more performant and maintainable. This has been one of my complaints against Java as well. It is really heartening to see Guice designers base their engine on Java 5 and use all advanced features like metadata and generics to the fullest. This has definitely made Guice more concise, precise and DRY.

Type-safety - This is possibly the loudest slogan of Guice as a DI container. It's Java generics all the way and although you can subvert the typesystem (more on this later) and hide some of your bindings from Guice, it is more of an exception. All api s in Guice are strongly typed, hence your application remains blessed with the safety of typed injections that Guice encourages.

Concise, minimal, well-designed api set with extremely verbose and explanatory error messages.

Let's Guice it up ..

Here it is. The application has been running happily in a Spring-Hibernate-JPA architecture. I took up the porting exercise purely out of academic interest and to get a first hand feel of trying to validate Guice against a real life non trivial application. I was somewhat aware of the nuances that I needed to figure out beforehand, and I classified my injection points into the following three groups :

  1. points that I had complete control of and where I knew I would be able to inject my annotations

  2. services with multiple implementations being used in the same application - luckily I did not have many such instances

  3. third party POJOs that I could not invade into

The first ones were pretty cool and I happily added @Inject with appropriate bindings in the module. The injection points became very explicit and the class became more readable as far as external dependencies were concerned.

I did not have many occurences of multiple implementations of the same service being used in the same application deployment. As far as the application is concerned, we needed different implementations for different deployments, and hence I had different modules in place for them. In one of the cases, I needed to address the problem within the same instance of the application, which I did the usual way, using annotations like the following :



Injecting into third party POJOs is one of the issues that has been debated over a lot in the various blogs and forums. Here are some of the cases and how I addressed them in my application :

Case 1: Use Provider<> along with constructor injection : I used this pattern to address POJOs which we were using as part of another component and which used constructor injection. e.g.

public class ThirdPartyBeanProvider implements Provider<ThirdPartyBean> {

  final private IFooService fooService;
  final private IBarService barService;

  public ThirdPartyBeanProvider(final IFooService fooService, final IBarService barService) {
    this.fooService = fooService;
    this.barService = barService;

  public ThirdPartyBean get() {
    return new ThirdPartyBean(fooService, barService);

Case 2: These beans were using setter injection and I had some cases where multiple implementations of a service where being used in the same deployment of the application. Use Provider<> along with annotations to differentiate the multiple implementations of an interface. Luckily I did not have many of these cases, otherwise it would have been a bit troublesome with annotation explosion. But, at the same time, I think there may not be lots of use cases which need this in typical applications for a single deployment. e.g.

public class AnotherThirdPartyBeanProvider implements Provider<AnotherThirdPartyBean> {

  final private IFooService fooService;
  final private @Inject @Gold IBarService barService;

  public AnotherThirdPartyBeanProvider(final IFooService fooService, final IBarService barService) {
    this.fooService = fooService;
    this.barService = barService;

  public AnotherThirdPartyBean get() {
    AnotherThirdPartyBean atb = new AnotherThirdPartyBean();
    return atb;

Case 3: Here I had lots of POJOs using setter injections that needed to be handled the same way. I would have to write lots of providers, but for this dynamic gem from Kevin which I dug up in a thread in the developer's mailing list. Here the type system is a bit subverted, and Guice does not have full information of all bindings. But, hey .. for porting applications, AutowiringProvider<> gave me a great way to solve this issue. Here's straight out of the class javadoc :
A provider which injects the instances it provides using an "auto-wiring" approach, rather than requiring {@link Inject @Inject} annotations. This provider requires a Class to be specified, which is the concrete type of the objects to be provided. It must be hand-instantiated by your {@link}, or subclassed with an injectable constructor (often simply the default constructor).

And I used it like a charm to set up the bindings of my POJOs.

Finally, here is a snapshot of a representative Module class, with actual class names changed for demonstration purposes :

public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {

  protected void configure() {




      .toProvider(new AutowiringProvider<YetAnotherThirdPartyBean>(YetAnotherThirdPartyBean.class));


Injecting the EntityManager

In an implementation of the Repository pattern (a la Domain Driven Design), I was using JPA with Hibernate. I had an implementation of a JpaRepository, where I was injecting an EntityManager through the annotation @PersistenceContext. This was working with normal Java EE application servers where the container injects the appropriate instance of the EntityManager.

public class JpaRepository extends RepositoryImpl {

  private EntityManager em;
  // ..
  // ..

Spring also supports this annotation both at field and method level if a PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor is enabled. Using Guice I had to write a Provider<> to have this same functionality implemented in my Java SE application.

public class EntityManagerProvider implements Provider<EntityManager> {

  private static final EntityManagerFactory emf =

  public EntityManager get() {
    return emf.createEntityManager();

The Guice Way

Guice is opinionated .. yes, it really is. And through this porting exercise I have learnt it. It encourages some practices and adds syntactic vinegars trying to subvert the recommendations. e.g. For injection, you either annotate with @Inject or write Providers. Provider<> is a wonderful tiny abstraction and it's amazing how powerful it can get in real life applications. Use Providers to implement custom instantiation policies, multiple injections per dependency and even can have custom scopes for injecting providers. For porting applications, you can use AutowiringProvider<>, but that's not really what Guice encourages a lot.

Guicy Performance

In the Spring based version, I had been using quite a few lookup-method-injections to design singleton services that have prototype beans injected. While porting, I didn't have to do anything special in Guice, apart from specifying the appropriate scopes during binding in modules. And these prototype beans were heavily instantiated within the application. I did some benchmarking and found that Guice proved to be much more performant than Spring for these use cases. In some cases I got 10 times better performance in injection and repeated instantiation of prototype beans within singleton services. I admit that Spring has much richer support for lifecycle methods and I would not venture into the hairy territory of trying to compare Spring with Guice. But if I would have to select an IoC container just for dependency injection, Guice will definitely be up there as a strong contender.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Using Guice as the DI Framework - some hiccups

Finally got the time to lay my hands on Guice, the new IoC container from Google. I ported one of my small applications based on Spring to Guice - nothing much too complicated, but just to explore the features of Guice and some user level comparison with Spring. I have been a long time Spring user (and an admirer too), hence the comparison is just an automatic and involuntary sideeffect of what I do with any of the other IoC containers on earth.

My first impression with Guice has been somewhat mixed. It is really refreshing to work with the extremly well-designed api's, packed with the power of generics and annotations from Java 5. Fluent interfaces like binder.bind(Service.class).annotatedWith(Blue.class).to(BlueService.class)
make ideal DSLs in Java and give you the feeling that you are programming to Guice rather than to Java. This is a similar feeling that you get when programming to Rails (as opposed to programming in Ruby). However, I came across some stumbling blocks which have been major irritants for the problem that I was trying to solve. Just to point out that I have only fiddled around with Guice for a couple of days, and may have missed out lots of details which can offer better solutions to the problems. Any advice, suggestions from the experts will be of great help. Here are some of the rants from my exercise with porting an existing application into Guice :

A Different way to look at Configuration

Many people have blogged about the onerous XML hell of Spring and how Guice gets rid of these annoyances. I think the main difference between Guice and Spring lies in the philosophy of how they both look at dependencies and configuration. Spring preaches the non-invasive approach (my favorite) and takes a completely externalized view towards object dependencies. In Spring, you can either wire up dependencies using XML or Spring JavaConfig or Groovy-Spring DSL or some other option like using Spring-annotations. But irrespective of the techniques you use, dependencies are always externalized :

public class MyConfig {
  public Person rod() {
    return new Person("Rod Johnson");

  @Bean(scope = Scope.PROTOTYPE)
  public Book book() {
    Book book = new Book("Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development");
    book.setAuthor(rod()); // rod() method is actually a bean reference !
    return book;

The above is an example from Rod Johnson's blog post - the class MyConfig is an externalized rendition of bean configurations. It uses Java 5 annotations to define beans and their scopes, but, at the end of the day, all it does is equivalent to spitting out the following XML :

<bean id="rod" class="Person" scope="singleton">
  <constructor-arg>Rod Johnson</constructor-arg>

<bean id="book" class="Book" scope="prototype">
  <constructor-arg>Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development</constructor-arg>
  <property name="author" ref="rod"/>

Guice, on the other hand, treats configuration as a first class citizen of your application model and allows them right into your domain model code. Guice modules indicate what to inject, while annotations indicate where to inject. You annotate the class itself with the injections (through @Inject annotation). The drawback (if you consider it to be one) is that you have to import* within your domain model. But it ensures locality of intentions, explicit semantics of insitu injections through metadata programming.

// what to inject : a sample Module
public class TradeModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {
    bindConstant().annotatedWith(Bond.class).to("fixed income");

// where to inject : a sample domain class
public class TradingSystem {
  @Inject Trade trade;
  @Inject Balance balance;

  @Inject @Bond String tradeType;

  int settlementDays;

  void setSettlementDays(@I int settlementDays) {
    this.settlementDays = settlementDays;

Personally I would like to have configurations separated from my domain code - Guice looked to be quite intrusive to me in this respect. Using Spring with XML based configuration allows a clean separation of configuration from your application codebase. If you do not like XML based configurations, use Spring JavaConfig, which restricts annotations to configuration classes only. Cool stuff.

Annotations! Annotations!

Guice is based on Java 5 annotations. As I mentioned above, where-to-inject is specified using annotations only. The plus with this approach is that the intention is explicit and locally specified, which leads to good maintenability of code. However, in some cases, people may jump into overdose of annotations. Custom annotations should be restricted to minimum and should be used *only* as the last resort. Guice provides a Provider<T> abstraction to deal with fine grained instantiation controls. In fact Provider<T> is an exceptionally simple abstraction, but can be used very meaningfully to implement lazy variants of many design patterns like Factory and Strategy. In my application I have used Provider<T> successfully in implementing a Strategy, which I initially implemented using custom annotations. Lots of custom annotations is a design smell - try refactoring your design using abstractions like Provider<T> to minimize them.

Problems with Provider<T>

However, I hit upon a roadblock while implementing some complex strategies using Provider<T>. In many cases, my Strategy needed access to contextual information in order to decide upon the exact concrete strategy to be instantiated. In the following example, I need different strategy instances of CalculationStrategy depending on the trade type.

interface CalculationStrategy {
  void calculate();

public class TradeValueCalculation {

  private CalculationStrategy strategy;
  private Trade trade;

  // need different instances of strategy depending on trade type
  public TradeValueCalculation(Trade trade, CalculationStrategy strategy) { = trade;
    this.strategy = strategy;

  public void calculate() {

I cannot use any custom annotation on constructor argument strategy, since I need the polymorphic behavior for different instances of the same class. I tried with the Provider<T> approach :

public class TradeValueCalculation {

  private Provider<CalculationStrategy> strategy;
  private Trade trade;

  public TradeValueCalculation(Trade trade, Provider<CalculationStrategy> strategy) { = trade;
    this.strategy = strategy;

  public void calculate() {

Still the Provider does not have the context information .. :-( and my problem is how to pass this information to the Provider. Any help will be appreciated ..

On the contrary, solving this in Spring is rather simple by declaring multiple bean configurations for the same class. And this works like a charm in the XML as well as the Java variant of configuring Spring beans.

Some other pain points ..

  • Guice user guide recommends using Provider<T> to inject into third party classes. This looked quite obtuse to me since it goes against the philosophy of less code that Guice preaches. Spring provides much elegant solutions to this problem because of its non-invasiveness property. Guice, by virtue of being an intrusive framework, had to provide this extra level of indirection to DI into classes for which I do not have the source code.

  • One specific irritant in Guice is the literal injection, which forced me to use a custom annotation everytime I wanted to inject a String literal.

  • Another feature which would have been very useful for me is the ability to override bindings through Module hierarchies. In one of my big applications, I have multiple components where I thought I can organize my Guice Modules in a similar hierarchy with specific bindings being overridden in specific modules. This is definitely the DRY approach towards binding implementations to interfaces. Guice did not allow me to do this - later I found the similar topic discussed in the development mailing list, where a patch is available for overriding bindings. I am yet to try it out though ..

It will be extremely helpful if some of the Guice experts address these issues and suggest workarounds. I like the terseness of the framework, the api's are indeed very intuitive and so are the error messages. The Javadocs are extremly informative, though we need more exhaustive documentation on best practices of Guice. Guice is really lightweight and is published to be very fast (I am yet to test on those benchmarks with Spring though). I hope the Google guys look into some of the pain points that early adopters have been facing with Guice ..