Dear Olive,
I really don't know what to say here. Because how could I use mere words to describe the loss of someones child? With heavy hearts, we travelled up to the central coast to go to Banjo's 'life party' last week. Watching Mic and Jilly and the kids carry in Banjo in his 'time machine' was one of the most unbearably heartbreaking things I've ever seen. Somehow, though, they have met this terrible tragedy with grace and dignity, which has been so inspiring to everyone around them. They've chosen to focus on love, and I hope they feel the outpouring of it that is coming to them from so many. It was such a present force in the room that day; amidst all the tears, there was such love. I'll be holding them all in my hearts for a long time to come.
Without a second thought, they donated Banj's organs, which I thought was a magnificent and courageous decision. The tragic loss of Banjo then meant the gift of life to five young kids. If you're in Australia, and you would like to be an organ donor, the best thing you can do is register your wishes on the The Donor Register so in the event of an accident, your family can feel secure that their decision was also yours.
Sweet dreams, Banj. Live on in happiness.
I really don't know what to say here. Because how could I use mere words to describe the loss of someones child? With heavy hearts, we travelled up to the central coast to go to Banjo's 'life party' last week. Watching Mic and Jilly and the kids carry in Banjo in his 'time machine' was one of the most unbearably heartbreaking things I've ever seen. Somehow, though, they have met this terrible tragedy with grace and dignity, which has been so inspiring to everyone around them. They've chosen to focus on love, and I hope they feel the outpouring of it that is coming to them from so many. It was such a present force in the room that day; amidst all the tears, there was such love. I'll be holding them all in my hearts for a long time to come.
Without a second thought, they donated Banj's organs, which I thought was a magnificent and courageous decision. The tragic loss of Banjo then meant the gift of life to five young kids. If you're in Australia, and you would like to be an organ donor, the best thing you can do is register your wishes on the The Donor Register so in the event of an accident, your family can feel secure that their decision was also yours.
Sweet dreams, Banj. Live on in happiness.