Everywhere you turn, you can get a sense of the world
becoming more divided and hostile. It happens locally, nationally, and
globally. Memphis is plagued by violence as demonstrated by its rank as one of
the ten most
dangerous U.S. cities. Even over the Thanksgiving
holiday, a time when people generally stop and reflect on their blessings,
Memphis still deals with violent crime as a dozen shootings are reported over
the weekend.
There’s the kind of violence that occurs among civilians and
then there’s the kind of violence that comes from the police force that is
supposedly there to protect and serve. That’s what happened recently in New
York City. In trying to arrest a man for selling illegal cigarettes, the
police take him down by force where later the man was declared dead at a nearby
hospital. Was the takedown by a chokehold responsible for his death? It seems
unclear through some reports but it certainly could have been a contributing
Then there’s the much publicized fatal shooting of a man in Ferguson, Missouri
by a police officer. By some accounts, which later turned out to be false
statements, the man was turning away from the police officer when he held up
his hands and yelled, “Don’t shoot.” However, the officer involved was not
indicted and was cleared of all charges. That hasn’t changed the overall mood
of the country, however, as evidenced by several protests taking place in major
cities throughout the U.S.