Showing posts with label shout out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shout out. Show all posts

Travel Read : Murakami, Tolstoy, Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

I'm not a reader. Not someone who would spend hours on books on daily basis. I lack persistence. One thing I'm good at is reading in a moving car. And I get bored easily. Usually I would whip out my smartphone, read something random online. But I've bought way too many books and read too little, so why not go back to classic bounded papers? 

Travelling back to Terengganu is not as tedious as it was few years back. 4 hours on the road is bearable. But it's 4 hours of staring at nothing but asphalt and the repetitive roadside greenery. Oh.. I hate expressway. So I brought 4 books with me, hoping I would somehow manage to finish them during the long holiday.

Margery Kempe: How To Be a Medieval Woman

I had high hope for this one. It's only 125 pages long and the Penguin Classics are always nice to hold. I'm a sucker for a pocket sized literature. The title is intriguing, don't you think? I at least thought so. But it was a dull read, like reading a diary of your very religious cousin hoping to find some delicious secret to gossip about during family gathering only to find her same holier-than-thou facade bleeding through her most intimate writing. It was uninteresting and tiresome. I finished reading it in two days.

 Oscar Wilde: Only Dull People Are Brilliant at Breakfast

It's a collection of Oscar Wilde's quotes. An interesting read but I prefer books with some narratives thrown into them. Still, brilliant words from a brilliant writer. It should be titled as "Sass by Sass Master Oscar Wilde be Wilding". I should really get a copy of "The Picture of Dorian Gray". I kinda know the theme but the way he used his word is too intriguing to pass.

Leo Tolstoy: How Much Land Does A Man Need?
Hmm.. what a familiar name, eh? That was what I thought when I vetted through this copy. I know I heard that name somewhere. Tolstoy.. Tolstoy.. I'm sure he's written something famous. So this book is actually a compilation of two short stories; "How Much Land Does A Man Need?" and "What Men Live By". A light read. Interesting and profound. I adore short stories and this man is amazing. I would definitely get more of his work. Anna Karenina, anyone?

Haruki Murakami: Sputnik Sweetheart
"Oh Murakami is overrated"
No he's not. 
A master on his own standard. What a sweetheart this work has been for me. I'm not going to spoil anything about this book. Delightful. Unlike Kafka on The On The Shore, I actually read through this in one sitting, holding my breath to know what comes next. And as always, Murakami always manages to make me feel emotionally constipated. He never ends his story where we want it to end. Witty exchanges. A gist of mystery, nightmarish plight.. How to put it? Kafkaesque? I'm not sure if that's a correct term for it. Read it. Don't let it go unnoticed. Suffer with me.

That's it. That's all.. I really need to read more. 


Happy Birthday, Sis

Friday, September 09, 2016

September 9th

Everyday I am thankful for having you as my sister. For as long as I can remember, you have always been kind. You forgive people too easily. You love too deeply. Allow me to hate those who hurt you on your behalf.. Nur Wardah Abdul Halim. Thank you for being born. Thank you for being my sister.
Come home soon. I miss you.

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

Doodle : Geng Kentut Berasap

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hi Guise,

Kalau aku boleh kategorikan aku dalam arena seni lukis (ecewah) mungkin aku akan cakap aku ni illustrator. Komiker mungkin tapi aku tak yakin nak pakai tag nama comic artist ni sebab personally aku tak sampai level tu lagi. Doodler? Doodle in a sense is just a random sketch you do absentmindedly. Tapi secara technicalnya doodle dalam cabang seni lukis ni ada specific style. Kalau ikutkan, aku bukan seorang doodler. Technically speaking la. So bila aku buat keputusan nak join pertandingan doodle antabax ni, memang aku cukup was-was dan tak berharap lebih.

Tema pertandingan ni "Cergas Bersama antabax" so aku lukis budak-budak main hujan tanpa risau dalam botol kaca berlabel "antabax". Makhluk yang kat tepi-tepi tu, termasuk geng kentut berasap kat penjuru bawah kanan tu adalah bakteria jahat yang menunggu masa untuk menyerang. Yang tu yang aku plan la. Kalau tak sampai message tu sorry la. Saya budak baru belajar. Baru nak berjinak-jinak ngan doodle.

Anyway, aku dah pun submit ke antabax penyertaan aku ni. Nanti bila diorang dah upload ke album penyertaan ni, aku mintak korang jenguk-jenguk la. Aku akan share link kat post note dan jugak kat FB page. Kalau korang rasa aku layak menang, ketik like kat penyertaan aku kat page antabax. Kalau korang nampak doodle lain yg korang rasa layak menang, like la doodle diorang. Show some support. Kalah menang tu adat. Tapi kalau ada orang hargai hasil kerja kita tu yang paling menggembirakan. Bagi aku la.

So kepada yang nak join pertandingan ni, boleh la ke page antabax dan follow terma dan syarat pertandingan. Pertandingan tamat pada 30 September 2016 so sempat lagi nak join. Terima kasih kepada Dayang Deno yang mewar-warkan adanya pertandingan tersebut. Best of luck, kawan-kawan.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

The Signs of Our Stars

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hi guise,

Korang percaya dengan zodiak tak?

Zodiak mengkategorikan sikap seseorang berdasarkan bulan kelahiran. Bagi aku agak impossible untuk seseorang yang lahir pada masa yang sama untuk mempunyai sikap yang sama sebab sikap tu sendiri terbentuk dari faktor persekitaran. Tapi aku tak nafikan yang aku sangat tertarik dengan zodiak. Bukan untuk menujum tapi dari segi kategori perwatakan.

Banyak yang tahu mengenai zodiak yang dua belas tu; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius dan Pisces. Tapi banyak tak tau yang horoscope sebenarnya lebih detail dari satu jenis sign sahaja. Zodiac sign yang biasa korang guna ikut tarikh lahir tu sebenarnya hanyalah ruling house dalam horoscope ataupun sun sign. Kalau nak lebih detail kena refer sun chart ataupun birth chart yang kira sudut setiap planet megikut jam, hari, bulan dan tahun kelahiran. Every planet has it's specific trait and depending on how it aligns with your birth information, it provides a more comprehensive understanding on your behavior. Meaning, even though I am a Libra, some of my behavior would incline towards Scorpio or Capricorn. For example, my Venus is in Scorpio which apparently makes me very sexual or flirty. Being a Venus dominant, I am said to be very  sensual and emotional, particularly receptive to the natural likes and dislikes aroused by my contact with people. (Ye, aku sangat inclined ke sign Scorpio dan Capricorn for most of my planets)

Okay, enough about that. Tu dah terlampau detail and I doubt that you're that interested. Kalau minat boleh try check korang punya birth chart kat sini; DETAIL BIRTH CHART HOROSCOPE .

Update: If anyone curious, I'm a Libra with Capricorn ascending and Leo in Moon. My ruling planet is Venus. Libra is a cardinal sign. My element is the Air (Sun sign: Primary trait; who you are, who want to be; Ascending: People's first impression of you; Moon: the side of you that's not shown to many) 

Dan aku nak ingatkan, benda ni bukan nak menujum. Tak ada apa yang mengetahui apa yang berlaku kat masa depan, boleh ramal kejadian selain Allah. Kalau nak baca, bacalah dengan santai.

Adik aku Si Cauda tu pun minat benda-benda horoskop ni. Tapi lebih kepada nak poke fun to our distinctive personality as siblings la. None of my sisters share my sign. I'm a Libra, Oni is a Virgo, Cauda is a Pisces and Adik Nabe is an Aquarius. Sometimes the signs show a very accurate representation of our dynamic as sisters. For example:
Dalam kes ni aku rasa website ni silap kategorikan aku sebab dalam adik-beradik aku, aku la yang paling malas berjalan. Unless kalau dia maksudkan wanderers tu sebagai orang yang banyak berangan.. Mind wanderers. LoL. Tapi still salah lagi sebab adik aku yang bongsu tu takde pun perangai rebel. She's as chilled as cucumber. Tapi dia degil yang amat! Ohoh.

Hahaha.. Lepas baca balik baru perasan yang dia maksudkan adalah wonderers bukan wanderer. What the heck. Ada ke perkataan wonderer masalahnya?
Nabe memang lama dah aim hoverboard. Doakan dia cepat kumpul duit untuk beli satu. Buat masa ni, layan jela penny board adik tu. heheh.

Yang ni sangat tepat, I almost fell back laughing. ROFL. Adik Nabe memang anti peluk. Anti peluk dan anti kisses. Kalau aku cium pipi dia, senyap-senyap dia sapu pipi sambil buat muka jijik. Mahal sangat aaaaahhh nak peluk adik bongsu aku yang sorang ni. 

Sampai hati ko mem-pfftkan kami, adik!

Gitulah lebih kurang cerita pasal zodiak sister ni. Korang macam mana? Korang pernah check tak zodiak sign masing-masing dan orang sekeliling? Bagi aku benda ni fun sebab kadang dia sangat spot on. 

All that being said, I truly believe that it's you who define who you are. Not some stars, not some planets, not the lines on your palms and not the order of you coming into this world. Take responsibility of what you did. Do not blame it on the stars. The fault is not in our stars, it's in ourselves. 


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

I'm a Bit proud

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Korang ingat tak pasal adik aku yang minat nak jadi translator tu?

Baru-baru ni dia dah habiskan peringkat pertama Kelas Bahasa Korea. Tapi untuk sambung ke Peringkat Kedua mungkin kena difikirkan balik atas faktor wang dan juga tempat tinggal. Cuada bakal pulang ke Terengganu untuk habiskan sisa-sisa masa sebelum panggilan masuk ke universiti.

Memandangkan dia dah takleh join kelas bahasa, cikgu dia cadangkan dia buat subtitle untuk Korean Variety Show. So ni fes short video yang dia sub.. (Dia contribute cc kat Youtube)

So korang rasa camne? Mungkin korang tak follow sangat rancangan-rancangan camni. Yang feymes pun Running Man kat Malaysia. Tapi sebenarnya banyak lagi rancangan dari sana yang menarik tapi mungkin tak kena dengan selera orang kita.

Yang ni kena je ngan selera aku sebab video sal Rapmon. Ahahahaha!

Ada satu rancangan yang dia tengah sub sekarang tapi takleh upload sebab copyright. Rancangan tu bagus sebab banyak bincang pasal IQ test. AKU SUKA GILA! Dah la ada Rapmon, ada IQ test lagi.. erghhh.. Tazabarnya kita!

Tu je nak merapu. 


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

I Feel for You, Sister

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Hi guise,

Sekarang tengah musim budak-budak kalut tunggu result permohonan IPTA kan? Adik aku yang nombor 3 tu baru je habis diploma. Sekarang tengah melangok kat rumah sambil tunggu panggilan untuk sambung degree. 

Dia tak suka aku post entry dalam BM sebab dia cakap ayat aku merapu. So izinkan aku taip dalam BI walaupun taklah bagus mana. For those who are expecting some comic post, sorry..

You may escape this entry now because this will be lengthy. Click on the spoiler below.

I have 3 sisters as some might already know. The third daughter, Cauda, 21yo is my biggest worry now. She never had a clear ambition before. Unlike Onie and I, she wasn't sure what she want to do in the future. She chose to go for Accountancy out of convenience instead of interest. Which to me is great because accountancy is a promising field.

She completed her diploma with a 3.5 CGPA (allow me to brag. I am very proud of her). Despite being able to cope with the relatively new field (she was a Life Science student), she lacks motivation to continue down the path. After a turbulent soul searching, she found her true calling. A passion she never realize she had. An interest in Linguistic.

Nervously, she seeks us older sisters for consultancy. This is a completely different path from what the family envisioned for her. So naturally she needs our opinion, if not a strong support for her to decide. Onie and I immediately agree with her. It's the first time she had shown an interest on something, so naturally we are very happy for her. We encourage her to find out more about the course. FYI, it is Translation and Interpretation of Foreign Language.

She is very interested in taking the Korean Language considering she's now quite familiar with the language. It might not necessarily be Korean but she already had some basic in that language. Plus she also intends to learn more than one foreign language. Now, at this point some might think,

"Ahh it's a kpop thing"
"How delusional"

But she especially searched for accredited courses in Malaysia. It's not because she wants to fly to South Korea just to live her dream as a kpop fan. Unfortunately no institute in Malaysia offers Bachelor Degree in Korean Translation and Interpretation. If you know any, please link. We would love to find out more. 

Obviously the next choice is to apply for the course in South Korea. Yes, the land of Kpop idols.

Now this is the tricky part, after sending Onie to India for the last 5 years, my dad is strictly against going to oversea university. And my mom, well she's just not convinced that the course could bring food to the table. I  could write about 2 pages long essay on why translation/interpretation work is one of the most sought after service nowadays. Plus, working from the comfort of your own home. How nice is that?

But this is not about proving anything to my parents. This entry, should you read this, is to ask for opinion from those who had taken the same path because my sister really need someone to talk to about this. It would mean a lot to her. So if you know anything about studying in South Korea and maybe some input on Translation and Interpretation course, please please please drop your email or your two cents in the comment section.

To those who read this but has nothing in particular to say about this issue, just drop comment like "Huh, kentut bau petai" just to mess with the rest.

Akhir kata..

Peace? *gelak nervous*

I have 3 sisters as some might already know. The third daughter, Cauda, 21yo is my biggest worry now. She never had a clear ambition before. Unlike Onie and I, she wasn't sure what she want to do in the future. She chose to go for Accountancy out of convenience instead of interest. Which to me is great because accountancy is a promising field.

She completed her diploma with a 3.5 CGPA (allow me to brag. I am very proud of her). Despite being able to cope with the relatively new field (she was a Life Science student), she lacks motivation to continue down the path. After a turbulent soul searching, she found her true calling. A passion she never realize she had. An interest in Language.

Nervously, she seeks us older sisters for consultancy. This is a completely different path from what the family envisioned for her. So naturally she needs our opinion, if not a strong support for her to decide. Onie and I immediately agree with her. It's the first time she had shown an interest on something, so naturally we are very happy for her. We encourage her to find out more about the course. FYI, it is Translation and Interpretation of Foreign Language.

She is very interested in taking the Korean Language considering she's now quite familiar with the language. It might not necessarily be Korean but she already had some basic in that language. Plus she also intends to learn more than one foreign language. Now, at this point some might think,

"Ahh it's a kpop thing"
"How delusional"

But she especially searched for accredited courses in Malaysia. It's not because she wants to fly to South Korea just to live her dream as a kpop fan. Unfortunately no institute in Malaysia offers Bachelor Degree in Korean Translation and Interpretation. If you know any, please link. We would love to find out more.

Obviously the next choice is to apply for the course in South Korea. Yes, the land of Kpop idols.

Now this is the tricky part, after sending Onie to India for the last 5 years, my dad is strictly against going to oversea university. And my mom, well she's just not convinced that the course could bring food to the table. I  could write about 2 pages long essay on why translation/interpretation work is one of the most sought after service nowadays. Plus, working from the comfort of your own home. How nice is that?

But this is not about proving anything to my parents. This entry, should you read this, is to ask for opinion from those who had taken the same path because my sister really need someone to talk to about this. It would mean a lot to her. So if you know anything about studying in South Korea and maybe some input on Translation and Interpretation course, please please please drop your email or your two cents in the comment section. To those who read this but has nothing in particular to say about this issue, just drop comment like "Kentut bau petai" just to mess with the rest.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

Would You Understand?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dengar lagu buat aku emo.. Biar la tak paham sepatah haram pun.. Aku maksudkan lagu Whalien 52 dendangan BTS.. Phuh.. dendangan tu takleh blah tu.. Tapi topik hari ni bukan pasal kpop..

Okay.. Let's be deep for once.. Memandangkan aku agak emo ni, marilah sama-sama menyesakkan otak untuk memikirkan sesuatu seperti..

What if one day you lose your ability to express?

Macam kes di atas.. SUARA..

Macam kes aku.. Ability to draw..
Bila aku cakap 'ability to draw' maksud aku kebolehan untuk merealisasikan idea ke sekeping kertas ataupun kat monitor lelz whatever

To be honest, I want to give up drawing. Because no matter how hard I try, I could never materialize the idea I had in my mind. Every time I think of an idea, I would plan the execution meticulously.. But when the time comes for me to transfer it onto the paper, it would never come out the way I see it in my head. For years I've been tortured by my own inability to express myself. Not through drawing, writing or even viva voce phuh.. nak cakap verbally je padahal, viva voce bagai..

I'm so frustrated by it that I would avoid drawing altogether.. It's not about being able to draw nicely.. It's not about the technique. It's not about how precise the anatomy is.. It's about the idea.

Why can't I show you the exact thing I saw in my mind?

Macam cerita kat atas.. Aku nampak benda tu dalam kepala aku lain. I tried to stay true to my initial idea but my hands won't agree with me. My fingers defied me.

It's still in my head, the imagery.. It's so vivid that it's almost mocking me for my incompetency.

Do you know the loneliest place one can be? It's the head.. The head is the loneliest place to be.. Nobody could hear you.. Nobody could see it the way you do.. Yet it's so loud, it's deafening.


The Life of A Fan

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Okay BigHit. Can I please have my life back? It's not even a month after they concluded their world tour, a comeback? Really? A freaking comeback?! Damn it. There goes my sanity.

Cracking fingers. Better get ready for voting and fan art..

Not a fan? Just ignore this. I just can't sleep before posting this on my blog.


Right! Stop it. It's getting silly. Now get on with it. Get on with it!

We are A Bit Abnormal

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hi guise,

So it started with my sister posting this photo to our Whatsapp group. At first i was like, "Heh, this kid sure has a lot of time to waste for doing something useless like this"

[My sister Cauda, she copy herself with a photostat machine. What a dork. ]

But when I get to work today, I had this sudden urge to do the same weird thing. Hilarity ensues. I present to you, my masterpiece.

It was so dirty. But hey, that white stuffs you see is from my scanner. The photo comes out like an awesome photo shoot. With a dork as the subject matter. It even captures my enormous nose and the filthy blackheads.

[This one is my favorite.. ]

I shall frame these and hang them on my wall.. Yes.. 

Sorry for posting a weird entry today. My head is wired differently. I am a bit cuckoo inside.


p/s: I should stop pasting my face on social media.

Right! Stop it. It's getting silly. Now get on with it. Get on with it!

Copic Special Entry

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hi guise,

Aku kerap check blog stat. Especially search key word. Bulan ni punya search keyword tah pape. Tapi bulan lepas ada dua search keyword yang menarik. "Harga Copic" dengan "tak nak badmood". Apa kena mengena tah keyword tak nak badmood tu. Tah pape. Hahaha.

Although kat blog ni aku banyak post digital comic, aku ni sebenarnya pelukis medium marker yang tegar tau. (Masyaallah, teruknya struktur ayat aku. Mohon cikgu BM buat-buat tak kecik ati ye). I've spent more on markers than I've ever spent on tablet. Although, that figure might change if I can save enough money to buy meself a brand new Wacom Cintiq. Tu mak aih berangan takleh blah.

Anyhow.. Aku baru je balik dari The Curve, beli barang melukis. Ni semua Suraya Himechan punya pasal, duk goda aku suh pi ArtFriend beli Copic. Hnnstftt.. Masuk ke alam mimpi terngiang-ngiang suh pi beli Copic tau tak. So aku macam dapat satu idea untuk tulis entry pasal kat mana nak dapatkan Copic Markers ni. To those who had only just heard this brand today, Copic is one of the leading brand for professional comic coloring. Argh.. Maafkan BI aku!!

Ini dia!!

Insert angelic music.. Tadaaa.. Sangat osem! So many markers.. So many choices..

Ok. Yang kat bawah ni just gambar-gambar tag harga sebagai rujukan korang.

Copic Ciao: RM 9.80 sebatang
Copic Sketch: RM 14.90 sebatang
Copic Original: RM 14.90 sebatang
Copic Wide: RM 21.00 sebatang (kot, aku tak sempat nak snap)
Copic Various Ink (Refill): RM 19.90 sebotol (Not in the photo, but you can get it at the counter) 

Okay.. Sangat tak bermaklumat kan? Apa tu Ciao? Apa tu Sketch? Apa tu Wide? Sorry sorry.. Aku memang excited sikit bab gambar-gambar ni. Copic marker ada 4 jenis. Ada Ciao, Sketch, Copic dan Wide. Beza dia size of ink reservoir ngan dia punya nib. Ciao ngan Sketch pakai nib yang sama, satu medium broad dan satu super brush. Super brush la yang paling osem sebenarnya. Seriously, you have to try it to understand how awesome the brush is. Copic original lak pakai fine round nib ngan broad nib which is awesome for calligraphy. Wide pulak besar gedabak. Pakai single wide nib. Untuk lebih paham, sebab penjelasan aku sedikit rojak, tengoklah gambar kat bawah, Courtesy of google image.

Different nib, different ink reservoir. Ciao; 3cc, Sketch; 4cc , Copic around 5cc kot. Aku tak ingat mana aku baca benda alah ni. The best thing is, you can actually refill the ink when it runs out. Awesome. So antara Ciao ngan Sketch, more or less, the bigger the ink reservoir, the less frequent you need to refill the ink. Also, Copic Sketch has wider range of colours comparing to Copic Ciao and it is compatible for air brushing. Air brush aku tak berani nak explain sebab tak pernah pakai. Tapi benda tu pun ada jual kat Artfriend. Haa.. Ko jangan tak tau..

Selain daripada markers, Copic pun ada sediakan product lain seperti marker pad ngan replacement nib. (Masyaallah dahsyatnya ayat tu. Sumpah takleh buat product review.)

Ada dua size marker pad, yang biasa aku pakai size A4. Ketebalan pun lain-lain. Bleedproof marker pad ngan Copic manga paper memang jauh beza. Trust me, I've tried both. Dari segi ketebalan, dan ketidaktirisan dakwat, Bleedproof marker pad memang sedap-sedap. Harga pun sedap-sedap gak.

Bleedproof Marker pad 70gsm 50pgs A4 = RM43.00 sejilid
Bleedproof Marker pad 70gsm 50pgs A3 = RM79.90 sejilid

Mohon jangan pengsan dulu. Now, you might not need bleedproof paper pun kalau nak mewarna ngan Copic ni. My friend uses regular drawing pad and it works like a charm. But I, myself, prefer the marker pad because of its smooth surface. All and all, choose a paper which you can blend your ink well. Leave me a comment if you have any suggestion for me. Aku pun tengah cari alternatif marker pad sebab mahal nak mampos.

Next product is for when you are in need for replacement. Apa? Nib marker ko rongak adik ko telan? Apa tu? Tak tau nak refill marker tanpa tumpahkan ink yang mahal tu? Worry not, Copic provides replacement nibs and boosters for you. Mungkin aku patut buat separate entry pasal nib replacement and refill.

Your super brush is going to get ruined, trust me. It takes me quite a while to get used to waiting for the black ink to dry before started to color. And the result is, blackened nib. Nasibla colour dia still cantik je walaupun nib dah macam berus calligraphy cina.

Oh ye. Ada gak Copic friendly multiliner yang korang boleh pilih. Sebab korang takleh pakai artline dah sebab nanti dia dissolve dalam dakwat copic and smudge the whole artwork. I've learnt it the hard way. Aku tak try lagi india ink sebab setakat ni aku pakai copic multiliner je. Tapi kalau ada yang minat nak beli marker india ink, Faber Castell ada keluarkan. Siap macam-macam kaler lagi. Sawan jap aku tadi nak beli semua.

Tangan terketar-ketar sebab baru kebah demam dan eksaited nak bayar copic tu paal la gambar kabur macam amik ngan camera VGA.

So, yang aku berjaya bawak balik tadi sejam aku kat The curve adalah 5 beradik ini:

Which amount to...

It's not cheap to sustain a hobby as expensive as this. But it gives me great joy and sense of fulfillment. 

Satu benda yang aku nak kongsi, ArtFriend ada membership card tau. Ko daftar je sekali (mungkin kena renew setahun sekali kot. Aku tak ingat). Pastu ko boleh dapat membership discount dalam 10%. Trust me, berbaloi ko jadi member. Kad dia pulak pakai IC sahaja so takdelah nak kena simpan banyak kad kan.

Sebelum aku nak akhir kata ni, aku nak bagitau, aku bukanlah duta Copic mahupun ArtFriend. Aku cuma nak kongsi apa yang aku tau sebab masa aku taktau dulu, aku harap sangat ada orang bagitau. Tarik telinga aku pastu tenyeh muka pandang kedai seni "Whoi, tu barang baik punya kalau ko nak try". So ni la aku nak bagitau so that sape-sape yang bersungguh nak melukis/mewarna boleh dapatkan benda yang betul-betul boleh buat ko berbuih mulut kesedapan. Ok, itu exaggerate a bit la. Ok? So jangan ingat ni sesi berbayar pulak. Selamat mencuba kepada yang ingin mencuba. oh ye. ArtFriend ada kat The Curve ngan The Garden. Nak cari copic kat tempat lain aku taktau. Sape-sape yang tau sila kongsi. Kat Kinokuniya ada kot rasanya.


P/S: Full Collection Cik Day~~~


Right! Stop it. It's getting silly. Now get on with it. Get on with it!

Happy Birthday yus

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Hey Yus..

Happy 25th birthday.. Belatedly..


I can be a very bad friend sometimes.. Ok.. most of the time..

I didn't even get you an empty box as present..

Oh well..

Adieu.. i guess..

P/S: Yus is taking commission request. She does photography and drawings. Check her Facebook page for info.. [CLICK HERE]

-Sedang menjeling ruang komen setiap seminit.. People.. come on.. I'm lonely. And don't forget to click the ads -


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hi guise,
Today's entry is a throwback..Time setting:  masa wedding kawan baik aku, Wan Ana Syukriah..
First thing that you have to know is that my sister, Cuada attended my secondary school. She's practically my junior by 6 years.
yep.. the same uniform, same badge..
Back to the story..

Ana invite aku dengan lagi sorang lagi kawan aku untuk participate in her wedding preparation. Aku still takleh get over yang Ana kahwin dulu. Tapi tu cite lain. For the wedding I was assigned as the make up artist.. (Hahahahaha..) My other best friend, Yus was assigned as the photographer. aku bawak Cauda sebagai orang suruhan. hahahaha..

Aku dah cakap dah kat Ana, "Ana, kalau cikgu sekolah kita datang, aku nak lari.." sambil buat muka cuak. Bukan sebab apa, aku pakai halfmoon shawl hari tu. Tak labuh, agak singkat. So aku memang taknak jumpa orang dari sekolah aku dulu. especially ustazah.. Huk..

Ana cakap "Mak aku dah invite cikgu-cikgu datang."

Aku macam, Alamak.. Kena berwaspada ni. Cuada yang alumni sekolah aku pun cuak gak. Dia pun taknak terserempak dengan ustazah. So semua macam hati-hati sepanjang majlis berlangsung. Kalau nampak kelibat ustazah dah pakat nak lari je.

Nak dijadikan cerita, aku tengah borak dengan kawan aku, Yus masa tu bila Cuada tiba-tiba lari datang kat aku. Bisik "Kak Oyie, Cuada nampak ustazah tadi". Aku padang muka Cuada, pandang muka Yus, pastu cepat-cepat tarik diorang masuk umah, masuk bilik pengantin (Yes, we have clearance to enter that room, although come to think about it, it's rude and a breach of privacy.. Sorry, won't do that again).

So kitorang tengah menyorok dalam bilik pengantin, I turned to Yus.. "Why are you here? You got no reason to hide.". Yus tudung labuh so I guess she doesn't have that same reason that my sister and I share. She said "Aku taknak kena tinggal kat luar sorang-sorang". Aku sengih je.. Menyandar kat dinding, tekan Candy Crush.. Cuada separuh bisik "Sempat lagi nak Candy Crush dia tu"

And suddenly we heard voices looking for us.

I grabbed Cauda and Yus, went into the bathroom, leaving my phone behind, with the apps still running. I was like.. "Shut up people. If ustazah is looking for us here, I swear I'm gonna climb up the ceiling and escape.".. What the hell..

But the voices piped down. So we got out, looking for Ana.

"Ana, ustazah dah balik ke?"

"Yelah, *cheese cake la korang tinggal aku sorang-sorang kat sini" *Cheese cake=Cis

Aku sengih je sambil tenyeh-tenyeh ibu jari kaki ke lantai, mintak simpati.

"Aku try cari diorang tadi, aku nampak phone Day terbukak, Candy Crush pun bukak. Aku agak dah, budak ni mesti nyorok dalam tandas" sampuk Am, kawan Ana..

Aku sengih lagi sambil duk tenyeh lantai in circular motion.

Now.. Apa yang aku cuba cakap sekarang, kita ni lagi malu nak jumpa manusia bila tau kita ada buat benda tak betul. Padahal hukum tutup aurat tu dari Allah. lagi takut manusia judge kita dari judgement yang Allah akan bagi kat kita di hari pembalasan. Ok, aku insaf.. Lepas ni aku akan cuba perbaiki lagi pemakaian.. Pakai tudung tak bermakna tutup aurat. Tapi langkah pertama nak tutup aurat, pakailah tudung. Kepada diri sendiri, labuhkan tudung, longarkan pakaian. Insyaallah..

To my ustazah, sorry ustazah, saya memang takut nak jumpa cikgu-cikgu semua.. Ampunkan kami.. Ampunkan kami..

Yus & I.. Btw Ana, tahniah sebab dah kawen.. Tak lambat lagi nak wish kan? Hahahaha. Sorry Yus, aku pakai gambar ni sebab aku rasa aku nampak hot.. (Ptuih..Hahahaha)


P/S: Esok lagi sorang kawan baik nak kawen.. Haish.. (gelek-gelek pen tablet)

-Sedang menjeling ruang komen setiap seminit.. People.. come on.. I'm lonely. And don't forget to click the ads -

Segmen Ada Apa Dalam Beg Anda

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Hoho.. Rajen pulak aku join benda-benda cani ek? Just for fun.. Sifu Ben Osman ada wat segmen.. Sebenarnya lepas baca Lanun punya entry hari tu (Beg 4 Dimensi) memang dah meronta-ronta dah jiwa remaja ni nak buat.. Tapi.. Memandangkan esok hari Buruh kan.. Takde kena mengena pun padahalnya..

Back to topic..

Aku jenis yang bawak beg besar.. Pastu mula la melibas orang kiri kanan. Dah nama pun pompuan. Ofcos hobi aku libas orang dengan handbag saiz jumbo. OK.. Inventori mari!!

1) Receipt & Shopping List
Dah memang tabiat aku suka campak kertas lam beg. Memang bertimbun-timbun la sekalian resit yang keluar. Itu belum campur resit dalam purse. Haa.. jangan..

2) Coins
Hah, yang ni biasanya campak sekali ngan resit. Kadang-kadang nasib best, duit kertas pun ada sekali. Nak jadi nasib tak baik time nak buang resit, terbuang sekali ngan duit. Itu pasai la aku tak suka buang resit. eh bulih ke macam tu?

3) Perfume
Perfume hadiah kawan baik. Dulu ada satu kotak tapi sebab perfume tu letak lam kete, semua kena hangkut time kete kena rembat ngan manusia durjana dulu tu. Tinggal yang ni je. Itu pun sayang nak pakai..

4) Keys
eh.. Ini kalau kena terangkan ni memang saje ni.

5) Pen
Untuk diletakkan di atas muncung ketika hendak kelihatan chomel (sampai rasa nak lempang). Untuk dimain-mainkan di celah jari konon jari amazing.. Untuk menongkat dagu dan dahi sambil berkerut seribu untuk kelihatan bijak.. Mostly untuk catit nota dan doodle muka bos time meeting. Ehek.

6) Cards
Ye.. Kad pengenalan yang tah kenapa boleh terkeluar dari purse. Kad bonuslink yang dah tak pakai-pakai. Dan kad access office, pun tak tau macam mana boleh terlepas masuk handbag. Depa ni ada secret society ke apa tiba-tiba muncul setempat di tempat yang tak sepatutnya ni? Hmmm... Musykil..

7) Tiket Wayang Minggu Lepas
Lupa nak buang..Mana la tau kot boleh pakai lagi..Mintak lempang mintak lempang meh..

8) Make up Kit
Dalam tu ada BB cream. ada celak dua jenis. ada eye brow pencil.. ada blusher..Ada eye shadow.. ada lipstick 4 batang..Pakai celak/eye brow pencil/lipstick tapi bawak satu batalion. tah kejadah apa la aku bawak ke hulu kehilir. padahal lepas zohor dah malas conteng muka. bikin berat je..

9) Emergency Phone
Untuk kaum kerabat dan orang yang layak tau sahaja.. emergency sebab bateri tahan lama, kedit lambat nak abes sebab takde orang lain contact number ni.

10) Short Hard Cover Note Book
Oh aku memang suka bawak buku nota camni. Pasangan kekasih jiwa raga dia yang nombor 5 tadi tu. Fungsi utama, doodle muka bos dan pura-pura serius time amik nota. Oh kadang-kadang buat lapik tutup gelas.. Hehehehe

11) Purse
Bila bukak purse rasa nak nangis.. Hahahahahahaha.. hahaha

So? Tu jela.. tapi aku rasa biasanya lagi banyak barang dalam tu. Berat nak mampos. Macam ada biawak tinggal dalam tu..

Takde idea dah nak meroyan


p/s: Aku suka join segmen yang syarat dia takyah nak follow bagai sebab aku rasa cam dia memang ikhlas nak have fun.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Tapi memang aku follow pun depa yang awesome ni.. Oyeah

[Sedang menjeling ruang komen setiap seminit.. People.. come on.. I'm lonely..] .

Hey Mystery Girl

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

So hey?

Let's cut the introduction..

I'm joining a give-away (I guess). Ni first time nak join nih.. Cik Gadis Misteri, saya suka baca blog awak.. titik..



Why am I joining this? Because I want to. I wanna support my fellow blogger. Nak-nak time aku memang takde idea langsung ni and I need to draw so badly!!! I hope I'm not destroying the original version of Gadis Misteri. hey gurl, I love your artwork, please enjoy mine..

Kekekeke.. I hope you won't hate the extra characters there ( meaning Day and Kei).. Ok la.. Serious, kritikal dah otak aku ni takde idea..


p/s: Friends and family, do not try to reach me.. I'm okay. i just need space and time for myself.. Sorry for making you worried.

[Sedang menjeling ruang komen setiap seminit.. People.. come on.. I'm lonely..] .

Grand Prize for Ohime-Sama

Friday, February 01, 2013

People of the blogsphere.. I present you..

FYI, Hime-chama.. If you want to adjust any part of the header, please feel free to do so. Since I'm posting this on my blog, I just don't want any irresponsible blogger to steal it from you. You may erase the yellow 'stamp' on your header.. I really don't mind..

And this is a comic dedicated to you and your lovely family. Sorry for any missing detail.

Thank you for participating!!


Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .

Kepada yang Berhak

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Lama sudah aku berhutang. Sungguh tak tertahan lagi rasanya hendak melunaskan. Bak seat di hutan tak ketemu jamban.. Ayuh.. Bebaskan sepenuh hati


Tempat Ketiga

Terima kasih daun keladi, sayangnya dah tak ada Give Away lagi.. Sila Hambik.
Tahnioh Tahnioh

Tempat Kedua:

Cik Pensil, Kalau nak yang format lain boleh request ye. Sebelum file dimamah virus. Hehehe. Email la senang. K? Mohon tidak merasa jengkel dengan hadiah tak seberapa..

Tempat Pertama:

Hime-sama, saya masih merangka hadiah yang terbest buat tuanku. Harap bersabar hendaknya.. Ohhhoiii... 

Bayaran ansuran yang sungguh tak cool. Maaf.. Agak tak tercapai akal kreatif nak buat semua artwork yang teliti dalam satu malam. Ampunkan kami penunggu hadiah..ampunkan kami..

Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .

Hey kids

Monday, January 21, 2013

Hi Ana and Yusro,

Remember this?
The past.. When was this? It's so cheesy...

Giving some color to the dull, immature drawing

Anatomic disaster. Hehehe.. Doesn't look like it improved much huh? Still suck at body proportion.. I've tried to improve. I think my fingers hate me for calling them short. They just won't let me draw.. (Salahkan fizikal..HAHAHA)


Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .

False Alarm

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sorry guise.. False alarm.. that picture is not supposed to be posted here.. At least not now.. Not in this entry.. Maybe Next time.. I accidentally posted this one.. It was meant to be a draft..spoil the surprise.. shit

Since dah terpost.. Apakata aku umumkan pemenang Give away hari tu?

Antara yang join (in sequence of submission):

1) Zexta's  Walk In My Shoes

2) Cik Pensil's Kerana Pensil

6) Lee Kun's Double Life

Thank you kepada yang sudi join.. actually ada sorang lagi join tapi sebab dia tak post kat komen section, aku rasa cam tak adil lak kalau lepas..Sorry masu sayang.. owh..

Anyhow.. Meh nak umumkan.. pemenangnya:-

1st Place: 5) Hime's You're a Beauty I'm the Beholder
- I like your blog suggestion..and I like your blog.. simple..

2nd Place: 2) Cik Pensil's Kerana Pensil
- Love it.. Bcz I love it

3rd Place: 1) Zexta's  Walk In My Shoes
-ehey... kamu...

Hime-chan, please send me details for your header.. You can also give it to another blogger as a gift (oso can a? Can as long as you give me sufficient info)..And, also.. state your personal favorite entry from your blog..huhu

As for the other winners, congrats.. Will work on your gift soonest possible (regardless of the technical problem I'm having now)..

Kepada yang tak menang aku nak ucapkan terima kasih daun keladi for your support.. Sayang you ol ketat-ketat.. Ahah..

Ok.. Tu je..Aku harap hujung minggu ni sempat siapkan semua hadiah.. hehe


Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .

A give away for those who want it

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hi guise..

Thinking about giving something back to you guise. Even though I've not gained any money from blogging, it did give me a lot of pleasure to let go of every anger I had. So, with that being said, I would like to make a preposition..

I'm giving away free artwork for those who are lucky.. Tak tau la kalau korang rasa tak best takyah join pun takpe.. It's very simple.

Step 1: You must have a blog.. (ofcos!)

Step 2: Read this entry properly..

Step 3: Post an entry on " My favorite blogger". List out three bloggers. Any blogger. (Dah lama aku tak blogwalk. Tengah cari bacaan bacaan baru. So please, recommend a good blog).

Step 4: List out two good things you like about this blog and two bad things you wish I would change in the last section of your entry.

Step 5: Leave a comment here with the link to your blog post.

oh lupa..

Step 5 + 1 : Click on the advertlets once for this poor blogger.. uhuk.. (Tak tekan pun takpe.. uhuk T-T)

The most creative entry with the most brilliant Blog suggestion will stand a chance to win:

1st Prize:  A customized BLOG HEADER. Full color. (the winner will have to email me what you want for your blog header) and a comic entry dedicated to you.

2nd Prize: A customized BLOG HEADER. Full color.(Subject to my creativity)

3rd Prize: An artwork of you. Full color. (Subject to my creativity)

- You may change your prize to the lower grade but not higher-

So what's the catch??
Nothing really.. You don't have to follow my blog if you don't wish to. Aku just nak tau apa reaction korang kalau aku buat give away camni. Nothing to do with blog popularity or what. Lagipun aku nak tau gak apa yang aku patut improvise for the betterment of this blog.

Tarikh tutup untuk Give Away ni adalah..To be confirmed. Sebaik sahaja ada cukup 10 penyertaan dari 10 blogger berbeza (Yes you may enter twice but only considered once. The best will get chosen). So selagi tak dapat 10 penyertaan the contest will remain open. Walaupun aku tak yakin ramai yang akan join, tapi kita tengok la nanti. Kalau lambat sangat nak reach 10 penyertaan..Haishhh

Hadiah tak berapa best, I'm sorry for lacking. Like I said. I'm a poor blogger..Please do your best and entertain me with your creative entry.



Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .


Sunday, December 09, 2012

Hi guise,

Did you know that I have a novel named after me? Betul ke ayat tu? mehehe.. Surely most of you had known by now that my mother is a novelist..sangat jiwang karat and kadang-kadang tak logik. Even though I myself tak suka baca novel (I love comic book), I must say, it is overwhelming having a novel with your name in it. The whole deal.. Hidayah Deaday Oyie.. The complete set of my numerous nicknames.

Tapi, bila aku baca novel tu ada la certain benda yang aku tak berapa suka. Mini Cooper was a nice touch. And the thing with Kpop craze. ada similarity kat situ. Including the part where I like to see myself as my father's son. All and all, I think my mom tried to portray me. TAPI!! Aku tak suka part jiwang melampau dan jalan cerita yang agak tak logik. anak orang kaya nak kerja jadi orang gaji? Oh man.. Including the thing with unrealistic quarrel between the hero and heroine. Ah banyak la.. Tapi standard la novel kan. Sebab tu la aku tak suka baca novel. In short, do see my illustration..

Ok.. So kenapa tiba-tiba aku baru cite sal novel ni? Padahal dah lama kot novel ni.. No particular reason.. I just think that my mom would be happy if I would mention about her work more often. I'm proud of you mom. I'm sorry that I don't favor reading novels but know this, I love the fact that I could see your novels whenever I went to the bookstore for my comic books. I take some pride in what you do.

Anyhow, to those who loves novel.. Terutama novel jiwang and stuff.. Please know that every purchase you made for my mom's novel will eventually finds its way to me. For example..My beloved Bamboo Wacom Graphic Tablet is a present from my mom right after she cash out her royalty.. HEHEHEHE..


p/s: Tadi sebenarnya lukis full storyline tapi tah macam mana terdelete lak.. Petanda suh korang pegi beli kalau nak tau cite. HAHAHAHA.. Mom, please buy me something..

Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*