Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi! I'm Roswell. Aren't I cute? I am now 3 months old! And such a big boy.

And I mean big boy. Mommy's back is already getting sore hefting my 16 pounds of cuteness around.
I laugh a lot and am becoming more aware of things around me. I love to grab everything I see, and sometimes what I don't see. Maybe I'll learn to roll one of these days if I can ever be put down. You see, I have 2 very loving and energetic brothers. Mommy thinks I might get hurt if I'm on the floor when they are playing. So I get to have floor time when they are being still or napping. That's ok. Mommy and Daddy say I'm the happiest baby. Who can blame me? I'm cute!


I'm pretty sure I did this tag a while ago, but alas I was tagged again by Dan and Alisa (and a while back by Kathlyn - sorry it took forever), so I'll do it again.

Ten years ago I:
1. I was a sophomore in college
2. Was boy crazy with no boy in my sights
3. was wanting my independence from home but had little moolah
4. was driving Herman, my lovely white boat of a car
5. had goals of where I wanted to be in 10 years

The Five things on today's "to do" list:
1. wake up early to work on my abs
2. go walking with my friends
3. get the kids dressed, fed, and happy
4. put my jars of homemade salsa in storage
5. Put kids to bed and relax with hubby!!

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Little Debbie swiss rolls
2. brownies
3. cake
4. banana chips
5. lollipops

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. pay off our mortgage
2. put some money away for missions
3. put some money away for retirement, so it can start gaining interest
4. go traveling to places like Ireland, Africa, Australia, and others
5. (obviously tithing would come first)

Five places I have lived:
1. Mesa, AZ
2. Flagstaff, AZ
3. Mesa, AZ
4. Lansing, MI
5. DeWitt, MI

Five jobs I have had:
1. Dad's go-to girl in the yard and with the cars/tools
2. United Artists Movie Theater
3. Teaching Tools
4. Ben Franklin Charter School - 1st Grade Teacher
5. Mommy

Friends to tag: Anyone who wants to do this.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Happy 36th Anniversary to my Mom & Dad!
Mom & Dad met at a church dance where my sly mom told her girlfriends to go home without her and persuaded my dad to take her home because she didn't have a ride. The rest is history.


July 2008

I'm so grateful that the two of you met and married and had 3 wonderful daughters. We love you and hope you have had a happy day!


We haven't been doing too many fun and exciting things lately so I'll just post some pics as of late.

Elliott making a funny face.

Roswell must have been bored.

Donovan has always loved to hide, but lately he has been more creative. I can't see him, can you?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Aidan!

Happy 3rd Birthday to our nephew/cousin Aidan! You are getting so big! We love you and miss you! It was fun to see you this summer.

Ice cream faces!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cute Book!

This is a super cute book that was read to us at storytime today. It's called "Cowlick!" by Christin Ditchfield. It hits home for us. My boys have the most difficult hair to tame. I have given up trying to comb it down. They will forever have standing up hair. This book gives a cute theory on how the cowlick came to be --- an actual cow would sneak in at night and give a lick. Too cute. Kids love it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Garden of Good Eats

MMMMmmmmm! Doesn't that look good? I'm so happy with what our garden has produced lately. We've already eaten many zucchini, white squash (also in the canning jars), spinach, and lettuce, and green beans, but this is from the last day or two. We're eating healthy, that's for sure! We have yet to get a single pumpkin though. I think we won't be planting that next year. Our carrots and green onions are still not ready, but close. There's a lot we've learned by planting our garden this year so that next year's garden will be even easier.
I can foresee a lot more canning in my near future!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Donovan's Family

Donovan drew our family on the chalkboard and I though he did a really good job.

L-R Mommy, Daddy, Dono, Elliott, and Roswell

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Give Me an "A"

Donovan started school today! In Michigan a law was passed stating that school will always start after Labor Day. That's kind of nice, but we'll always get out in June. Donovan is getting so smart and getting rowdy during nap time, so we decided it was time to start pre-school right along with the normal school schedule. Since mommy is a certified teacher, who better to teach such a sweet boy. He's been excited and we'll see how much he can learn!

Everyone needs a 1st day of school picture (except I forgot and this is the 2nd day of school).

Learning how to write the capital A.

I think Donovan will be a great student! He did very well his first day!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Thanks For Coming!

Nama and Papa Earl were here to visit the last 2 weeks so that they could be here for Donovan's birthday. We had lots of fun and enjoyed spending time with them. We love you and are glad that you came!