Monday, December 12, 2016

School is in and more adventures

School is in session! I can't believe we have a 1st grade, 3rd grader and 7th grader! Crazy how fast they are all growing. AJ's first year at the Junior High! That's just crazy! They all love school and their teachers. Seems to be like a good year for all of them.

New comforters for Jaylee and Kenna. I love their room like this.  And they love their tunnels. 
 Proof I cook, and cook healthy... sometimes...
 Poor Kenna has been having stomach pain. We aren't sure what is causing it but wanted to rule out allergies. She was so brave. She said it didn't hurt at all, And for now she has no allergies. 
 We rearranged the girls off bunbeds awhile ago but got new cute comforters. But then I saw some metal dressers on sale from a dorm cleaning them out, I asked Glenn is they would make good captains beds. He said sure let's try it! So in the garage came a pile of dressers. I really questioned what we did buying them. But we kept plugging along and I think they turned out to be the coolest beds ever! I love their room now. It's so open and grown up looking. And their beds are so sturdy! 

 We love when Grandpa and Grandma come visit. 

 Shopping with these two is always an adventure! Jaylee and Wes 
 I redid a bookcase for AJ and Brylee's room. I was proud of myself but then found a bigger one and sold this one, ha ha. 
 Back to Utah for a quick visit to see Beauty and the Beast, it was awesome! There was a part where the beast and Gaston were fighting and the Beast fell down like he died and Jaylee quite loudly says, "Well he tried his best". Oh man we all lost it. It was so funny that she was paying that much attention

 We also got to see Raylenes new house and see Derek and Mary. We love visiting family!
 We measured. Glenn has him by like 1/2"

 McKenna playing with Grandpa Speters 

 Stopped to go with Grandma to church on our way home. She told me church was "Boring! Boring boring boring!" Oh that grandma of mine. SO feisty! 

 We came home to a cold wind storm. Tried to save as many peaches as we could. We had such a good harvest this year! They are so yummy. We canned, froze, ate, jellied and pureed peaches for days! Luckily I had good helpers. 

 Crazy hair day! 

 Jaylee is doing a neighborhood preschool. It is awesome! 
 Baden, Jaylee, Peter, Wes, Adelle 
 Dress up day 
 To anyone else that looked up in my hallway you might think my ceiling is dirty. Not me. Those are fingerprints from my dad. Not everyone has a dad that needs to balance using the ceiling or wall. But I do. I was frustrated last night and sighed and looked up at the ceiling, when I saw those it changed my whole attitude. Life can be hard, tiring and challenging but we keep living. We keep going no matter what. That is what my dad has taught me. I am so thankful for his example. Anyone who knows him can agree with me. He is amazing. I am so glad I have his fingerprints on my ceiling! Sounds silly but so true.

 Pizza night at Fuzion! 
 Joy has been looking for a friend for Diezel. I saw this guy on a fb ad. It seemed like he would either find a new home or go to the pound. One look at his face had me hooked. I sent it to Joy and she said, Go get him! He needs me. So we got Boomer. He stayed with us a few days and then we took him to Utah to meet his forever family. We were worried how it would go but we didn't need to be, He and Deizel and meant to be brothers. We love our big boys! 

 Look how handsome they are! And Boomer looks so good and healthy. So glad this turned out well, 

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