Monday, December 31, 2012


 Josh, AJ, Brylee, Aspen, Vivi and McKenna

 Kenna keeping Jaylee entertained during the show.
 Smiley Brylee
 AJ had her first piano recital and did a great job.  She played 3 songs.  She loved it.  We all had fun watching her and supporting her in this.  I hope it is something she finds a passion for and pursues.  She has more talent for it than Glenn or I put together! I can't get any of the videos to load but she really did do a great job.

AJ also had a school choir concert.  The little girls love going to AJ's school so they had fun.  It was a funny concert.  It lasted like 10 minutes maybe.  But she enjoyed it and they did a good job.
AJ and Sarah

 AJ and Mrs. Baer

1 comment:

  1. It is so much fun to see AJ blossoming with singing and piano. She is a born performer, just like her mom. I can't wait to see what talents the other girls choose to develop.
