Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas dresses and the Temple

I love our tradition of going to the IF Temple visitors center for Christmas and Easter.  The girls always have fun dresses and it just makes the season focus on the right thing.  We met my family there and watched a couple of Christmas videos.  The girls love seeing the statue of Christ and being able to touch it.  This year we added to our tradition and went and saw a cool house that has a light show playing to a radio station.  It was awesome.  They did a great job. 

Gifts and Glenn's b'day.

 We exchanged names as a family this year and opened the gifts the Friday before Christmas.  I liked doing this a lot so I think it is our new tradition.  It allows the kids to only focus on needing one gift and allows us some fun family time.  This year:
Mom had Dad
Dad had Brylee
Brylee had Jaylee
Jaylee had Mom
AJ had McKenna 
McKenna had AJ
Everyone enjoyed doing this. 

Glenns b'day is always in the middle of the busyness' of Christmas he is always a good sport about it.  I tried to make a camo cake and it just didn't work out all the way around.  Oh well.  It tasted good.  We got Glenn a stove top popcorn popper and the girls made him a mug, Joy got him a Sportsmans Wharehouse gift card and my parents got him a BLENDTECH!!!  He is so excited to have a nice blender.  He has used it a lot already.  Happy Birthday Glenn!
We love you!

He has been hunting for an Elk for the past couple of months.  Today was the last day of his tag so looks like this is the only Elk he will be getting this year!  Sorry honey, better luck next year.


 Josh, AJ, Brylee, Aspen, Vivi and McKenna

 Kenna keeping Jaylee entertained during the show.
 Smiley Brylee
 AJ had her first piano recital and did a great job.  She played 3 songs.  She loved it.  We all had fun watching her and supporting her in this.  I hope it is something she finds a passion for and pursues.  She has more talent for it than Glenn or I put together! I can't get any of the videos to load but she really did do a great job.

AJ also had a school choir concert.  The little girls love going to AJ's school so they had fun.  It was a funny concert.  It lasted like 10 minutes maybe.  But she enjoyed it and they did a good job.
AJ and Sarah

 AJ and Mrs. Baer

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The busyness' of the season.

 I think that is what we all feel like doing now that the busyness' of the season has passed. Jaylee has the right idea.  I know I could use a nap.  I prayed that we would make it through all the parties, recitals and having company at our house without getting sick.  Christmas Eve Kenna puked, last night AJ puked, Brylee has a bad cough and I have a sore throat.  I am thankful my prayers were answered and we mostly made it through the month without getting too sick.

December was a busy one for us.  Here are a few highlights.
 The decorations. I LOVE putting up my Christmas decorations.  I love having my tree all done up with our random ornaments that all have some kind of meaning to them.  This year I made new stockings and a tree skirt to match.  I learned that I struggle sewing denim and I do not enjoy trying to sew in a circle.  But all in all I think they turned out pretty good.  Glenn was sweet and helped out where he could.  He is so great at supporting me though stuff like that.  I love it!

 Instead of gingerbread houses we did Christmas trees this year.  It was fun.  The girls asked everyday if they could have candy from their tree.  One day I got sick of them being there and tossed them in the garbage, they never even noticed.  Funny huh?

Fun idea from 'pinterest'. 
 Ward party.  AJ was an angel and Glenn was Joseph.  It was an interesting party but a great memory for our family.

 Primary got to sing on stage.  This is Brylee's first year being in primary so she loved the opportunity.
 We brought a blanket to sit on to watch the nativity story.  It turned into a big play toy.  It was a bit crazy.  But the girls had fun.

I love the 'busyness' of the holidays.  I know some people get overwhelmed etc... but I love it all.  I love the parties, planning, friends, food, decorating, shopping for that perfect gift (I could live without wrapping the presents lol), snow, recitals, music and mostly FAMILY!