Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Card Patterns #52 *my happiness*

My oldest is home sick today.
At least that's the story she's telling:)
So, I managed to prep
Gyoza for supper tonight
& make a card.
I used Card Patterns #52
& attempted to use the
current Caardvarks challenge,
but didn't succeed:)
I don't think 2 quote stickers
quite makes the challenge,
BUT, it did make me dig these out!!
I also turned the sketch AGAIN!!
I realize I've done this all week,
but it's works for me.
I realize Valentine's is over,
but this could be used for
a variety of other reasons:
anniversary, a child, everyday love, etc.

My youngest is out of school
for the rest of the week,
so not sure what we'll do?
I think my brother & his kids
will be stopping by for supper tonight:)
Pretty excited about that.....................
love my brother & his family (wife out of town).
So, that's all I have for today.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

2S4U - *thanks*

Had some time to make another card.
I've actually been itching to scrap more lately.
The design team did an awesome job w/this sketch.
The stamping & coloring work is amazing.
I really want to invest in some Copic markers,
but wonder how much I'd really use them?
Anyway, I used 2 Sketches 4 U - Laura #46 sketch
& more of K&Co's Tim Holtz line.
This is such an elegant line
& I love everything about it.
I did turn the sketch for this card.
I just realized the colors are off in the photo.
The card base is a rich red & gold
& the brown is a pretty deep brown.

That's all for today.
Maybe I'll find time to do something else?
Have a blessed day
& Thanks so much for stopping by!!

CPS 153

So, last night I made a card.
I used the current CPS 153 sketch.
I like the card,
but I don't feel it's my normal style.
I don't think I have a normal style,
but this card looks like one
I might see someone else creating,
just not me?
Anyway, I did turn the sketch
& then I became stumped.
You'll see I did the card 2 ways.
I originally used the tiny Basic Grey letters
& thought it blended way too much.
So, I removed them & used a rub-on.
Now that I'm seing the card a day later,
I think I like the yellow letters better?
I also think I should have
put the rub-on on white cardstock,
cut & raise using pop-dots.
But, it is what it is.

And today,
I might or might not
have spent $40.00 on bead supplies!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

amateur jewerly

Because this is my blog,
I'm entitled to post whatever I desire.
Regardless of how amateur
& disinterested the audience
might think or be:)
So, without further adeui,
here is what I've been doing lately!!
My oldest became interested
in jewerly making thanks to my sil.
So, being the obliging parent I am,
I went to the store
to well equip said dd with all the
necessary things to make jewerly.
Only, prob.................
I've been making more than her!!
Now, keep in mind this is very amateur.
We're not using anything expensive,
as we're learning & it's for us.
These first photos are a set
I made this weekend.
It goes with a shirt I bought at Target.
LOVE the pretty blue center bead.
This is a set I made for Ashlyn.
The colors are muted,
but very pretty together.

I made this bracelet to match
another shirt I have,
but it didnt' end up matching.

This is one of the first things I made,
as can be evidenced in my work.
I'm definitely learning as I go.
I really need to take both of these apart
& rework the mechanics on them.

I HAVE been scrapping too though.
I've done about 3 layouts over
the past 3- weeks,
& I currently have one on my desk.
My dd has been making pet collars w/her beads,
& trying to sell them in our pet store.
Our Macy has been sporting a rather pretty collar.
I think it would be wonderful
if her pet jewerly gained in popularity.
She's so excited by it & loves to make them.
Welp, off to figure out supper
& spend time w/the family.
I hope you're having a truly blessed Sunday!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

CPS 153 - Congratulations

our snow day didn't turn out so well!!
At least not in my area.
There are parts of the south
that got 2-5 inches of snow.
Areas that typically get NO snow,
so it was worth it for some people,
just not for us:(
So, I stayed indoors,
& attempted to scrap.
I did get a couple of layouts completed,
but will have to wait for more sunshine.
Here's a card I made using the CPS 153 sketch.
Did you see how many entries they've had this week?
OVER 300!!!
I'll probably be one of the few,
if only,
non-stamping cards submitted!!
You've been seeing these flowers
on some of my other projects,
& here's a link to a great tutorial
by Lollychops from January.
I did use some scallops scissors
to cut my circle.

I really was hoping to get more done today
& I guess I could stay up late to scrap?
But I probably won't.
Ashlyn went to work with daddy today
& I've missed her quite a bit,
so I'm anxious for her to get home!!
Hope you have a great weekend,
snow or not:)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Card Patterns 50 - spread your wings

Feelin' great yesterday.
Got everything done,
I needed to get done,
BEFORE 11:30 AM!!!
So, I got started
on the current Card Patterns 50.
Using some more K&Co Tim Coffey
& I misted w/some Tattered Angels,
though the paper really didn't need it.
I didn't plan it,
but I bought Sunflower & Patina,
which match perfectly w/this line.
When I was done,
I gathered the scraps,
plus scrap butterfly & flowers.
The flowers & butterflies are actually
part of a 12" sticker border.
I simply cut them apart
& layered them w/pop dots.
Anyway, made this one real quick.
Now on to some layouts.

Did you hear we're supposed to get SNOW?
Yep, weather man is calling for snow
in our neck of the woods.
They closed schools......
Crazy I know,
but down here if snow falls,
EVERYTHING closes down.
So fun!!!
I'm really hoping to scrap today,
but I'll have kiddos home,
plus potential snow on the ground:)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2S4U - Laura's Sketch 45

I've been feeling inspired a lot lately,
but not enough to get my butt in gear.
So 2-days ago I started working with
2S4U - Laura's Sketch 45.
While in TN, I did visit a scrapbook store
& purchased some of K&Co's new Tim Coffey line.
I'm really lovin' K&Co's new stuff.
I easily could have bought everything the store had,
but hubby wouldn't understand a 2nd mortgage:)
Anyway, here's my card using
Laura's 45 sketch at 2S4U.
Everything is K&Co,
except the Prima flower & lace trim.

I did help the girls with their
school Valentine's & they're really excited.
I'm always amazed at their sweet innocence
& don't ever want it to end.
We, meaning us here in Florida,
also MIGHT get some snow on Friday!!
Yep, we just MIGHT.
In fact, the school board is already
talking about closing the schools:)
I realize some of you are unindated
with the fluffy white stuff,
but down here, it's a mystical thing!!
Okay, that's all for now.
Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We're back from our Tennessee trip.
What a blast!!!
The girls got to experience the thrill of snow.
Everything, except it falling from the sky.
These photos were taken as soon
as we pulled up to the cabin.
They both scrambled out,
& immediately started throwing
snowballs at each other!!
Notice, us Floridians are too cool to wear snow gear:)
That didn't last long..........
believe me!!

I started this layout before I left
& finished it this morning.
Though the sun is out
& I tried to use sunlight from the window,
my flash kept going off.
So the picture isn't that great.
Just using some Pink Paislee Cupid
for my lsss, Scrap Happy.

Ashlyn has some friends over today
and they're playing Band Hero.
I'm gonna try to scrap some "snow" pictures.
Scrapping snow layouts is something
I've not had the pleasure of doing yet!!

Thanks for visiting!!

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