Saturday, March 29, 2008
Save 30%
Friday, March 28, 2008
And to prove to you I live on the edge.....................
not only is this my 2nd post for the night, but I managed to get this card done in record breaking time. Well, maybe not record-breaking time, but it dang sure didn't take 2-hours!!!
Another card using the current CPS #57 & scraps of paper, except the Kraft Bazzill. Even the butterfly is a small scrap of Basic Grey. Gosh I can be efficient sometimes. The punch was created with one of my new Fiskar border punches. I think this is one of my new favorite toys!
And YES, this is how I live on the edge!!! Sorta frightening..............isn't it!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The 2-Hour card.....................CPS #57
Here it 2-hour card!!! AKA....CPS #57!!!
Not much hu? Hard to believe it gave me such a hard time. I used CPS #57 as my guide & turned it. So, the arrow along the bottom is the "wavy" edge & the circle my "rectangle." I think the reason I had such a hard time is I started out making this card for my nephew, who will be 1 at the end of April. I usually just make my theme, no person, just a card & it flows. Being his 1st birthday, I wanted it simple, boyish & to go along with the CP sketch.
I think I have every sheet of these Scenic Route arrows & this is probably the 2nd one I've used. I so need to use more of them.
Anyway, it's done & I'm moving on to my March Label Tulip kit. My supplies are stacking again & I'm leaving for Disney on Sunday, which means no scrapping for me until Friday night, at the earliest!!! TF stopping by & have a great evening. I'm going to scrap a little more, while dh plays XBOX on the internet & sweet Ashlyn is asleep on the floor (we're letting her stay home tomorrow:)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Frustration at it's finest!!!!
Nothing............NADA...........ain't happenin'.................Mojo has left!!
I have spent the last 2 hours....................count them.......................2 HOURS on a CARD. A birthday card for my nephew that started out easy enough, but has gotten me nowhere in 2-hours. In fact, not only is it not finished, but I'm thinking I'll have to start over.
What a waste of a night!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Would someone please explain.................
I have serious OCD issues with Blogger messing up my typing. It always puts too many spaces between my paragraphs, OR it takes my space out.
Take the post below for took all the spaces out between my paragraphs. I have "edited" this post 4 x's, adding anywhere from 1-3 spaces in between each paragraph & it still will NOT add them.
Any clues would be much appreciated because it does this almost every single time I post & it's getting really old.
Because I like to save you money......................
Customers like you make us feel WARM on the inside. To thank you for helping Just Let Me Scrapbook get off to a SHINING start this Spring Season, we'd like to offer FREE SHIPPING on all U.S. online orders over $40 now through April 6th. Just use Coupon Code THANKS40 at checkout and we'll pay for your shipping.
Click ::HERE:: to start shopping now!
Your friends at Just Let Me Scrapbook!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Blessed Easter Weekend!!!
I'm happy to report I AM!!
I spent yesterday at Kohl's & Target & much to my suprise was able to find the cutest dresses for the girls. I got one at Kohl's & one at Target, but they are both black with white polka-dots. Camryn's has a pink ribbon across the front, so I paired Ashlyn's with a pink cardigan. I'll be sporting a black & white floral dress I've had paired w/some pink jewerly. We now need to find daddy a pink shirt. I got home & found out his has a stain, so back to the mall today!!
Otherwise, the girls are going to Oba & Ogi's (Japanese for grandma & grandpa) house & I'm hoping to work on my tan. I still need to clean the house for our Easter lunch tomorrow, but it's just my parents & the in-laws, so I'm not going to do Spring cleaning:)
I have more pictures printed just waiting for me to scrap & I'm hoping I can get that done too. I was lucky enough to find Fiskar's new scalloped edge punch. It's officially called "threading water," & it's my understanding each Target only got 1, so I'm soooooooooooooooooo glad I was able to snag this baby. Both my local Targets also revamped their scrapbook section AGAIN. This is actually something I love about them................they revamp often enough that product doesn't get stale. So, they are now sporting all new Making Memories 5th Avenue, & Garden Party along w/some of their other new lines, KI Memories paper packs, gel softies, felt alphas & ribbons, plus some other new stuff, but I can't remember. It was very overwhelming to see so much new stuff at one time, but I only walked away w/the Fiskar punches.
Boy, I hope I have enough time in this day to get everything done I want to get done, because the things I "need" to get done will get done first!!
Have a very Blessed Easter!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's unusual.........................
This layout has random photos from January 2006. I love doing layouts like this, especially when the photos were just captured for the moment & not necessarily to tell a storyline. I could go back & scrap some of the individual photos, but right now I'll move along to the next one:) You can't see it, but at the very bottom, I used some Heidi Swapp Ghost letters & stapled the word "January."
Our Easter plans have been set & now I just need to find the girls some Easter outfits. Will probably do that on Friday. They will also visit each set of grandparents to dye eggs, which means I'll get some more scrapping time, unless the weathers nice, then I'll work on my tan:)
Don't forget about the sale Just Let Me Scrapbook is having. See my post below for the Coupon Code. TF stopping by & good night!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hop on Over!!!!!
1) Save 30% off your ENTIRE order through March 23rd. Use Coupon Code HOPPIN30 in the comments section of check-out
2) Anytime you visit Just Let Me Scrapbook via my blog, receive a 15% discount by entering the code DT15. This code does not expire.
I hope you'll take advantage of these from time-to-time.
Monday, March 17, 2008
CPS #56 & Sketch This Cards #44 & Sketch This #46
More pictures from my trip to Ashland, IL. This is my dad's hometown & where I used to visit my grandparents. Our last trip was in 2006 for my grandfather's funeral & these photos document parts of the town that are meaningful to me & my family.
This is actually using Sketch This Cards sketch #44. I started with the Jenni Bowlin "Lucky" card & was going to hang it by a ribbon & then decided to put it on a layout instead, so it's a layout instead. I love how it turned out & the colors are so Springy.
These are just 3 of my nieces. I have 3 more:) These photos were also taken on my same Ashland, IL trip in 2006. I went to my sister's in KS & we drove over together. I couldn't get the layout to scan very well because the American Crafts felt w/bird is dimensional, so the colors are wacky. For this layout, I used Sketch This's #46 sketch & turned it. I will say I'm not a fan of the Daisy Ds runner rub-ons.......I have about 4 of them & can't get any of them to work consistently or very well. I used one for the butterfly trail & it quit on me 1/2 way through.
Not sure I'll get much else done this week. Usually after Mondays I don't, but I will have some time on Friday.................maybe then?
Are you ready for Easter? I'm not. I just realized yesterday I haven't even gotten Easter outfits for the girls or myself. That's what I'll be doing on Friday & we might do some furniture shopping tomorrow. Seems a local store is moving & they want to get rid of some stuff so they don't have to move it!! Hoping to find some things we've been needing.
Hope you have a great week!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
This project is my favorite of the 3.........I used a Making Memories brad packaging & will hang it from a present as a gift tag. I saved this because the inside of the packaging is black w/blue polka-dots. Because the other side has all the Making Memories stuff on it, I covered it w/the red Daisy Ds paper. I'll add the recipient's name on the front & it'll be good to go!!
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
9 Words Women Use......................+ new stuff!!
1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says "Thanks a lot" - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say "you're welcome" . that will bring on a "whatever" ).
(8) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying UP YOURS!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to # 3.
William is out-of-town & I always have a hard time sleeping when he's not here, so tonight I'm scrapping. I wish I could say I got more done, but it's past 1:00 AM & I really should get some sleep. Camryn has never been one to sleep-in!! Not much to say about these 2, except I didn't use any sketches.
I'm also spending too much money on scrapping supplies. I think me's forgotten about my New Years resolution (note to self: go back & read them:). I still have a few kits I haven't touched, yet I've already ordered some add-ons to a couple of new kits I'll be getting....................what am I thinking? I also made a few purchases at Michael's & Hobby Lobby yesterday & can't wait to use those supplies. Feeling a little overwhelmed is a tad bit of an "understatement." I really do need therapy.............I really do!!
And with that, I bid you "Good Morning!!"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
St. Patrick's Day Scrapbooking Coupon
Here's a chance to save 17% off your entire order. Just use Coupon Code Lucky17 at
Monday, March 10, 2008
Pencil Lines #74
Aside from competitions, I did manage to get 2 layouts completed................all in the same day. Then, just like that................................GONE!! Adios amigos..................Mr. Mojo headed way south, not to return anytime soon.
This first layout is using the Pencil Lines #74 sketch, modified to suit me, of course. This photo was taken by me & is a picture of the teachers that instruct dance at the dance studio. What a beautiful bunch of girls!!
This 2nd layout is some pictures I took last week. The weather has been somewhat crazy around here, but we've had some really gorgeous days & these are reminders that Spring is truly around the corner. Love all the bright, fun colors in this one, not to mention the new Daquiri Vinyl Thickers!!
Not too much else to report, but I'll leave you with a few more random thoughts:
1) My sister went back to work 2 weeks ago & I miss her terribly:( We used to talk daily.
2) I love Edemama's
3) With age, I lose memory
4) 19 days til we leave for Disney
5) I don't wear lipstick
Hi Julie & goodnight!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
7Gypsies ATC holder...............FINISHED!!!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Random Thoughts.
2) Camryn has been running a fever since Monday morning. Just when I think it's not going to come back, it does.....poor girlie.
3) I have 3 scrapbook kits stacked on my desk just waiting to be played with.............I hear them calling me at night whilst I try to sleep.
4) I love bacon & could it eat all day long.
5) I'm tired of working on my 7Gypsies birthday holder & I'm finally finished..................YIPPEE!!! Will post pictures later tomorrow.
6) I really need to find a place that sells Scrappy Glue. If you've never used this type of's DA BOMB!!! Seriously...........a little dable do ya.............seriously!!!!
7) Only 24 more days til we leave for Disney!!!
8) I never thought I'd say I enjoy wearing & using Mary Kay make-up, but, let me say it..."I enjoy it!!"
9) Yesterday I ordered 3 bathing suits for this summer. Now I'm stressed about getting in shape to wear them:)
10) I need to quit staying up so late at night.
Thus ends my random thoughts, now back to my regularly scheduled life!!
New Projects!!
In the meantime, here are a few new projects I've completed for Just Let Me Scrapbook. Some I like, some not so much & most using some of the new American Crafts. Most of these projects are using some of the same papers, but I have TONS more to use & hoping to do so soon.
I love this card & it took me forever. Since I took this picture, I have added the word "teacher" across the top of the journaling card. I'll be passing this one onto Ashlyn's teacher this year.
This layout was inspired by one I found in an on-line gallery. A day after I got the idea, I went back to the gallery to get the User ID & the layout was gone. I've since searched every on-line gallery I browse, which is only 3 & still can't find it. If anyone finds this layout vaguely familiar, please lmk...I'd love to give the proper credit.
The word "reminders" & numbers are using the new Vinyl AC letters. I bought them in every color!!
The patterned paper base, for this card, is the new Pink Paislee papers. Love them & Just Let Me Scrapbook has them on order. The stamp is by Inque Boutique & after stamping, I used Carolee's Creations Glitter stuff to color over them. Though I like this card, I think I'm going to recreate & use just the black.
I love this picture of 2 of my brothers (yes I have 3:). I did use Sketch This 45, but not sure I liked how my layout turned out. Definitely one I could totally redo?
This is probably my favorite of all my latest projects. All new AC papers here, in fact, I used 3 different ones. I hand-cut the butterflies from one & will cut the rest for more projects. Maya Road velvet flowers & more Vinyl letters.
That's all for now & I'll hopefully be posting my 7Gypsies holder soon. Thanks for stopping by & don't forget about the 30% sale at Just Let Me Scrapbook. Just use Coupon Code "Dawne Ivey" & get 30% off your entire order through March 16th!!