
Monday, November 5, 2007

The Cider Mill and stuff.

So much has gone on that I haven't blogged about while our computer has been broken. First, I had a birthday! Happy Birthday to me. I am now 27 years old. My youngest sister tells me that 27 is half of 54 which is half of 108, so I am almost 108 years old. No wonder I am so tired! David surprised me for my birthday with a visit from my sister Caralee and her husband, Seth, and daughter, Sydney. It was so fun! I think, with all the excitement of a new place, I sort of forgot how much I missed them until she came. Their picture is on this collage. We are all at a local cider mill. We got to go on a tour there for our play group two weeks ago. It was so awesome. They cider mill is 111 years old and they have been making their cider the same way for those 111 years. We were really heart broken to hear that the cider mill burned down two days later! We were actually the last tour they held there. I really really hope they rebuild! The little girl on the third row of these pictures is Annie. Gracie LOVES Annie. She is always so excited to go to church where she can play with Annie. The other people in the pictures are others in our play group. We all really had a great time!


Recovery Guru said...

I still can't believe that it burned down two days after we went there....yeah weird! It was such a fun place to go, I hope that they rebuild it too!

Robin Keith said...

How sad it that?
I love the new post. It was great. Did you get a new monitor? Is David a doctor yet?
So glad you got Halloween out of the picture. How is the new kitchen?
did the coat ever get to Cleveland?
Did you get your blanket?
I am busy sewing the ones for christmas right now!
Hang in there...T Day is soon.
Love, Grandma

jfrontone said...

A Happy Belated Birthday to Julie.
Sorry we missed your special day.Will mark it on the calendar and make sure next year we remember.
Love you all and miss you
Grandma Ro and Grandpa Jack