Benjamin Brian Dayton

So...basically I'm the worst blogger ever these days, but just to update at least one of the major life events since I last posted, we had a baby!!! (3 months ago...haha!)


Born on 2/18/14 @ 12:04pm

8lbs, 6oz

20.5 inches long

 1 Week Old:
6 Weeks Old:
Yeah...he's an awesome cuddler!
And a BIG smiler!
 Pretty much the perfect baby.
 2 Months Old:
Now - 3 Months old!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this smiley-faced boy.


Marin said…
WOW what a CUTIE!!! What a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!!! I love your family shot on the side of your blog!!! Congrats!! Wow I still can't believe you have FOUR NOW!!!
Sara Waldron said…
Oh my gosh- he is too dang cute! Can't wait to hold him and see him and everyone else next month!
Adam and Lisa said…
OH, he is so precious!!! He looks like a total masculine version of Kyla!
Congrats!! He is adorable! I can't believe you already have 4 kids :) I hope you guys are loving your new area and enjoying life. You have such a cute family!