
Fall 2015 Update!

We are still living in Montana & we will be here for the next couple of years, then we'll be off to wherever the Air Force sends us next!  Here's a great picture from a couple weeks ago, and YES! They dress like this every BYU football game day! Taylor is 7, Kyla is 5, Lilia is 3, and Benjamin is 18 months. AND.... Baby #5 is due on November 25!    This has been a higher-risk and difficult pregnancy for me, so I will be so glad when she is safely here! Hopefully she stays safely inside for another 7-8 weeks!  31 weeks tomorrow :)  Also, this guy has been gone for little trips or trainings way too much recently, but he's basically been a super hero - working long hours and doing a ton extra for our little family while I've been on partial bed rest: Yep... He even makes green smoothies for us periodically, I think I've finally converted him!  I sure love this handsome guy!!!

Benjamin Brian Dayton

So...basically I'm the worst blogger ever these days, but just to update at least one of the major life events since I last posted, we had a baby!!! (3 months ago...haha!) Introducing... BENJAMIN BRIAN DAYTON Born on 2/18/14 @ 12:04pm 8lbs, 6oz 20.5 inches long  1 Week Old: 6 Weeks Old: Yeah...he's an awesome cuddler! And a BIG smiler!  Pretty much the perfect baby.  2 Months Old: Now - 3 Months old! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this smiley-faced boy.

Dance Class!

A few weeks ago I started teaching dance classes on base! Kyla is in one of my classes! :)  

It's a Boy!

21 weeks: Our baby BOY!!! We are so excited to have another little one join our family in February! Taylor is especially excited for a little brother!

Havre, MT

We headed north a couple of Saturdays ago to visit Havre, MT.  There was a parade, a farmer's market, a quilting competition, a BBQ competition, and a few other fun things going on. The Parade: It started about 45 minutes we played while we waited a while :) There were about 6 of these ENORMOUS farming vehicles - I've never seen anything like them before...they were crazy big! Cuddles!!! Besides getting really good candy - Montana parades have so far been awesome in the parade candy department - one float was handing out Schwann's icecream - YUM!!! Pork on a stick :) Tay sharing with Ky: We ate lunch at the place with the 'best burgers in town' - so basically, it was good, but wasn't super impressive, haha! D entertaining Ky:

Tay's Surgery

Last Wednesday, Taylor finally had surgery to fix his hernia. He was so nervous before, but then on the way home decided that it was fun because he got food and a stuffed animal. :) That first day he was sore & tired, but now he feels great and I just have to work to keep him from running around too much for a couple of weeks!   Waiting Room: Getting ready to go back: Recovering: Ready to head home: Ice-cream on the way: A card & present from grandma :) I'm glad that it's over with!!! Even minor surgery always makes me nervous!

17 Weeks & Silly Tay

Dayton Baby #4 is starting to create a nice baby bump: Taylor got a haircut yesterday - Air Force style :) I already miss his messy long hair!  I couldn't get him to take even one normal picture, silly boy!